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  1. On Memorial Day, President Joe Biden delivered a heartfelt speech at Arlington National Cemetery, paying tribute to the members of the armed forces who sacrificed their lives for the nation. His words resonated deeply with the audience, reflecting on the profound loss experienced by the families of the fallen and drawing a personal connection to his late son, Beau Biden. “We gather at this sacred place at this solemn moment to remember and to honor the sacrifice of the hundreds of thousands of women and men who have given their lives to this nation,” Biden began. “Each one, literally, a link in the chain of honor stretching back to our founding days, each one bound by a common commitment not to a place, not to a person, not to a president, but to an idea unlike any idea in human history: the idea of the United States of America.” Biden's speech was not only a tribute to the nation's fallen heroes but also a personal remembrance of his son, Beau, who passed away in 2015 from brain cancer. The President has often connected Beau's illness to his exposure to toxic chemicals during his military service in Iraq. Addressing the families of other fallen veterans, Biden acknowledged the enduring pain of their losses. “I know it hurts,” Biden said, his voice heavy with emotion. “The hurt is still real. Still raw. This week marks nine years since I lost my son Beau. The pain of his loss is with me every day, as it is with you. Still sharp. Still clear. But so is the pride I feel in his service. As if I can still hear him saying, ‘It’s my duty, Dad. It’s my duty.’” Joining Biden at the solemn event were First Lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. CQ Brown Jr. The presence of these dignitaries underscored the significance of the occasion and the collective respect for the sacrifices made by the nation's servicemen and women. Biden used the platform to highlight his administration's commitment to veterans, emphasizing the legislative efforts made to support service members and their families. “Since I took office, I’ve signed over 30 bipartisan laws supporting servicemen, veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors,” he stated. “Last year, the VA delivered more benefits and processed more claims than ever in our history.” The President reiterated the nation's sacred obligation to its military members. “We have many obligations as a nation,” he continued, “but we only have one truly sacred obligation: to prepare those we send to battle and to take care of their families when they come home, and when they don’t.” The contrast between Biden's somber and unifying message and the tone of his political rival, former President Donald Trump, was stark. Shortly after posting a graphic honoring the fallen on Truth Social, Trump launched a tirade against Biden and the judges overseeing his legal cases, referring to those who oppose him as “human scum.” Credit: The Hill 2024-05-29 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  2. Antarctica, once reserved for explorers and scientists, is now opening up to adventurous tourists seeking unparalleled experiences. From the opportunity to sleep out on the ice to exploring the sub-Antarctic waters in a mini-submarine, this remote destination offers outlandish activities that few get to experience. When the chance to camp on the seventh continent arises, it’s an opportunity that’s hard to pass up. When I was offered the chance to join a camping trip on the ice, I accepted without hesitation. Despite having only 90 minutes to prepare, pack, layer up, and eat my final meal—since no food was allowed at the pristine tent site—I was eager for the adventure. Out of the 335 passengers aboard Hurtigruten’s Fridtjof Nansen, only 30 had the opportunity to camp in Antarctica. These coveted spots were allocated by secret ballot, with invitations slid under the cabin doors of the fortunate few. Though I didn’t initially receive a ticket, I remained undeterred and attended the briefing out of curiosity. In Antarctica, the unpredictable nature of the environment means that itineraries are often uncertain and subject to change. Activities were announced only the night before, maintaining an air of mystery. After a two-day voyage from Ushuaia, Argentina, our schedule simply read: Five days, Antarctica. We knew that some of us would have the chance to go kayaking and snowshoeing, elective activities ranging from $80 to $900. Even after being selected by ballot, there was no guarantee these excursions would happen, as evidenced by the cancellation of the much-anticipated “Amundsen Night” on the previous sailing due to a sudden blizzard in Paradise Bay. Each activity required a comprehensive briefing, and attendance was mandatory. Even those who had been seasick had to attend the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) briefing and biosecurity inspection to be allowed on the ice. This strict protocol ensured the preservation of Antarctica’s pristine environment. The unexpected call to my cabin came from Paul, the ship’s expedition leader. “There has been a dropout,” he informed me. “It says here you were at the briefing. There’s a space if you’re up for it. We leave at 8.30.” With little time to think, I quickly prepared and joined the other campers in an inflatable dinghy, heading towards the ice with 15 red two-person tents. I was paired with Todd, a retired lecturer from Texas with a wealth of stories about his adventures in Yellowstone and Yosemite. Despite his extensive experience, like the rest of us, Todd had never spent a night on Antarctica nor used a snow anchor. Setting up the tents on the ice was a far cry from the controlled environment of the carpeted meeting room on the Fridtjof Nansen. Under the guidance of experienced expedition leaders, we began the task of setting up our tents on the ice. The process involved digging into the snow to secure the tents with snow anchors—a new skill for most of us. Once the tents were up, we arranged two layers of ground insulation and thick down sleeping bags, ready for the frigid night ahead. As the temperature dropped to around -6°C, it became difficult to discern when sundown had occurred, as the sun hovered just below the horizon, casting a perpetual twilight. It wasn’t until the Nansen sailed around the cove and out of sight that it truly felt like night had fallen on Antarctica. We were left in near silence, with only the ethereal sounds of breaking ice, the wind blowing snow, and the occasional snore from fellow campers punctuating the stillness. Camping in Antarctica comes with unique challenges and strict regulations to preserve its pristine environment. One of the less glamorous aspects is managing human waste. The Antarctic Treaty stipulates that no waste, including human waste, can be left behind. We were provided with buckets in a snow dugout to collect and bring back all waste, ensuring we left no trace. Additionally, no food or cooking stoves are allowed onshore, adhering to treaty regulations aimed at minimizing human impact. Only emergency rations were permitted, emphasizing the self-sufficiency required for such an expedition. The Antarctic summer provided around 16 hours of daylight, with twilight persisting through the night, adding to the surreal experience. Despite the cold and the stringent regulations, the experience was nothing short of magical. The landscape was otherworldly, with vast expanses of ice stretching in every direction, and the sheer silence of the environment was awe-inspiring. The sense of isolation and the pristine beauty of the surroundings were profound, making every moment feel like a privilege. Sharing this experience with fellow adventurers like Todd, who brought stories and laughter to the camp, added a communal spirit to the expedition. We were all aware of the rarity of our adventure, each of us savoring the opportunity to be part of something so extraordinary. As dawn approached and the Nansen returned to retrieve us, there was a shared sense of accomplishment and reverence among the campers. The experience of camping in Antarctica is not just about enduring the cold or the challenges but about connecting with a place so few have seen. It’s about understanding the fragility of this environment and the importance of preserving it for future generations. Antarctica’s allure lies in its untouched wilderness and the extreme conditions that make any activity there unpredictable and unique. For those who get the chance to camp on its ice, it’s an adventure that leaves an indelible mark, a story of resilience and respect for one of the last great wildernesses on Earth. Credit: NZ Herald 2024-05-29 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  3. Candidate for the upcoming European elections Marion Marechal, of the far-right Reconquete party, poses before a debate with other party leaders, Monday, May 27, 2024 in Paris. The European Elections will take place on June 9 in France. As the European Union prepares for its upcoming elections, many European citizens find themselves inundated with messages urging them to vote. These messages emphasize the importance of participating in the democratic process with the warning that if you don’t vote, “others will decide for you.” While my rational side agrees with this sentiment, urging me to do my part for democracy, my heart is not in it this time. As a brown, Muslim European who has always hoped for the success of the EU project, I find myself increasingly terrified by the growing influence and power of far-right politicians who are unabashedly racist, xenophobic, and Islamophobic. The rise of far-right ideologies within and outside government poses a significant threat to the values I hold dear. These politicians’ vision for Europe is inherently hostile not only to Muslims but also to women, Jews, and LGBTQ+ individuals, despite what they might publicly claim. The increasing normalization of their views within the political landscape is deeply concerning and signals a bleak future for progressive Europeans, particularly for racial and ethnic minorities. The fear is not unfounded. Evidence of pervasive and relentless racism across Europe is visible, with Islamophobia and antisemitism on the rise, exacerbated by conflicts such as the Israel-Gaza war. The far-right’s anticipated gains in power will likely worsen this situation, especially as the EU’s anti-racism action plan loses momentum. The corrosion of European democracy from within, fueled by racism, discrimination, and xenophobia, creates societal divisions and political polarization. However, these critical issues are rarely discussed in the predominantly white corridors of Brussels. Compounding the problem is the fact that center-right and liberal politicians have often embraced, openly or tacitly, the extremists’ political agenda. This is evident in the EU’s new migration and asylum pact and the European People’s Party’s Rwanda-style plans for sending refugees and migrants to third countries. These policies reflect a toxic worldview that further alienates and marginalizes racial and ethnic minorities. Recent actions by EU governments, such as clamping down on freedom of speech and the right to peaceful assembly for those opposing the Israeli offensive in Gaza, have prompted warnings from Amnesty International. The European Commission’s invitation to Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz—whose statements on Palestinians have been cited at the International Court of Justice as evidence of genocidal intent—highlights the extent to which extremist views have infiltrated EU institutions. The trajectory of European politics towards far-right territory was starkly illustrated by the formation of the new Dutch coalition led by Geert Wilders. Wilders, known for his anti-Muslim