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Social Media

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Everything posted by Social Media

  1. The Queen leaves Balmoral for the final time and we get first view of her coffin.
  2. The Queen has begun her final journey from Balmoral. The Queens coffin seen for the first time.
  3. A great story told of the Queen and her sense of humour.
  4. A constant throughout my whole life, Christmas Day somehow will never be quite the same without her speech. RIP Ma'am.
  5. Piers Morgan on Queen Elizabeths passing. "A little piece of us all died with her"
  6. Not a big fan of his usually but this is actually spot on !
  7. I always think its a crying shame like putting cheap stickers on a Ferrari !
  8. Alot of girls have tatoo's these days but where do you draw the line ? Would it put you off ?
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