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Posts posted by Moti24

  1. If I had 100 Baht for every time I'd seen a baby being carried under one arm by the passenger, I'd be a rich man. However, yesterday, a motorcycle came out of a side road right in-front of me, the rider not looking, as usual, and on the back was a woman carrying a baby under each arm, with a toddler of about 4/5 years old sandwiched between her and the guy in front. Not a crash helmet in sight, and by the way it was snaking around the road, I suspect the Leo was still swilling around in the guy's stomach. I thought I'd seen it all!

  2. You got to respect them for that. At least they are doing something worthwhile. However, the biggest problem is that Thais just discard their rubbish where they want. Just stand outside any 7/11 and watch as they unwrap a pack of cigarettes or a sandwich and throw the paper on the ground, even though there is a waste bin within arms reach. Sometimes, I feel like giving them a slap, but what's the point; the whole nation's at it!

    Well done the BiB.

  3. What they do will be irrelevant; there will still be over 300 deaths and a couple of thousand injured during the Songkran period. Same BS every year! Why don't they just implement the road laws that are already published, instead of making these pathetic jestures just before hoilday periods! It's about time the government started controlling who they give driving licences to, and the highway police started earning their salary.

  4. Usually, parents are responsible for bringing up their children, although in this case, I suspect the family nanny did that. Instead of the father standing there for a photo shoot, with his hands in his pocket and a look of pure arrogance on his face, he should be setting an example and insisting that the punishment for his son should fit the crime. But we all know that won't happen here. He'll get a few hours of community service and his father will give him a new merc.

    I almost make myself sick when I think about these low-life scum!

  5. Songkran: Temple visits, giving food to the Bhuddhist monks, pouring water on the Bhudda statues, young people pouring water over the hands of their elders to show respect, family get-togethers - Where has all that gone? Temple visits are few during Songkran as most Thais are too busy loading their pickup trucks at dawn with iced water (no time to visit temples). Food given to the Bhuddhist monks, no doubt in short supply during the same period (water fights are far more important). Most young people are on the back of pickups, so that's the pouring of water over the elders' hands to show respect out the window. Family get-togethers in the back of pickup trucks; OK, I'll allow that one, but not the pouring of water over elders' hands in the back of a pickup; (1 out of 5 not bad).

    Then we get to the foreigners, probably mostly tourists, who come to Thailand to party and play with the water. Well, to those people, I say, "Hope you have a great time and enjoy your holiday." Unfortunately, some of these foreigners seem to up the game and cause more mayhem than the Thais. At least the Thais don't throw buckets of water from the balconies/roofs of condos, and I've yet to see a Thai aim a water jet straight into a person's face. Most Thais will even ask if they can put powder on your face; you got to respect them for that.

    Then we add the alcohol to all that, and we get the normal deaths and injuries that can be expected during the Songkran period. The water throwers empty buckets of water over the motorcyclists and fire jets of water at them when they ride past, causing many to part company with their bike, although I don't think that just alcohol is the cause of that, more just basic lack of common sense, which needs to addressed by the powers to be. Hundreds are killed and thousands injured on the Thai roads during Songkran, and yet the festivities go on without regard for any of these consequencies. Life is cheap in Thailand! I wonder if things would change if Thailand suddenly shoots to No 1 in road death statistics; No chance!

    Yes, I have played a couple of times in the Songkran mayhem, but the novelty soon wore off as it has become more of a dangerous activity every year. I usually stay at home now during that period, but that is my choice. I have no problem with others taking part in the activites, if that is their desire. But I do wish people would have a bit more common sense when playing with peoples lives.

    Happy Songkran

  6. I was bitten by a soi dog in February 2011. There were about 6 dogs camping out in the soi. The local Thai residents saw it happen, but wouldn't tell me which one it was, probably because whoever feeds it was worried they would have to pay. The correct immediate first aid is to wash the bite wound with soap and water, then put iodine on the bite; that done, I went to the local hospital. The rabies innoculation is a course of 5 injections, the day of the bite plus days 3,7,14 and 28. The tetanus is a course of 3 injections over a period of time (can't quite remember the time span). Total cost, about 7,000 Baht. A far as I can remember, the rabies jabs are life protection, although I would probably go to a hospital to check if bitten again.

    Make sure you always have a bottle of iodine at home; better safe than sorry, and go to the hospital the same day as the bite, even if you have to crawl there.

    I love dogs, have 2 of my own, but as far as soi dogs are concerned, they are the bane of my life, can't walk to the local 7/11, have to go in the car or on the motorbike. They should all be culled. Perhaps it might attract more tourists if that were to happen. I wonder if the government has thought of that! No! TiT!

  7. I was on overstay for 2 years. About 5 months in, I was caught by immigration police at the airport while returning to Bangkok from Phuket. Took my dog to the ocean for her first time.