rhetoric, threatens to close down mosques and ban the Qur’an and hijab. Such developments are alarming for Muslims and other minorities in Europe, and they underscore the need for a robust response from progressive forces. There is some hope in the promises to construct a “cordon sanitaire” around newly elected far-right Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). However, only the left has made clear commitments to tackling systemic racism. There is a pressing need for EU institutions to become more racially diverse and inclusive and to decolonize Eurocentric trade, aid, and foreign policies. Ignoring these issues perpetuates the disconnect between predominantly white EU institutions and the reality of a vibrant, diverse, and multicultural Europe. Representation alone does not guarantee racial justice. Some of Europe’s most hardline anti-immigration politicians are not white. For instance, Geert Wilders has Indonesian ancestry, and his coalition partner, Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius, leader of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, is a former child refugee from Turkey. Nevertheless, Black and brown members make up only about 3% of the current European Parliament, reflecting political parties’ reluctance to include people of color on their lists for the European elections. This lack of representation undermines the legitimacy of EU institutions and perpetuates a vicious cycle of exclusion. For European Muslims, dealing with the EU is a special challenge. The Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organisations (Femyso), which brings together young people from across Europe, has struggled to engage with the EU. Despite repeated requests, they have yet to secure a bilateral meeting with the European Commission’s new coordinator for combating anti-Muslim hatred. Furthermore, a meeting with the EU Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, in 2021 was criticized by the French government over unfounded allegations of Femyso’s links with the Muslim Brotherhood, a charge the organization strongly denies. Despite the challenges, many Black and brown Europeans, as well as members of Femyso and Diaspora Vote, remain enthusiastic about voting in the elections. They see it as their duty and responsibility to participate in the democratic process and to be part of the conversation about Europe’s future. Their commitment and passion are far more compelling than the bland platitudes of EU policymakers and politicians about the importance of voting. As the EU elections approach, the stakes for brown, Muslim Europeans—and indeed all progressive Europeans—are higher than ever. The rise of the far right and the pervasive racism and xenophobia within EU institutions pose a significant threat to the values of diversity, inclusion, and justice. It is a time of deep personal anxiety, but also a time to stand up and be counted. By voting and actively participating in the democratic process, we can push back against the forces of intolerance and hate and work towards a more inclusive and equitable Europe. Shada Islam, a Brussels-based commentator on EU affairs Credit: The Guardian 2024-05-29 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  4. As the Leader of the Opposition, Sir Keir Starmer faces a significant credibility issue. Standing before a rostrum emblazoned with the word "change," Starmer formally launched his party's election campaign in Sussex. His speech, filled with modern political tropes such as family history, first jobs, and personal passions, aimed to address critical election issues like security, defense, and economic stability. However, Starmer's history within Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet casts a long shadow over his current declarations, raising questions about his ability to lead the Labour Party away from its recent past. Starmer's challenge lies in his association with Jeremy Corbyn, whose leadership was marked by policies and positions that many believe jeopardized national security, defense, and economic stability. Starmer's recent self-identification as a "Socialist" only intensifies scrutiny, especially since he served under Corbyn throughout most of his tenure, except during the attempted post-Brexit coup. Unlike senior colleagues such as Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves, and Wes Streeting, who chose not to serve under Corbyn, Starmer supported him, making it difficult for him to convincingly claim that he has fundamentally changed the Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn, now expelled from the Labour Party and standing as an independent in Islington North, led the party through the 2017 and 2019 elections. During this time, Starmer was a key figure maneuvering to keep the UK in the EU. The Labour manifestos of those years reflected Corbyn's left-wing ideology, proposing the renationalization of energy and railways, wage caps on businesses, the removal of immigration controls, attacks on private education, the introduction of rent controls, the freezing of rail fares, the abolition of university tuition fees, and measures that would render Britain's nuclear deterrent nearly ineffective. Starmer insists that Labour has moved away from Corbyn's radical policies. Yet, many of these policies remain familiar, albeit in a more moderated form. His attempt to rebrand Labour and reassure voters about his commitment to defense and security is complicated by his previous role in a team that, according to critics, would have compromised these very areas. His struggle to make a significant impact, even after nearly five years as Labour leader, further complicates his narrative of change. Elected leader during the pandemic, Starmer had limited opportunities to establish a robust profile. Additionally, with only nine years in Parliament, his political career is not extensive enough to be evaluated independently of his association with Corbyn. By reiterating his backstory in an effort to introduce himself to voters, Starmer inadvertently highlights his past service under Corbyn, a period that many voters and political opponents are unlikely to forget or forgive. Credit: Daily Telegraph 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  5. A post has been removed that referred to the Rafah incident. This is not the topic for that. It is about "The initiative, known as the Global Women’s Coalition against Gender-Based Violence as a Weapon of War, aims to address the rampant sexual assaults committed during wartime, particularly spotlighting the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas". Another off topic post also removed. "Israeli Lawmaker Advocates for Global Action Against Wartime Sexual Violence"
  6. Reminder that this is the topic here. Ireland, Norway, & Spain to Recognize Palestinian State Amid Ongoing Israel-Hamas Conflict
  7. The UN Security Council is poised to hold an emergency session on Tuesday to address the recent Israeli airstrike in Rafah that reportedly killed dozens, including individuals in a displaced persons camp. This operation targeted senior Hamas operatives but tragically resulted in a fire that claimed 45 lives, according to health officials in Gaza. The incident has ignited substantial international condemnation, with numerous voices referring to it as a “massacre.” The attack, which took place overnight, aimed at two senior Hamas members in the southern Gaza border city. However, the strike also caused a fire that spread to a nearby displacement center, resulting in significant casualties. Early Tuesday, AFP journalists reported additional Israeli strikes in the same area. The global response to the Rafah strike has been one of profound outrage and condemnation. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres voiced a strong rebuke of the violence, emphasizing the perilous situation in Gaza. "There is no safe place in Gaza. This horror must stop," Guterres posted on social media. UN Humanitarian Chief Martin Griffiths echoed this sentiment, criticizing the attack and underscoring the predictable nature of civilian casualties in such operations. "We’ve seen the consequences in last night’s utterly unacceptable attack," Griffiths stated. "To call it ‘a mistake’ is a message that means nothing for those killed, those grieving, and those trying to save lives." European leaders have also expressed their dismay. The EU’s foreign policy chief was "horrified by news" of the strike, while French President Emmanuel Macron said he was "outraged." A US National Security Council spokesperson underscored that Israel "must take every precaution possible to protect civilians." The Israeli military has announced it is launching a probe into the incident. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the Knesset, noting, "The deaths occurred despite our best efforts to protect civilians." The emergency session of the UN Security Council, initiated by Algeria, will address the Rafah strike's ramifications and discuss potential responses. The deadly Rafah strike occurred after a barrage of rockets was fired by Hamas at the Tel Aviv area. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) reported that their aircraft targeted a Hamas compound in the city, resulting in the deaths of two senior Hamas operatives, Yassin Rabia and Khaled Nagar. According to the IDF, Rafah houses significant Hamas battalions and is considered a key stronghold for the group. Gaza’s civil defense agency reported that the strike ignited a fire near a facility of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, affecting a displacement center in northwestern Rafah. Israeli officials have informed the US that they believe the fire was caused by shrapnel igniting a fuel tank located approximately 100 meters from the area targeted in the airstrike. The US has stated it has no way to validate or reject Israel’s version of events and is awaiting the outcome of the Israeli investigation. Credit: Times of Israel 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  8. Please remain on topic, this is not about the African National Congress or Algeria
