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Posts posted by Caca4u

  1. Read well. I was banging a married thai women. Her thai husband works a lot and used to travel all the time. The other one had another bf in singapore and the other used to ask for money for sex on wechat and had a thai cop as bf. This later one after I found out she had a cop bf I finished real quick because he didnt know of her p4p activities. The married thai whore I banged for almost 8 months. They are all whores. Money hungry and have no loyalty. Only dumb forigners marry a thai

  2. Sometime ago I there was a report thais are the second bigest cheaters in the world after some african country.

    I had 3 gfs who had other relationships when we were dating and having sex, 1 was married to a thai.

    When I moved here I also thought they were the best, years on and after dating many I can assure you they are not. They have a very different mentality than us westeners. Today I would never marry a thai women. I dont know how long the Op has been living here but u will realize soon or later

  3. I wired money out of thailand 2 months ago at the head office of bkk bank.

    The wire transfer dept started asking me all kinds of questions.

    I wired about 2 million out of here.

    First thing she asked me when I gave her my passbook was "do you have a work permit?" And why there are some cash deposits of 20 and 30 thousand baht.

    When I wired the money here they didnt ask for a work permit.

    They didnt want to do it inicially so I just blew a fuse because the money came from overseas.

    She went to my account history and saw the wire transfers into thailand last year and approved the transfer back out of here.

    I couldnt believe these aholes didnt want to transfer MY MONEY out.

    It was not a pleasureble experience.

    I think every country should treat thais who live overseas the way they treat foreigners here.

  4. I never understand why a place like Ao Nang doesnt attract more tourists. It is much prettier than Phuket.

    I have been to Phuket only once, Ao Nang 7 times. I had a gf there and once I asked her why isnt Ao Nang another Phuket.

    She told me because most of the people are muslims and the rain reason is lenghier than phuket or samui. She put more emphasis on the muslim issue.

    Last few times I was there I noticed the thai muslims are not as friendly and they care even less about making customers happy. "People make the place". I would invest in the Kao Lak area instead of Krabi.

  5. Agree 100% w the poster above. For a entrepenour whom wants to start a business thailand sucks.

    I hear taiwan gives investors visas w only 7k usd investments. I also only like to live in big cities.

    If money was not an issue I would go to HK. Simgapore is just too hot all year.

    I am planning to go see taipei, I hear it has cool weather, excellent infrastructure and easy visa requirements to get a residency. Just a bit more expensive than BKK but the quality of life is 1st world

  6. Foreigners are not targeted at all. They will check your bag if you stop and open it. Most foreigners stop because they feel the gaurd is there to check them.

    Try looking at another direction next time and ignore them, you will not be bothered. I do it all the time.

  7. If she is the typical uneducated isaan girl you are limited to fruit selling or some other small trade business.

    If you are in this forum asking members for advice on what business you should start for your wife than it is safe to assume she is jobless and most likely does not have any business experience or provably an education.

    I would suggest selling fruits or some other low skill activity.

    Hopefully you are not another dumb foreigner who will build a hotel or some other business that take a large investment and give to the village wife ro run.

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