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Posts posted by PremiumLane

  1. 6 hours ago, Rally123 said:

    You sure are. His girlfriend, the one he killed, stated on more than one of her videos that she was scared to death of him and feared for her life. Hence why she broke up with him a number of times. You need to watch her videos on Youtube. All will become clear about Danny (amazing) Glass. A tosser to the end.

    The c**t never even attended the funeral of the girlfriend and child he killed. And he didn't take long to get over the alleged accident and getting some American bint to replace her.

    he may be a c**t, still no proof that he murdered her through

  2. 1 hour ago, happy chappie said:

    Maybe the accused is thinking If I hide under my tshirt maybe they will all go away.pathetic mentality.same as why they have super black windows in their cars.when I drive like an idiot they won't see it's me.save face,hide face all the same thinking.

    ehh no, it is because the cops were stopped from parading people in front of the media and showing their faces before a trail - you know, innocent before guilty stuff. 


    But as the big wig cops still love their photos ops, they probably told him to pull his shirt over his head to hide his face. And where you got the connection of that to car windows is anyone's guess.

  3. 1 hour ago, colinneil said:

    What evidence?

    What a load of nonsense.

    My generation acted up as children, got a good slap, never did us any harm.

    I have never been involved in violence in my life, so your thinking is flawed.

    There is plenty of evidence out there, not my fault you can't be bothered to educate yourself about it.

    And nice strawman, I didn't say all kids who get slapped will become violent, but there is a ton of evidence that shows it has an effect on behaviour

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  4. 3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Lethal water pistols, dartboards, connect 4.......what's next on the RTP hit list. Tiddlywinks and pick-up-sticks?

    I am sure this "misunderstanding" can be sorted with an appropriate donation to the Policeman's Ball. 

    As must as I think this arrest is utter stupidity, you do know they haven't gone after Connect 4 players, that was an April Fools

  5. 18 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    Shhhh!  You're asking to be handbagged by a trans woman wearing a wig and six-o'clock shadow.


    Don't you realise that gender, unlike one's biological sex, is entirely a social construct? Despite what's between your legs you can be any of more than 70 different genders you choose, just by deciding that's what you are. Oh, and change your mind later, and adopt a new gender identity whenever you feel like it.


    Honest. I kid you not.


    Welcome to the brave new world of the trans human, being ushered in with almost indecent speed by "progressive" Western governments like those in the US, Canada and the UK, with the backing of Silicon Valley, Big Pharma and billionaire "philanthropists" such as dear old George Soros and a burly former four-star US general who decided in his fifties that he was actually a woman.


    I assume George must still have a few shekels left over after throwing a fortune at trying to reverse our Brexit referendum result!


    Back the old days, when boys were boys, girls were girls and most us were happy with this traditional arrangement, folk who felt they had been born the "wrong" sex and wanted to change were diagnosed with a psychological disorder known as gender dysphoria. 


    Now we're being told that the people who really need professional help are those of us who find the idea of changing your gender as easily as your socks a bit hard to swallow.


    Ah, well - that's progress for you.


    Now, where's that old frock I forgot to throw out after my last girlfriend did a runner? If you can't beat 'em. . . 

    Also in this modern age, people who are woefully ignorant of a subject get to voice their stupidity - swings and roundabouts I suppose

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  6. 14 minutes ago, eggers said:

    No mention of Fire Alarm system Or Sprinkler system, presume neither in existence or not operational;guess not unusual for a BKK  apartment block!

    Yet, another aspect of community safety that is ignored by all responsible bodies & successive Gov'ts!!

    Life's cheap!! 

    just put that there, from another poster:  1992 Building Control Act subjected housing to strict fire prevention and safety measures.


    This building was built before that came into act, so community safety is an issue now

  7. 8 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    Please validate your comment re 'scientific  studies'.

    Try doing a Google search, on Google Scholar, there are a lot of studies out there.


    Very good video online about the science, look up 'Some People Just Don’t Get the MSG' by Myles Power 



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