  9. China has showcased its machine gun-wielding robot dogs during a significant 15-day military exercise in Cambodia. The event, which marked the largest-ever joint drill between the two nations, featured a host of advanced unmanned vehicles, with the robotic dogs taking center stage. The exercise, known as "Golden Dragon," involved approximately 2,000 troops, including 760 Chinese soldiers, and took place in central Kampong Chhnang Province and off the coast of Preah Sihanouk Province. The robotic dogs, equipped with back-mounted machine guns, were a major highlight of the exercises. Although the drones were not live-fired, their impressive mobility was demonstrated to Cambodian military officials and journalists. This demonstration underscored the increasing role of robotics and unmanned technologies in modern warfare, a domain both China and the United States are keenly contesting. Cambodian armed forces commander-in-chief, Vong Pisen, praised the robotic dogs, stating that they would "enhance the capabilities" of both armies in combating terrorism. This sentiment was echoed by other military officials who viewed the technology as a significant step forward in military innovation. Despite the display of camaraderie and technological sharing, underlying geopolitical tensions were evident. Cambodian leaders have consistently claimed that no foreign military base would be allowed on their soil. However, this assertion seems at odds with recent developments at the Ream naval base near Sihanoukville. This base, which has been under significant renovation with Chinese assistance, hosted two Chinese warships in December, marking the first visit since the expansion began. The Cambodian defense ministry confirmed that these ships were there to train Cambodian naval personnel in preparation for the Golden Dragon exercises. A spokesperson clarified that the Chinese vessels were conducting tests at the Ream Naval Base, which China is upgrading for Cambodia. This statement aimed to dispel concerns about Chinese troops being permanently stationed at the base. Nevertheless, the arrival of a third Chinese warship in Sihanoukville on the eve of the exercises further fueled speculation about Beijing's strategic intentions in the region. Washington has expressed growing concern over these developments, fearing that Ream could serve as a strategic foothold for China near the disputed South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. The U.S. worries that Beijing's influence in Cambodia, bolstered by significant investments, could alter the balance of power in the region. Cambodia's close relationship with China, underscored by billions of dollars in Chinese investments, has been a source of unease for U.S. officials. This anxiety is heightened by the belief that unmanned technologies, such as the robotic dogs showcased in the exercises, will be crucial in future conflicts. The robotic dogs, reportedly made by the Chinese company Unitree, are available online for thousands of U.S. dollars. During the Golden Dragon drills, these quadrupeds were kept "on the leash" and did not perform live-fire demonstrations, according to reports from Agence France-Presse. The use of weapon-wielding machines is not new in the defense industry. The U.S. Marine Corps, for instance, tested a rocket launcher mounted on a robotic goat last year. Similarly, Ghost Robotics' mechanical dogs were utilized in an exercise at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada in 2020, and some have since been deployed to Cape Cod Space Force Station in Massachusetts. While it remains unclear when China's armed robotic dogs will see action in actual combat, their potential applications are vast. These machines could be used to transport supplies, scout dangerous areas, act as decoys, and more. The demonstration in Cambodia highlighted the growing role of robotics in military strategy and the ongoing race between global powers to dominate this frontier. The first Golden Dragon drills took place in 2016, and since then, the scale and complexity of the exercises have increased. Notably, in early 2017, Cambodia canceled the Angkor Sentinel joint exercise with U.S. forces, which had been conducted for seven years, signaling a shift towards closer military ties with China. The 2024 exercises, described as the largest of their kind, were primarily funded by China, further indicating the deepening military cooperation between the two countries. Thong Solimo, a spokesman for the Cambodian army, emphasized the significance of the drills, noting that they included live-fire exercises, anti-terrorism training, and humanitarian and rescue drills. The participation of 14 warships, helicopters, and nearly seventy armored vehicles and tanks underscored the comprehensive nature of the training. Credit: AXIOS 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  10. Three chatbots stand out for their capabilities and user accessibility: OpenAI's ChatGPT, Microsoft's Copilot, and Google's Gemini. These tools are best approached not as mere information desks but as tutors or assistants, each offering unique features tailored to different needs. Understanding how to use these AI tools effectively can significantly enhance your productivity and creativity. While getting started with any of these chatbots is relatively easy, knowing when and how to use them for optimal results can still be tricky. Each of these chatbots is designed to create, edit, and summarize content, making them versatile assistants for a variety of tasks. ChatGPT, for instance, works well for most general tasks. It can help you write a resume, create a basic recipe with the ingredients you have, summarize long articles, turn text into presentations, or even create itineraries for vacations. It's also great for sparking creativity or overcoming writer's block. Some people even use it to help communicate with their kids. On the other hand, Google's Gemini has access to more timely and updated information, making it particularly useful for tasks requiring the latest data. Copilot shines in work-related tasks, leveraging its integration with Microsoft 365, which includes access to emails, documents, calendar entries, and more. For those looking to take full advantage of these tools, most free versions are good enough. However, subscribing to their premium versions for around $20 per month unlocks additional features. Copilot, for example, integrates with your Microsoft Graph, accessing all the data within your Microsoft 365 suite. Gemini Advanced allows you to summarize content or create new content from your Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Drive, with an offer to try it free for two months. Additionally, while ChatGPT has its own GPT store, Copilot lets you integrate third-party plugins from services like Shopify, OpenTable, or Kayak, and Gemini allows you to use extensions like Google Flights and Google Hotels. Accessing these tools is straightforward. ChatGPT and Copilot both have free iPhone and Android apps, while Google's Gemini is available as an app on Android and can be accessed on iOS through the Google app by tapping the Gemini icon. When using these chatbots, the requests you make or questions you ask are called prompts. Effective prompts should be specific and can include requests for responses in a particular tone, for a certain audience, or even for a specific number of words. For instance, you might ask, "Explain the theory of relativity to me in 100 words. Act as a friendly scientist and answer as if I'm ten years old." Interestingly, studies have shown that you'll get better results if you're polite in your requests. However, it's important to acknowledge that all current generative AI chatbots are prone to producing inaccuracies and historical untruths, a phenomenon known as "hallucinating." While search engine algorithms have been progressively improving in showing more reliable sources, chatbots can set us back by confidently delivering misinformation. This is particularly disconcerting because, by their nature, these chatbots are designed to generate content, which sometimes includes fabrications. Moreover, any prompts you enter could potentially be used to train these chatbots. This means users should be cautious with sensitive personal details and confidential work information. Some services, especially paid subscriptions, offer more privacy. Google, for instance, assures that personal content from Workspace won't be used to train Gemini's model or viewed by human reviewers, even in the free version. Looking ahead, the potential of AI is both exciting and intimidating. Soon, these tools will not only be able to answer questions and create or summarize content but also act on your behalf. This advancement could revolutionize how we interact with technology, making these AI tools even more integral to our daily lives. Credit: AXIOS 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  11. German security services uncovered a plot by a Hamas terrorist cell to attack the Israeli embassy in Berlin and a U.S. military base in Germany. This information was reported by the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. The plot came to light with the arrest of a suspect of Lebanese origin in Berlin last December. The suspect was found to possess target locations on his smartphone and has been accused by prosecutors of scouting for places to hide weapons for the terrorist organization. According to German authorities, the suspect received direct instructions from Hamas officials based in Lebanon. This revelation aligns with a statement issued by the Israeli Prime Minister's office in January, which highlighted that Hamas operates a network of agents across Europe. This network, directed by terrorist leaders in Lebanon, aims to target Jewish and Israeli sites abroad. The German security services' swift action in apprehending the suspect has potentially averted a major terrorist attack. This has led to heightened vigilance and the implementation of increased security measures around potential targets. The German authorities are continuing their investigations to dismantle any remaining elements of the terrorist cell and prevent future threats. The revelation of this plot underscores the persistent threat posed by Hamas beyond the Middle East, as the group seeks to expand its operations and target sites associated with Israel and its allies. The German government's proactive measures have been crucial in countering this threat and ensuring the safety of its citizens and diplomatic missions. Further investigations are ongoing to ensure that any remaining threats are neutralized and that similar plots are prevented in the future. Credit: Times of Israel 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  12. Our skies are becoming increasingly turbulent as climate change progresses, making the need to understand and predict turbulence more urgent than ever. Researchers are now proposing that birds, which often encounter choppy skies, could provide valuable clues to help address this issue. When we look up, the sky may appear calm and still, but the air is always in motion. It flows like water, with eddies and currents that can be smooth and serene or tumultuous and violent. Turbulence, one of the most unpredictable weather phenomena, is becoming more common as the planet warms. This poses significant risks to aviation, including potential injuries, deaths, and structural damage to aircraft. Just recently, a Singapore Airlines flight from London encountered severe turbulence, resulting in 31 injuries and one fatality. Passengers aboard the Boeing 777-300ER reported that the plane began to tilt and shake before dropping suddenly, causing people and objects to be thrown around the cabin. In another case almost immediately after that turbulence on Doha-Dublin flight left 12 injured. The pressing question is whether there could be better ways to predict and cope with turbulence. Some researchers believe that the answers might lie in studying birds. Birds frequently navigate choppy skies, and while only a few species reach the cruising altitudes of commercial aircraft, studying their responses at lower altitudes could provide insights. Emily Shepard, an expert in bird flight and air flow at Swansea University in Wales, suggests that understanding how birds adapt to extreme turbulence could help meteorologists build better predictive models and inform aircraft design, especially for smaller aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) operating in urban environments. According to a 2024 study, aircraft encounter moderate to severe turbulence approximately 68,000 times each year. Turbulence, defined as an irregular motion of the air caused by eddies and vertical currents, is associated with weather events such as fronts, wind shear, and thunderstorms. It can range from a few uncomfortable bumps to chaotic rolls, pitches, and yaws that can throw an aircraft out of control. Modern aircraft are equipped with sophisticated weather radar systems that allow pilots to identify and navigate around areas of turbulence. Paul Williams, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Reading, states, "We can successfully predict around 75% of turbulence up to 18 hours ahead." However, certain types of turbulence, such as clear-air turbulence, are harder to detect. Clear-air turbulence occurs at high altitudes where aircraft cruise in seemingly calm skies. It is invisible to the naked eye and undetectable by onboard sensors or