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Posts posted by aerozeppelin

  1. 4 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

    Stop blaming others is what I say. The guy killed himself, easy way out, can't face your problems then take the cowards way out.


    In my small village back in Blighty we have a small church. In it is a small graveyard. Two or three graves are put right at the bottom of the cemetry and the names on the graves are not carved. I asked the vicar why and he said those people commited suicide. "The cowards way out" he said.

    A 15 year old commits suicide and you think he is a coward and should face his problems? This is a child we are talking about not a rational, mental stable adult.

  2. Look again. The smiling guy behind the body is pointing.

    Sorry for the poor bloke - he even took the precaution of wearing a life jacket but obviously something went wrong.

    And once again, a huge thumbs down to the Pattaya One newspaper tabloid rag that insists on showing photos of the poor deceased. I don't care if they're blurred out or not, it's totally unnecessary and shows no respect whatsoever.

    And in this one the Sea Rescue blokes are squatting around the deceased as though they'd been deep sea fishing and the corpse was a trophy.

    Absolutely no class whatsoever.

    Disgusting isn't it ? I'm surprised no one's pointing.

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