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Posts posted by Superlight

  1. 8 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

    Perhaps their wives and kids who depend on them do? The income requirement for a UK expat is now 7-8 times the minimum wage here. Fall below this, and you're a desparado? I'll never understand the apologists...

    It's the expats who have taken a Thai wife accepted her children, provided them with house and home and put the children through school and Uni, at the end of the road you're probably pushing desperado.

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  2. Another tragedy....Having been with the same Thai woman 10 years, bought and built the family home sent her daughters to school and Uni. Two weeks ago I discover she mortgaged the house for 680,000. Tbt.  OK the house was for her and the girls, had it just been her I would have packed and left. What enrages me is that she was quite willing to gamble and waste the girls home. The girls are shocked, the eldest feels she should support her mother as a duty, no.2 is hoping I will stay by the girls and no.3 refuses to talk to her mother. Having known the girls for 8 years I will work with them, last week she suggested divorce.....old birds and chaff...a divorce would split my bank account, very neat. So it's back to LOS in a couple of weeks and some fancy footwork.

    And lessons learned, when fighting from an indefensible stance women will use any weapon, and that invariably includes their children.

    For what it's worth, and from experience....the world is full of beautiful women...if you fall get up dust yourself off and move forward.

    Chok dee lads.

  3. On 4/30/2018 at 9:55 AM, midas said:

    " Caveat emptor "


    Yes indeed! Particularly when it comes to insurance companies:bah:

    Exactly, I once upset the CEO of a large reinsurance company who was extolling the virtues of insurance.

    Having let him finish I rounded up with, "Frank insurance companies are the same as bookies, offering odds against; the only difference is Bookies honour the bet, insurance companies want to argue about it".....( and when the argument is looking thin they call in loss adjusters...who incidentally get 20% of what they save the company) should this happen to you get a claims adjuster......who ramps up the calim in your favour..


    But as the man wisely said "Caveat Emptor"

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