satellites, posing a significant risk as it can strike without warning. Clear-air turbulence is becoming more common due to climate change. Williams explains, "In simple terms, climate change is increasing the temperature difference between the warm and cold air masses that collide to form the jet stream in the upper atmosphere. This effect is making the jet stream less stable and allowing more turbulence to break out." Meteorologists are now seeking to develop better forecasting methods using computer modeling. Interestingly, birds' experiences with the winds could provide valuable data for these models. Previous studies have shown that animal movements can help determine the strength of thermal updrafts, wind direction, and wind speed. Researchers from Swansea University believe that birds' interactions with turbulence could help improve predictions. Birds often migrate thousands of miles, with wind speed, direction, and turbulence dictating their routes and energy expenditure. Frigate birds, for example, rely on thermals and wind to stay aloft for months and can fly at extreme altitudes of up to 13,000 feet. They often catch strong updrafts in mountainous cumulus clouds, navigating incredibly turbulent environments with remarkable control. Shepard and her colleagues at Swansea University's Laboratory for Animal Movement aim to "visualize the invisible" by studying how birds respond to turbulence. By equipping birds with tags that measure GPS, barometric pressure, and acceleration, researchers can map the air's behavior during flights. This approach could be more cost-effective and comprehensive than using sensors fitted to aircraft, as birds can fly in conditions that planes cannot. In one study from 2018 to 2019, Shepard's team flew an ultralight aircraft alongside a flock of homing pigeons. They measured turbulence levels during the birds' flights using data loggers attached to the pigeons. Despite encountering turbulence that forced the pilot to land, the pigeons returned to their lofts without issue, indicating their superior ability to cope with high levels of turbulence. Bird-borne sensors could provide continuous data collection on air turbulence, much like seal-borne sensors used to measure ocean salinity and temperature. Shepard notes, "People are already equipping animals with tags for lots of different reasons and in lots of different environments. They're effectively sampling in the environment all the time." Birds could serve as mobile meteorological sensors, offering valuable data about the turbulence they encounter along their flight paths. In another study from 2020, Shepard and her colleagues followed the flight of Andean condors, the world's heaviest soaring birds. They documented the condors' altitude gains and recorded each wingbeat. The data revealed that the condors spent 99% of their flight time in glide mode without flapping, covering vast distances with minimal energy expenditure. This insight into how soaring birds exploit thermals could inform the programming of autonomous flying vehicles. Understanding how gulls navigate turbulence in urban environments could also help plan flight paths for UAVs and drones. Urban areas are particularly turbulent due to obstacles that disturb air flow, posing challenges for low-altitude flights near buildings. Shepard highlights that urbanization is contributing to more turbulent skies, affecting both animal flight and human aviation. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has sounded the alarm on climate change's impact on transportation, warning that it is already affecting modes of transit. Speaking on CBS's "Face the Nation," Buttigieg said, "The reality is, the effects of climate change are already upon us in terms of our transportation. We've seen that in the form of everything from heat waves that shouldn’t statistically even be possible, threatening to melt the cables of transit systems in the Pacific Northwest, to hurricane seasons becoming more and more extreme and indications that turbulence is up by about 15 percent. That means assessing anything and everything that we can do about it." Buttigieg's comments came shortly after the deadly turbulence incident on the Singapore Airlines flight, highlighting the increasing need for preparedness and adaptation to the changing climate. While extreme incidents remain rare, the rise in turbulence due to climate change necessitates evolving policies, technology, and infrastructure to ensure safety in aviation. Research from the University of Reading has shown that severe in-air turbulence increased by 55% between 1979 and 2020, a trend consistent with the effects of climate change. As our climate continues to evolve, so too must our approaches to understanding and mitigating the risks associated with turbulent skies. By learning from birds and improving predictive models, we can better navigate the challenges posed by increasingly turbulent air travel. Credit: BBC & The Hill 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  13. A recent study has revealed that transgender men taking testosterone to transition from female to male are experiencing "postmenopausal" symptoms typically seen in older women. This phenomenon is causing significant health issues, including bladder and bowel dysfunctions, which are under-researched and under-reported. The study, conducted by experts who analyzed 68 transgender men undergoing testosterone treatment, found that a staggering 95 percent had developed pelvic floor dysfunction. Participants, ranging from 18 to an average age of 28, exhibited bladder and bowel symptoms usually expected in women post-menopause. These symptoms included incontinence, frequent toilet visits, bed-wetting, constipation, and an inability to control stools or gas. Approximately 87 percent of the participants reported urinary symptoms such as incontinence, frequent urination, and nocturia (urinating during the night), while 74 percent faced bowel issues like constipation and fecal incontinence. Sexual dysfunction was also prevalent, with 53 percent of the participants experiencing difficulties, including orgasm disorders and pain during intercourse. The rate of urinary incontinence among transgender men was found to be three times higher than that of women, affecting about one in four compared to eight percent of the general female population. These individuals also suffered from symptoms like burning sensations, hesitancy, urgency, and difficulty urinating, along with defecation issues. Elaine Miller, a pelvic health physiotherapist and member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, noted that many women are unaffected by incontinence until menopause, after which it becomes a common issue. She stated, "That appears to be exactly the same trajectory for female people who take cross-sex hormones, but there hasn’t been much in the way of research." Miller has worked with around 20 detransitioners seeking help for pelvic floor issues and emphasized the stigma and embarrassment surrounding incontinence, which often leads to the minimization of the problem. Miller highlighted the profound impact of incontinence on young people’s lives, affecting their ability to exercise, maintain intimate relationships, travel, and work. She stressed the importance of proper discussion of these risks within gender clinics, expressing concern that almost all female individuals taking cross-sex hormones could face these problems. The study pointed out that the menopausal process, characterized by loss of muscle mass and body strength, affects the pelvic floor and can lead to incontinence. Women who undergo early menopause are offered Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) on the NHS to prevent conditions like coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, and dementia. However, taking testosterone accelerates the menopausal process by stopping ovarian function and reducing estrogen production, which can exacerbate these issues. Testosterone is known to impact muscle mass and hair loss and has been associated with blood clots and gallstones, but its effects on pelvic floor issues and incontinence have not been extensively researched. Miller noted that the treatment for trans men experiencing these symptoms is similar to that for postmenopausal women, which seems incongruous given their young age. Treatments involve addressing constipation, educating on normal bladder and bowel functions, and pelvic floor exercises. Kate Barker, chief executive of the LGB Alliance, criticized the lack of thorough consideration given to the long-term consequences of these treatments. She highlighted testimonies from detransitioners at their annual conference, describing the lasting impact of decisions made at a young age, including permanent sterilization and loss of sexual function. Barker emphasized that these issues were officially acknowledged by the Cass Review, which led to the NHS halting the prescription of puberty blockers outside clinical trials and pausing cross-sex hormones for under-18s. The review called for more careful treatment of individuals under 25 and prompted a review of adult clinics. The authors of the study, led by Lyvia Maria Bezerra da Silva at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, called for more research into the long-term effects of testosterone on transgender men. They noted a high frequency of pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms among participants and stressed the need for a deeper understanding of the long-term impacts of testosterone treatment. The findings were published in the International Urogynecology Journal, highlighting the urgent need for further research and better patient education on the potential risks associated with cross-sex hormone therapy. Credit: Daily Telegraph 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  14. "The Apprentice," a highly anticipated biopic about former President Donald Trump's ascent in the real estate world, failed to clinch any awards at the Cannes Film Festival. Directed by Iranian Danish filmmaker Ali Abbasi, the film stars Sebastian Stan as the young Trump and Jeremy Strong as his mentor and attorney, Roy Cohn. Despite receiving an eight-minute standing ovation at its premiere, the film did not win any accolades, with the festival's top prize, the Palme d’Or, going to Sean Baker's romantic drama "Anora," set in New York. "The Apprentice" delves into Trump's early career and personal relationships, portraying his interactions with Roy Cohn and his first wife, Ivana Trump, in a controversial light. The film's depiction has led to significant backlash from Trump and his associates. Trump's attorney issued a cease-and-desist letter to the filmmakers, claiming the movie was a "concoction of lies" and defamatory towards the former president. The letter threatened legal action if the distribution and marketing of the film were not halted immediately. “If you do not immediately cease and desist all distribution and marketing of this libelous farce, we will be forced to pursue all appropriate legal remedies,” the letter stated. This move followed earlier warnings from Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung, who criticized the film as "pure malicious defamation" and suggested it deserved to be discarded. "This ‘film’ is pure malicious defamation, should not see the light of day, and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store, it belongs in a dumpster fire,” Cheung stated. Despite the controversy, the film’s producers defended their work, describing it as a "fair and balanced portrait of the former president." They expressed their desire for audiences to view the film and form their own opinions. "We want everyone to see it and then decide," they told Variety. Adding to the turmoil, Dan Synder, an investor in the film through