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AlexRich last won the day on September 4 2019

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  1. Unintentional? The dog needs putting to sleep, and so does the owner.
  2. Starmer needs to grow a back bone and tell Russia to GF itself.
  3. It’s not something that I really care about. I know who I am and don’t need external validation from Thais or anyone else for that matter. In the scheme of things, we are all pretty insignificant creatures, with a very short shelf life. So don’t worry at all about your social status, just focus on enjoying life.
  4. You know, I was thinking that myself. A lovely pair.
  5. Am I correct in thinking that many Thai’s cannot swim? Unless of course the poor soul hit her head and was unconscious during the fall. Anyway, a sad ending to a life.
  6. Truss is a sad and desperate fool. She was given the opportunity to lead the country and completely screwed up, so badly that she had to step down. Now she is trying to reinvent herself as a UK MAGA loon … there is no bandwagon this sad incompetent won’t jump on.
  7. Are you a Russian bot? Putin has never held free and fair elections since he came to power. The opposition candidates are handpicked. Indeed, one of them described Putin as a great leader on his own campaign trail? Russia has never been a democracy, it is a kleptocracy, run by criminals. Everyone, apart from you, knows that elections in Russia are fake.
  8. I think a lot depends on how important living in Thailand is to you? If it’s not that important you could ignore it and in the worst case scenario move somewhere else. If it’s very important then get professional advice and complete it correctly. I’ve read numerous posts and videos about this subject, and have concluded that no one anywhere, including the tax people, have a clue about how to deal with foreigners under the new rules. That’s why I will nerve settle in Thailand. I suspect there will be people getting surprise tax demands and spending years trying to sort them out. Not what you want if you are retired. It's becoming increasingly difficult to avoid tax because of the collaboration and information sharing between countries. Best pick a tax regime you understand and stick with it.
  9. I think this issue is much more than just the fate of Ukraine, it is about the world that we want to live in and where this will all lead to. The rules of law in world affairs are deteriorating fast, we are moving quickly into a world where “might is right”. And laws don’t matter anymore. So, for Europe, they better get serious about their defensive capabilities before Putin divides and conquers. I suspect that the US will soon withdraw from NATO and that the Baltic states and the rest of Ukraine will be on the Russian menu. Not immediately, first they will use lifted sanctions to get the war machine up to full strength. And if Europe doesn’t offer any resistance they will start carving up their neighbours. There are many pro Russian sponsored political parties in Europe - Hungary and Slovakia are run by them and others are fighting hard to lead countries. Reform UK being one, the Afd in Germany being the other. But they are everywhere. If these parties can gain positions of power we will all be under the influence of Russia and heading towards authoritarian regimes. The new century will be an Orwellian nightmare. And that’s why this issue is about more than just Ukraine.
  10. The website would be over Simon, you’d be chatting with yourself.
  11. The problem with the “gaslighting” is that eventually people see through it. You can’t judge Trump by what he says, but you can judge him by what he does. He’s attempting to hand over Ukraine to Putin whilst simultaneously extorting Ukraine for its rare Earth mineral deposits. Trump has been an asset of the Kremlin since the late 1980’s, when after a trip to Russia he paid for newspaper ads denouncing the USA’s involvement with NATO. He’s a traitor and a rat … and we can all see that now in real time.
  12. £3,000 per day sounds like a rip off. They don’t even know what’s wrong with him? Not being insured is dumb however this just looks like exploitation.
  13. I don’t think he’s looking to conquer the world, he just wants the ability to control the US and project power in the world. He wants what Putin wants, absolute control and a percentage of State wealth. The US becomes a country controlled by a network of criminals. And by the time that MAGA loons realise they are not benefiting from Trump’s new world they will not be able to do anything about it.
  14. Trump is and always has been a criminal. His ties to Russia go back to the 1980’s, when he was taking out newspaper ads promoting Russian talking points. He used his real estate to launder Russian dirty money and he is compromised up to the neck. So no one should be surprised about his betrayal of Ukraine, that was easy to predict. He will withdraw from NATO, engage in massive theft of state assets, and run the US as a criminal enterprise. When he said “you won’t have to vote again” he meant it. You will have Russian elections, where there is only one winner. And your Constitution will be consigned to the dustbin of history.
  15. The so-called “Russia Hoax” was never a hoax at all. Trump giving Putin everything he wants and more and selling the US’s allies down the Swanny. Khrushchev realised that the USSR could not defeat the USA conventionally, but it could be defeated if it could be divided and infiltrated. You are seeing this plan come to fruition with the election of Russian “asset” Donald J Trump. The American century is coming to an end, kleptocrats have taken over. “You’ll never have to vote again” - only an idiot thought he was joking. You will have “Russian” elections from now on. And a wrecked Constitution.
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