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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. How are they unstable? Got some data on that?
  2. So the Thai strangers that have helped me before, what "circle" do they belong in?
  3. Hope so, cos he was obviously talking utter rubbish. But that is this place all over, anyone looks slightly different in a news story and the boomers come out to whine about made-up <deleted>e in their home countries.
  4. Then fine them. What people are questioning in the current media outrage cycle of "look a foreigner is doing something wrong". When you get millions visiting, some are gonna be idiots, there are laws in place to deal with them.
  5. has anyone put the other AseanNow chestnut yet, "Another quality tourist"? They should do an official AseanNow bingo card
  6. Put together a crack team of AseanNow detectives, and get back to us all on your findings 🙂
  7. If you get caught drunk driving, you should be banned from driving, heavily fined or jailed. None of this probation bs, there needs to be serious fines and jail time. Time they got serious about it, but yeah, I know TIT
  8. They really do love the sensationalist headlines on this forum, gets the boomers all frothed up
  9. Comic books don't have text in them, and wait till you find out how popular comic books are in the west
  10. I like that we have some research that shows that Thai read, cos you know, they are normal people. but the old boomers on here know better, cos their feel feels tell them different.
  11. OP is shocked that out of millions of tourists that visit, some of them can be a$$holes
  12. Yay, more condos! Just what we need. How about a large recreational area for everyone to enjoy, and not just more <deleted>e for rich people.
  13. gp back to bed, grandad, no one cares what the bible says, especially in a Buddhist country.
  14. don't you spend all day getting outraged on here?
  15. Looking forward to the schadenfreude when the "deport" crowd like yourself get deported for some minor infraction 🙂
  16. Didn't know women were to be "provided" by society, last time I looked they were free to be with who they wanted
  17. Pedestrianize the area and provide good public transportation.... I know, I know, dream on
  18. Old dudes on Aseannow must have some out-group to moan and whine about. Russian = like every other country in the world, some are <deleted>, some are not...
  19. Nice, get vaccinated 🙂
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