the company Kinematics and an ally of Trump, reportedly expressed dissatisfaction with the final product. According to anonymous sources cited by Variety, Synder was furious about the film's outcome and attempted to stop its release by involving Kinematics’s legal team. The biopic's failure to win awards at Cannes, coupled with the legal and public relations battles it has sparked, underscores the contentious nature of its subject matter. As "The Apprentice" moves forward, it faces a landscape fraught with potential legal challenges and polarized public opinion. Credit: The Hill 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  15. Alina Habba, attorney for former President Donald Trump, expressed her unease over the jury in Trump's hush-money trial not being sequestered during the Memorial Day weekend. Habba suggested that the jurors might have been subjected to outside influences that could impact their impartiality as they prepare for the trial's closing arguments this week. “They should have been sequestered, because, in my opinion, these jurors are handling something that is completely unprecedented and unwarranted in America,” Habba asserted. She voiced her concerns about the jurors' exposure to media and discussions during the holiday, which could potentially affect their judgment. Habba emphasized that if jurors were exposed to news sources like MSNBC or CNN, referred to disparagingly by Trump as "MSDNC," they might not receive unbiased information. "If they’re left-wing and they’re watching MSDNC, as my client calls it, [MSNBC] or CNN, they’re not going to get fair news," she stated. The case in question involves 12 New York jurors who will soon deliberate on whether to convict Trump on 34 criminal counts related to falsifying business records. These charges are linked to reimbursements made to Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen, who paid $130,000 to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in October 2016 to silence her about an alleged affair with Trump. Trump has pleaded not guilty to these charges and has consistently denied having an affair with Daniels. Last Tuesday, Trump's defense team rested their case without calling the former president to testify. The jurors were then dismissed until the upcoming Tuesday, when closing statements are set to begin. Following these statements, jury deliberations will commence. Judge Juan Merchan indicated that the delay in closing arguments until Tuesday was due to some unspecified “issues,” though he did not elaborate on what these might be. Habba elaborated on her concerns, noting that the holiday weekend allowed jurors to interact with friends and family who might hold strong opinions about Trump. She feared that such interactions could lead to biased decisions. “I have serious concerns. If they’re left-wing and they’re watching MSDNC, as my client calls it, [MSNBC] or CNN, they’re not going to get fair news,” Habba reiterated. She also mentioned the risk of jurors discussing the case at social gatherings, which might reinforce negative perceptions about Trump. Highlighting the potential consequences of these interactions, Habba remarked, “I have worries about them going back to whatever friends might have Trump derangement syndrome, forgetting all sense of reality, and coming back and sitting in that box and saying, you know what, I have got to take one for the [Democratic National Committee].” She stressed the importance of jurors making their decisions based solely on the law and facts presented during the trial. “I want law to [be] fact, because, if we can get that, we will win, we will not just get a hung jury, we will get an acquittal. So, let’s see,” she concluded. The hush-money trial has attracted significant public and media attention due to the high-profile nature of the case and the involvement of a former president. Trump's legal team has consistently argued that the charges are politically motivated and lack merit. The case's outcome could have substantial implications for Trump's political future and the broader legal landscape concerning former presidents. As the trial progresses, the jurors' ability to remain impartial and unaffected by external influences will be crucial in determining the final verdict. Habba's concerns underscore the challenges faced in high-profile cases where media coverage and public opinion can potentially sway the judicial process. Whether the jury can deliver a fair and unbiased verdict remains to be seen as the trial nears its conclusion with the upcoming closing arguments and subsequent deliberations. Credit: The Hill 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  16. In a determined effort to break the silence surrounding sexual violence in conflict zones, Shelly Tal Meron, a freshman lawmaker from the Yesh Atid party, has launched an initiative to establish an international coalition to combat the use of rape as a weapon of war. The initiative, known as the Global Women’s Coalition against Gender-Based Violence as a Weapon of War, aims to address the rampant sexual assaults committed during wartime, particularly spotlighting the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas. During a conference held at the Knesset last week, Tal Meron highlighted the urgency of acknowledging and addressing wartime sexual violence. Opposition Leader Yair Lapid also spoke at the conference, condemning those who disregard the severe testimonies of sexual abuse by Hamas terrorists. “Throughout history, there has been a conspiracy of silence surrounding sexual violence during war,” Lapid stated. He emphasized that this silence has allowed such crimes to continue unchecked. “We came here today to cry out against silence,” he declared. The conference, held on May 20, was packed with attendees, including delegates from various countries such as France, Ireland, Denmark, and the UK. Co-sponsored by ELNET, an organization fostering ties between Israel and Europe, the event aimed to garner international support for recognizing and combating sexual violence as a war crime. Tal Meron stressed that while international law already acknowledges sexual violence as a crime of war, there is a significant need to change cultural and political perceptions of such violations. “We are declaring today the establishment of an important historical coalition, of acknowledging sexual violence as a crime of war,” Tal Meron announced. She is determined to ensure that the international community not only recognizes but actively addresses the use of sexual violence in conflicts. The catalyst for this initiative was the horrific attack by Hamas on October 7, when thousands of terrorists invaded Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking 252 hostages. Among the atrocities committed were widespread sexual assaults on Israeli women. Testimonies from freed hostages revealed that women held captive in Gaza were subjected to regular sexual abuse, treated by their captors like “dolls.” Israel Prize-winning international law and human rights expert Cochav Elkayam-Levy also addressed the conference, pointing out the inadequacies of current international conventions in dealing with the resurgence of gender-based violence in conflicts from the Middle East to Ukraine. Elkayam-Levy is advocating for the recognition of a new crime against humanity, which she terms “kinocide,” defined as the deliberate weaponization or destruction of families. In a recent opinion piece, Elkayam-Levy and former Canadian justice minister Irwin Cotler argued that existing legal systems are ill-equipped to address the scale and brutality of Hamas’s actions. “In assessing the legal ramifications of Hamas’s actions, it becomes apparent that international criminal law lacks the specific mechanisms to confront the extent of the brutality and systematicity employed on October 7th,” they wrote. Shelly Tal Meron’s drive to raise awareness and build a coalition stems from her exposure to the atrocities committed on October 7. As a fluent English speaker and former spokesperson for the Israeli Air Force, she has taken on the role of informing the international community about the crimes committed by Hamas. “I have to be the voice of women who have no voice,” Tal Meron said, recounting her travels around Europe to share the Israeli story. Domestically, Tal Meron has established the Knesset caucus on victims of sexual and gender violence in the war against Hamas, co-chaired with Likud lawmaker Tsega Melaku. During a recent meeting of the caucus, concerns were raised about the possibility of hostages returning pregnant with the children of Hamas terrorists, adding another layer of trauma and complexity to their ordeal. Tal Meron is working to draft domestic legislation to handle the aftermath of such crimes and is organizing another gathering in Paris to further the coalition’s efforts. She hopes to create a declaration of principles for countries to sign, committing to the fight against sexual violence in conflicts. French Minister for Gender Equality Aurore Bergé has already expressed support, stating that Israel can count on France’s determination to combat this scourge. Despite the positive response from international partners, Tal Meron is critical of the response from Israeli leaders. She highlighted the disparity in the treatment of hostage families, noting that some have not received adequate support from the government. “When it comes to finances, a lot of the families of the hostages stopped working. Their whole lives stopped. They need help. They get some help. It’s not enough,” she said. As Tal Meron continues to advocate for victims of wartime sexual violence, her efforts underscore the importance of international cooperation and the need for robust legal frameworks to address such heinous crimes. Through her work, she aims to ensure that the voices of victims are heard and that perpetrators are held accountable, ultimately striving to end the silence surrounding sexual violence in war. Related Topics: Chilling Confessions Father and Son Describe Sexual Crimes During Hamas Invasion New Very Disturbing Video Released of 5 Female Hostages being abducted by Hamas on Oct 7th Israeli nurse abducted on October 7 kidnapped by Palestinian CIVILIANS then sold to Hamas UN finds evidence of rape on Oct. 7 and after; Israel: They tried to downplay issue Credit: Times of Israel 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  17. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has launched his first major speech of the General Election campaign, presenting himself as the antidote to what he describes as 14 years of Conservative "chaos" that has led to a crisis in the UK's national culture. Speaking in the Tory stronghold of Lancing, West Sussex, Starmer emphasized the election as a critical decision point for the nation, framing it as a question of "whose side are you on." Starmer's speech was a direct appeal to working people, promising to restore trust in British politics and deliver economic stability and national security. He positioned himself as a leader whose values and character are deeply shaped by a lifelong commitment to serving the interests of working people. “Elections are about more than individual changes and policies, but about values, temperament, character, and a bigger question: whose side are you on? Who do you hold in your mind’s eye when you are making decisions?" Starmer asked. "Everything I have fought for has been shaped by my life, every change I have made to this party has been about a cause, the answer to that question, the only answer: The working people of this country delivering on their aspirations, earning their respect, serving their interests.” Despite Labour's significant lead in opinion polls, Starmer acknowledged that many voters remain uncertain about supporting his party. He directly addressed these doubts, stating, “I know there are countless people who haven’t decided how they’ll vote in this election. They’re fed up with the failure, chaos, and division of the Tories, but they still have questions about us: has Labour changed enough? Do I trust them with my money, our borders, our security? My answer is yes, you can, because I have changed this party, permanently.” In a pointed critique of the Conservative record, Starmer highlighted the struggles faced by working people in the UK. He argued that opportunity in Britain has long been skewed against them, and that the current government has exacerbated this imbalance. “For a long time now, working people have believed opportunity in Britain is stacked against them. But now we are at a dangerous new point, close to crossing a Rubicon of trust, not just in politics but in many of the institutions that are meant to serve and protect the British people.” Starmer painted a bleak picture of the current state of trust in the UK, citing declining living standards and a perceived erosion of public standards by the Conservative government. “When you put that alongside a Government that over 14 years has left living standards in this country worse than when they found them, that has torched any semblance of standards in public life, Westminster parties that broke the rules they put in place to save lives and rules they expected you to follow but ignored themselves, then you get a crisis in nothing less than who we are as a nation.” Starmer also took aim at Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s recent proposal for a new form of compulsory national service, dismissing it as a “teenage Dad’s Army.” This quip underscored his broader argument that the Conservative government is out of touch with the realities and needs of ordinary British people. In his speech, Starmer sought to reassure voters that Labour is committed to responsible governance and protecting the nation's security. He portrayed Labour under his leadership as a party that has undergone significant transformation, one that can be trusted with the nation’s finances, borders, and security. As the General Election campaign heats up, Starmer’s message is clear: he positions himself and the Labour Party as the agents of change needed to end years of Conservative mismanagement and to restore trust and opportunity for working people across the UK. Credit: The Standard 2024-05-28 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  18. Welcome to the Twisted world of 2024 - when UN Employees get to take part in the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, and in return receive a salary and complete impunity.
  19. With a general election looming in less than six weeks, the Labour Party, led by Sir Keir Starmer, is under intense scrutiny. Despite his efforts to project a centrist image akin to Tony Blair's, questions about the true nature of Labour's policies and instincts remain pressing. Starmer has spent considerable effort distancing himself from the more radical elements of the party, emphasizing that he isn't "tribal" and trying to convince voters of his moderate stance. Yet, examining the evidence suggests a more complex and potentially concerning reality. Starmer's 2020 Labour leadership campaign video serves as Exhibit A. This footage resembles a trailer for a Ken Loach film, where Starmer and his supporters highlight his defense of environmental activists, support for asylum seekers, and advocacy for trade unions. He proudly mentions his opposition to the Iraq War, efforts to halt Brexit, and resistance to privatizing the NHS. Starmer promises to "stand up for the powerless against the powerful" with a "green new deal" and a "human rights-based foreign policy." In this campaign, Starmer invited Labour members to unite around a radical agenda, suggesting that the economic model needed a complete overhaul to replace the "failed free market one." He called for an end to national division, symbolically taking the knee during the Black Lives Matter protests five months later. Although he has since tempered some of these left-wing pledges, his declaration, "I'm a socialist," lingers, casting doubt on his shift towards moderation. Despite attempts to present a more centrist stance, some of Starmer's policies remain rooted in progressive ideals. For instance, Labour appears poised to introduce gender self-identification. While Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, may have reconsidered his "trans women are women" stance, Anneliese Dodds, aiming to become the secretary of state for women and equalities, proposes allowing a single doctor to authorize gender changes, a move reminiscent of Nicola Sturgeon's policies. Starmer's relationship with Rosie Duffield, one of the few Labour MPs critical of the party's stance on gender issues, further illustrates internal tensions. Duffield was notably absent from Starmer's campaign launch in Kent, despite being Labour's sole MP in the county until Natalie Elphicke's defection, highlighting the party's struggle with inclusive representation. David Lammy, the shadow foreign secretary, raises additional concerns. Lammy's implicit support for the International Criminal Court's application to arrest Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, aligns with pro-Hamas sentiments and the recognition of Palestinian statehood. This stance, combined with Lammy's historical association with Jeremy Corbyn and opposition to the renewal of the Trident nuclear fleet, questions his suitability for high office. Angela Rayner, Labour's deputy leader, is another figure stirring debate. Her support for a New Deal for Working People, driven by union pressures, threatens to strain small and medium-sized businesses still recovering from the pandemic and economic crises. Despite shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves's rhetoric about being pro-business, Labour's policies suggest otherwise. Labour's proposed VAT on private school fees could push thousands of students into the already burdened state sector, exacerbating class space shortages. The party's ambitious plan to decarbonize the grid by 2030, despite uncertainties about its financial implications, raises further concerns about practicality and economic impact. Labour's instincts in government remain uncertain. Will Starmer be able to resist the party's more radical elements, or will he cave to pressures from the Left? Recent policy reversals, like the softened stance on Israel, indicate potential vulnerability to internal factions and external influences. This isn't the moderate Blairism of 1997. Behind the facade of moderation lies the risk of Labour reverting to idealistic, unrealistic politics. The party's association with environmental extremists, trans activists, and pro-Hamas hate mobs, coupled with an apologetic stance on British history and an open-border policy, suggest a potential shift towards radicalism. A vote for Labour may thus represent more than just a change in leadership; it could signify an alignment with eco-zealots, trans extremists, and pro-Hamas activists. The electorate must carefully consider these implications as the election approaches. Credit: Daily Telegraph 2024-05-27 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  20. A committee of MPs has suggested that the next government should consider banning smartphones for children under 16 within its first year in office. This recommendation comes in light of a report by the Education Select Committee, which highlights the significant dangers posed to children online. The committee's report underscores the growing concerns over children's screen time and its detrimental effects. Earlier this year, the UK government issued guidance to bar phone use in schools in England, sparking a broader debate about appropriate screen time for children. The NSPCC, a prominent children's charity, noted the absence of young people's voices in this discourse. According to the committee, the negative impacts of increased screen time for children far outweigh the benefits. Committee chairman Robin Walker cited "shocking statistics" about the damage being inflicted on under-18s. The report indicates a substantial rise in screen time, with one in four children exhibiting signs of behavioral addiction related to phone use. It also revealed that nearly all children own a phone by age 12, and 79% had encountered violent pornography by the age of 18. The Online Safety Act aims to hold social media companies accountable for protecting children from harmful content, but it will not be fully implemented until 2026. The committee warns that without immediate action, more children could be exposed to online harm. The report recommends that the next government, in collaboration with Ofcom, consider measures such as a total ban on smartphones for under-16s or default parental controls on devices. It also suggests encouraging mobile-phone companies to create child-specific phones that enable communication through calls, texts, and GPS location but restrict internet access. Richard Collard, associate head of child safety online policy at the NSPCC, criticized the idea of a blanket ban on smartphones and social media for under-16s, calling it a "blunt instrument." He emphasized that while technology can enhance young people's lives, they are frustrated by having to protect themselves online. Teenagers themselves have mixed feelings about the proposal. Jasper, a 15-year-old from Salford, acknowledged both the positive and negative aspects of online life. He mentioned that social media can help connect with like-minded individuals but also facilitates drama and confrontation. Jasper expressed uncertainty about coping without a phone. Harry, 16, suggested a ban might be more appropriate for younger children but conceded that teenagers spend too much time on their phones. Parents' opinions on the potential ban vary. Courtney Clarke, a mother of a 13-year-old daughter, expressed her dislike for smartphones but appreciated the ability to stay in touch with her child. She worried that removing her daughter's phone would strip away her social life, given the lack of alternative social venues like youth clubs. Conversely, Joanne Whaley regretted giving her 12-year-old son a smartphone, citing negative experiences and wishing she had opted for a basic phone instead. Clare Fernyhough, a mother who co-founded Smartphone Free Childhood, a grassroots organization advocating for restricted smartphone use among children, supported the committee's recommendations. She criticized Silicon Valley companies for prioritizing profits over child safety and called for government action to protect children from online harm. In February, the UK government issued new guidelines for schools to limit phone use, aiming to change the social norm of keeping phones out of classrooms. The Labour Party expressed openness to banning social media for under-16s, following Keir Starmer's meeting with Esther Ghey, who campaigned for online safety after her daughter Brianna's death. Lib Dem education spokesperson Munira Wilson urged the establishment of an independent children's online safety advocate to protect children's interests. She emphasized the need for both government and social-media companies to enhance online safety measures for children. The BBC sought comments from the Conservative and Labour parties on the committee's recommendations but had not received responses at the time of writing. The Green Party declined to comment. Pepe Di’Iasio, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, acknowledged the committee's valid concerns about excessive screen time but warned that a statutory ban on phones in schools might not be practical. He noted that schools would face significant challenges in managing phone confiscation and return processes. Sarah Hannafin, head of policy at the National Association of Head Teachers, argued that schools should develop their own mobile-phone policies, stressing the importance of children learning to build positive relationships with technology. Credit: BBC 2024-05-27 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  21. British cities, once known for their sense of community and civic decency, are increasingly becoming hostile environments for law-abiding citizens. The encroachment of criminality and thuggery is not just a perceived threat but a stark reality, as demonstrated by personal experiences and broader societal trends. A recent personal incident in North-West London starkly illustrates this shift. After a routine visit to Waitrose for some supplies, I found myself juggling items in my handbag due to the supermarket's new policy of only offering "bags for life." My phone, wedged between a pack of blueberries and some Cornish Quartz cheddar, fell out unnoticed as I was returning home. Within 25 minutes, my tracking service showed that the phone had traveled several miles to central London, confirming it had been stolen almost immediately after it fell. This isn't an isolated incident but a reflection of the broader decline in social trust and civic decency in London and other major British cities. My parents moved out of London in the early 1980s due to frequent burglaries and thuggery. However, the current environment feels markedly worse, with a near-total breakdown in social trust. Despite the persistence of good Samaritans—those who offer seats to the elderly, assist the blind, or help carry heavy bags—there is a growing sense that these decent individuals are fighting a losing battle. The fear of intervening in criminal acts is justified. Sadiq Khan's London, for example, feels increasingly anarchic and dirty, with the risks of being a good citizen becoming more apparent. The reluctance to intervene is not unfounded. It’s not just that criminals are becoming bolder; it’s also the apparent apathy of the police towards crimes like theft, shoplifting, and burglaries. This neglect is coupled with shocking stories of what can happen to those who dare to confront wrongdoing. Earlier this month, 19-year-old Tieran Carmody was convicted of stabbing 35-year-old father Max Richardson to death. Richardson, along with his neighbors, had merely asked Carmody to stop loitering with a cannabis joint near a children's play area in Harlow. Such violent encounters are becoming alarmingly common. In another incident, a young man was fatally stabbed after asking muggers to return his gold chains in a North London park. Similarly, random acts of violence have claimed the lives of ordinary citizens, such as the passenger stabbed on a train near Beckenham Junction and 87-year-old Bernard Fowler, who was killed at random in Havering. Beyond these violent crimes, there is also a pervasive lack of politeness and decency in public spaces. Instances of people watching football or playing music loudly on public transport have become widespread. This behavior continues unchecked because intervening can feel too risky. For example, on a train from Oxford, a man began watching football on his phone in a quiet coach. When a woman politely asked him to stop, the entire carriage tensed in fear. Fortunately, he complied, but the anxiety his behavior caused was palpable. Even in places where one might expect more decorum, such as hospitals, inconsiderate behavior is rampant. After my baby was born, I experienced a father on the other side of a curtain playing loud TikTok clips throughout the night in the maternity ward at UCL. No one dared ask him to stop, despite the obvious discomfort it caused. This erosion of basic decency and respect for shared environments is compounded by the police’s seeming disinterest in pursuing serious criminals. Instead, they appear to focus on minor social media infractions. This misallocation of resources has made Britain’s cities stomping grounds for the worst elements of society. "Can we recover some of what once made us civilized—awareness of others, basic respect for shared environments, the ability to defer selfish and base impulses?" This question remains critical as the police continue to prioritize lesser offenses over more serious threats. The current state of law and order has left the law-abiding citizens feeling abandoned and vulnerable. As criminal behavior goes unchecked, the once vibrant and safe urban spaces are becoming hostile territories. The police need to refocus their efforts on protecting citizens from real threats rather than policing social media content. Until this happens, British cities will remain challenging places for decent, law-abiding people, with thugs and criminals gaining the upper hand. Recovering the lost civility and trust in public life is an arduous task, but one that is essential for the health of our society. Opinion Zoe Strimpel Credit: Daily Telegraph 2024-05-27 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  22. Trump hinted at the possibility of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley joining his team, despite their contentious history during the GOP nomination battle. Reacting to Haley's recent declaration that she would vote for Trump in the upcoming election, Trump expressed optimism about their future collaboration. Following a campaign rally in the South Bronx, New York City, Trump spoke with Long Island's News 12 about his potential alliance with Haley. He noted their shared ideological ground and praised her capabilities, despite the rough edges of their past campaign interactions. "Well, I think she’s gonna be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, same thoughts," Trump said. "I appreciated what she said. You know, we had a nasty campaign. It was pretty nasty. But she’s a very capable person, and I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form. Absolutely." Haley, who served as the U.N. ambassador during Trump's administration, recently announced her intention to vote for Trump. While she stopped short of a full endorsement, she emphasized the critical need for change, citing President Biden's tenure as disastrous. "As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who’s going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border, no more excuses," Haley remarked at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank she joined last month. Her comments signal a pragmatic alignment with Trump’s policies over those of the current administration. Haley, who concluded her own presidential campaign in March, also urged Trump to engage with the millions of voters who supported her during the GOP primary contests, hinting at her potential influence within the party. Despite the speculation, Trump refrained from disclosing his pick for vice president. However, he did offer a glimpse into his thoughts, mentioning several potential candidates. “You could take people like Ben Carson, you could take people like Marco Rubio, JD Vance. I mean, there are so many. Elise’s [Stefanik] doing a fantastic job,” Trump said, referencing the former Department of Housing and Urban Development secretary, and Republican senators from Florida and Ohio, respectively, as well as the Republican representative from New York. “But I could go on for quite a long time.” The former president added that there is a "good chance" he will announce his choice for running mate at the Republican National Convention in July, keeping the political world on tenterhooks. As the election season heats up, Trump’s strategic movements and potential alliances will be closely watched. Haley’s willingness to support Trump, despite their previous rivalry, underscores a pragmatic unity within the Republican ranks as they gear up for a challenging election. The coming months will reveal whether this unity can translate into a formidable political force against the current administration. Credit: The Hill 2024-05-27 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  23. Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent presidential candidate, following Kennedy's critique of Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The former president took to Truth Social on Saturday to express his disdain, calling Kennedy "one of the most Liberal Lunatics ever to run for office." “Don’t waste any Republican or Conservative votes on Junior,’” Trump wrote. “He caused massive high energy pricing in New York and New England. He just admitted that he was actually OK with the Vaccine. A Phony Radical Left fool whose poll numbers are TERRIBLE, and getting worse. His campaign is falling apart, great dissension!!!” Trump's fiery response came after Kennedy accused the Trump administration of violating First Amendment rights with its pandemic response measures. Speaking at the Libertarian National Convention, Kennedy argued that while Trump initially had the right instinct, he was ultimately "rolled" by bureaucrats into enforcing lockdowns and vaccine mandates, compromising fundamental rights. “President Trump allowed his health regulators to mandate science-free social distancing, which undermined our First Amendment rights to freedom of assembly. We could no longer peacefully gather,” Kennedy said during his speech. He further criticized Trump for caving in to pressure, resulting in the erosion of essential liberties “practically overnight.” Trump's rebuttal emphasized his belief that Kennedy is a Democratic plant designed to siphon votes away from the Republican base. “RFK Jr. is a Democrat ‘Plant,’ a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected,” Trump claimed in a previous post. He warned that a vote for Kennedy would be a "WASTED PROTEST VOTE," potentially detrimental to the Republican cause. Kennedy, undeterred by Trump’s attacks, has continued to press his case against the former president's pandemic policies, positioning himself as a defender of civil liberties and constitutional rights. He has also challenged Trump to a debate at the Libertarian convention, arguing that it would be a neutral ground for both to present their cases. “It’s perfect neutral territory for you and me to have a debate where you can defend your record for your wavering supporters,” Kennedy said. “You yourself have said you’re not afraid to debate me as long as my poll numbers are decent. Well, they are. In fact, I’m the only presidential candidate in history who has polled ahead of both major party candidates in head-to-head races.” Despite Kennedy’s challenge, Trump has yet to confirm whether he will participate in the proposed debate. As the political tension between the two continues to escalate, both camps remain steadfast in their convictions. Kennedy's campaign has yet to respond to Trump’s latest comments, but it is clear that the independent candidate intends to keep the pressure on as the election approaches. Credit: Newsweek 2024-05-27 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  24. After nearly eight months of war, Gaza’s health system is in dire straits. According to a May 3 report from the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 70% of Gaza’s hospitals are no longer operational. Additionally, the United Nations and the International Rescue Committee report that only 15 out of 36 hospitals are partially functioning, with 65% of primary health care centers completely out of action. Despite this widespread destruction, Hamas-employed health and information officials continue to provide daily updates on the rising death toll and countless injuries. These figures are often quoted by aid agencies, media outlets, and world leaders, including President Biden, without much scrutiny. However, the reliability of these numbers has come under question. A significant debate arose last week when the United Nations admitted that data from both the Hamas-run Ministry of Health and the Government Media Office in Gaza could not be independently verified. While the U.N. suggested that the overall death count was likely accurate, it halved the reported number of women and children killed, raising questions about the reliability of the information provided by Hamas, especially since they themselves mentioned that around 10,000 of those classified as dead were reported by "credible media source" however they refuse to state what media sources they are. Khaled Abu Toameh, a Palestinian affairs analyst based in Jerusalem, said, "It sounds credible when you say the Gaza Ministry of Health reported, but the truth is that most of the ministry employees are Hamas public servants, and they are not even working at the moment; they are on the run." He added, "No one really knows what is happening there. The Hamas government has not been functioning since the second or third week of the war…. They all went underground." Since Israeli troops entered Gaza on October 27, following an attack by Hamas, many affiliated with the terrorist organization have taken up arms, engaging in combat from within civilian population centers. At the beginning of the war, medical officials employed by Hamas monitored the rising death toll via a network of computers connecting morgues and hospitals. This system had been previously validated by human rights groups, the U.N., and the WHO. David Adesnik, a senior fellow and director of research at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, said, "At the start of the war, the health ministry had a stream of casualty data coming in from hospitals across Gaza. That is why so many Western journalists said the ministry's data was worth citing in their articles and why the U.N. trusted it." However, as Israeli troops advanced, the ministry lost contact with hospitals and began relying on "reliable media sources" to determine fatalities. These sources, which were never identified, became the primary basis for more than 75% of death records in the first three months of the year. Adesnik explained, "Even if you think the ministry was doing a good job at the beginning of the war collecting casualty data from hospitals, its shift to using ‘reliable media sources’ has seriously undermined its credibility." A May 3 WHO report highlighted that only a few of Gaza’s hospitals and primary health care facilities that were operational before October 7 are still functioning. Zaher al Wahaidi, who leads Hamas’ Health Information Centre, told Sky News last month that the morgue monitoring system only captures a fraction of the deaths. "Of the eight major hospitals responsible for collating morgue data, just three are still providing information to the health ministry," Sky News reported. An official from the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), the Israeli military body that coordinates civilian issues in Palestinian territories, stated that the Hamas-run civilian offices were still operating to publish data and put pressure on the international community. "The numbers they publish are not right or accurate," the COGAT official said. Despite these issues, agencies like the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) continue to cite Hamas-published data in their daily reports, albeit with a disclaimer about their inability to independently verify the figures. The unreliability of data from Gaza has significant political implications. When asked whether President Biden had confidence in the casualty numbers from Gaza, National Security communications advisor John Kirby stated, "The President watches this very, very closely. Vedant Patel, principal deputy spokesperson at the State Department, emphasized the importance of protecting civilians but did not comment on whether the State Department or the White House would continue referring to Hamas’ data. Related Topics UN Cuts Death of Women and Children in Gaza by Half Hamas admits one-third of its data on Gazan deaths is ‘incomplete’ Scrutiny Over Gaza Death Toll Figures: UK Statistics Watchdog Investigates Hamas's Data How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers Credit: Yahoo News 2024-05-27 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
  25. Every year, as March heralds the beginning of Everest season, thousands of adventurers set their sights on conquering the world’s highest peak. Mount Everest, a name synonymous with extreme adventure, danger, and the ultimate mountaineering achievement, now offers a paradoxical blend of luxury amidst the perilous climb. For those willing to pay a hefty price, this challenging expedition can be transformed into a lavish experience, complete with high-end amenities that rival those of five-star hotels. Climbing Everest has never been cheap. The cost of an expedition can vary dramatically, ranging from $30,000 to over $500,000. This steep price tag includes several major expenses: permits, guide services, gear, and, for those who seek it, luxury accommodations and services. Alan Arnette, a mountaineering coach who successfully summited Everest in 2011, notes that some high-end packages include extravagant perks. “There was an [Everest guide] company last year that offered a masseur from Kathmandu, who stayed the whole season,” Arnette told The Daily Beast. “If you’re paying $100,000, you can expect cappuccinos and sushi up there. Even a three-star chef.” The luxury experience begins at the base camps, where the level of opulence can vary significantly based on how much a climber is willing to spend. Some of the most opulent adventurers arrive at Everest’s base camps with hired porters carrying their gear, before being shown to glamping-style tents equipped with amenities that rival any five-star hotel. Arnette explains, “There is a market for the high-end experience at Basecamp. It’s like an airplane. The experience is totally different the more you spend.” Among the most luxurious offerings is the $98,000 per person Mount Everest North Side Rapid Ascent Expedition by Alpenglow Expeditions. This 36-day trip on the north side of Everest in Tibet is designed for advanced explorers and includes small group sizes, an on-call doctor, nine bottles of oxygen, and a western-trained cook staff. At Alpenglow’s 26,000-foot base camp, travelers have access to dining tents, Wi-Fi, cell service, and a fully stocked kitchen. Furtenbach Adventures, another company catering to high-end clients, aims to provide a true “glamping” experience at a cost of $75,000. “Every climber has a two-room stand-up tent with a bed, desk, electricity, and Wi-Fi, and large lounge tents with a bar, movie screening, library, and hot showers,” founder Lukas Furtenbach told The Times of London in 2020. “Last year we even had a sauna and infrared cabin powered with a clean fuel cell,” he added. Wherever possible, clients can even fly in and out from base camp by helicopter, further enhancing the convenience and luxury of the experience. Preparation for such a luxurious climb often begins long before reaching the base camp. Some climbers invest in altitude tents, which simulate high-altitude conditions and allow climbers to begin the acclimatization process from the comfort of their own homes. This can significantly reduce the traditional eight-week trip to as little as two weeks. “There is essentially a plastic bubble that simulates high altitude at home so you can start the acclimatization process at home,” Arnette explained. “You sleep in them two months before you go on your trip.” Despite the luxurious options available, climbing Everest remains a dangerous endeavor. Over 300 people have died attempting the climb, with 17 fatalities recorded last year alone. This year, eight climbers have already lost their lives. The high cost of luxury expeditions often includes essential safety measures, which are crucial given the mountain’s deadly nature. Ryan Waters, a professional climber and owner of a guide company, warns that trips priced under $40,000 might compromise on safety. “While normal ranges for trips vary quite a lot,” he explained, “anything with less than a $40,000 price tag would raise red flags since it may be sacrificing some essential safety measures.” Waters’ company, Mountain Professionals, offers a sherpa-led general expedition for about $49,500, which increases to $65,000 with a western or American mountain guide leading the small team. For $100,000, climbers can enjoy a privately guided trip. Regardless of the tier, all Mountain Professional climbers enjoy amenities such as personal large box tents with carpet, a bed mattress, pillow, storage area, charging facilities, and Wi-Fi. The company’s base camp features a dining dome and a hangout dome equipped with heat, carpets, Wi-Fi, couches, and “lots of great food and coffee.” Waters emphasizes the importance of these amenities, saying, “Plus personal very large box tents for each climber while at base camp that have carpet, a bed mattress, pillow, storage area, charging, wifi, etc. In addition a propane heated shower, lots of toilet tents, and then staff domes and kitchen for our staff.” Mark Synnott, a professional climber who summited Everest in 2019, recalls enjoying the perks of high-end accommodations. “You hang out with the people that are staying at the highest-end spots,” he said. “They had this big dome tent and when you go inside, you immediately see an espresso machine. And then in their glamping tents, they have a foyer, a desk, and even a bedroom with a little bed.” Synnott would enjoy their “fizzy water” and coffee at the luxury digs before returning to his “regular tents.” Another significant advantage of more expensive guide packages is access to more high-flow rate oxygen during the actual summit. “A higher flow rate allows for an easier time climbing,” Synnott explained. This advantage can make a substantial difference in the climber’s experience and success rate. However, the luxury campsites and high-end amenities might not last forever. Nepalese officials are considering limiting the number of climbers and restricting luxury sites to preserve the mountain’s environment. The Telegraph reported in March that local officials aim to balance the increasing commercialization with environmental protection and the safety of climbers. Despite the opulent options, luxury climbing appeals to only a small portion of Everest mountaineers. Most climbers are not wealthy thrill-seekers but passionate adventurers who save for years to afford the trip. Alan Arnette estimates, “I would say you get about 10 percent of people at Everest that are just rich and doing it for bragging rights, about another 10 percent that don’t know what they are doing, and everyone else there works hard and spends a long time saving the money and has experience climbing.” This diverse mix of climbers adds to the unique atmosphere at Everest, where individuals from all walks of life come together to pursue a common goal. In the end, climbing Everest remains a profound and transformative experience. The mountain's allure endures, drawing adventurers with its promise of challenge, beauty, and the ultimate test of endurance. Whether in luxury or simplicity, the journey to the top of the world is a testament to human determination and the desire to conquer one of nature's most formidable giants. As Arnette aptly puts it, “It’s certainly one of the most experienced Instagram photos, but also so in owning a horse or sailing around the world.” The experience of Everest, with its blend of danger, beauty, and now, luxury, continues to captivate and inspire adventurers from around the globe. Credit: The Daily Beast 2024-05-27 Get our Daily Newsletter - Click HERE to subscribe
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