    I paid a fine to the 4 immigration officers who were waiting for me, to avoid going to IDC and having to spend a load of cash buying another flight. After, I was escorted to a taxi and went home. I was told that I will need to pay the fine again when I decide to leave the country legitimately. I figured since I paid the fine, I might as well get my money's worth and stayed for an additional 20 months.

    I cleared my overstay yesterday. No problems. No interrogation. The guy was whistling a song while writing my receipt.

    I feel that Thai people really don't care about overstay, but they are told to care so that it can generate revenue for the country while also getting their affairs in order.

    It's nice to clear up the overstay though, and now I qualify for a long term visa for when I return.

    You are the type of people that give the rest of us a bad name.

    Why don't you "man up" and follow the laws of this nation?

    Well said!

    How is it, "well said"? The guy can't even comprehend English.

    Who are you really angry at? The overstayers, or the police that don't care?

    I was caught red-handed in the airport by immigration police. 4 of them. If they don't care, why should I?

    Does it also make you angry that I have many Thai police friends who were also aware of my visa status but they didn't care and would invite me over for bbq dinner with all their friends and family?

    Thai law, and Thai reality are very different.

    "I figured since I paid the fine, I might as well get my money's worth and stayed for an additional 20 months."?

    It's because of people like you that the rest of us have to jump through hoops in order to extend our annual visas.

    Please explain what hoops you have to jump through in order to extend your annual visa?

    Is it because of people on overstay that Thaksin raised the retirement amount from 400000b to 800000b, I think not. Is it because of overstayers that your are required to have an income of 65000b if you don't have the 800000, I think not. Is it because of overstayers that you are required to have photos with you and your wife if on a marriage extention, I think not. Is it because of overstayers that teachers' now require a criminal background check, I think not. Should I go on? Please do enlighten us on how an individual on overstay has had any real effect on you getting your annual extension. I can bet in reality you can't because, it hasn't.

    Rayk - You seem to be doing a lot of thinking. I think you are missing the point. "People like you", does not refer to overstayers alone, but to all foreigners that abuse the Thai immigration regulations. I have been here for 12 years, first with a non-b visa, and now on my fourth extension based on marriage. Every immigration office appears to make their own regulations as they go along, partly because of the problems within their own area due to the blatant disregard of regulations by foreigners. I have extended based on marriage at 2 different immigration offices. Each time, different rules apply. On my second extension, I was told to bring a neighbour to confirm that I lived there with my wife, and yet the previous year, that was not needed; the reason - I was told that there were too many foreigners not living at their designated addresses. I also have a yellow house book, but they won't accept that; when I submit the paperwork, the book and photo copies are given back without even looking at them. I could go on...

    Since yesterday, road blocks have been set-up to check foreigners' passports. A friend of mine confirmed that when he was in Bangkok yesterday, he was stopped at 2 seperate road blocks within 1 hour of each other, and passports of all vehicle occupants were checked. Overstayers may well not be responsible for the changes you mentioned, but they are sure as hell responsible for the roadblocks in Bangkok, and no doubt other areas not yet come to light.

    Perhaps you need to look at the bigger picture before you make future comments. I'm sure there are reasons behind all the changes you mentioned, unknown to the likes of us pesky foreigners.

  8. It's because of people like you that the rest of us have to jump through hoops in order to extend our annual visas.

    Hello? Good morning.

    It's not the overstayer's fault they ask you for tea money at your retirement extension or they want to see pictures of you and your wife in bed for the marriage extension or that the bank book copy is "not centered".

    Stop the bashing, wake up and get a reality check of what country you're living in.

    I know, it hurts.

    It's not the overstayer's fault they ask you for tea money at your retirement extension or they want to see pictures of you and your wife in bed for the marriage extension or that the bank book copy is "not centered". ?

    None of the above apply. However, you obviously have personal experience.

    Stop the bashing. ?

    Obviously you are, or have been, an overstayer, otherwise you wouldn't have made the above comments. If neither, you no doubt went to the same school of morals as one.

  9. I was on overstay for 2 years. About 5 months in, I was caught by immigration police at the airport while returning to Bangkok from Phuket. Took my dog to the ocean for her first time.

    I paid a fine to the 4 immigration officers who were waiting for me, to avoid going to IDC and having to spend a load of cash buying another flight. After, I was escorted to a taxi and went home. I was told that I will need to pay the fine again when I decide to leave the country legitimately. I figured since I paid the fine, I might as well get my money's worth and stayed for an additional 20 months.

    I cleared my overstay yesterday. No problems. No interrogation. The guy was whistling a song while writing my receipt.

    I feel that Thai people really don't care about overstay, but they are told to care so that it can generate revenue for the country while also getting their affairs in order.

    It's nice to clear up the overstay though, and now I qualify for a long term visa for when I return.

    You are the type of people that give the rest of us a bad name.

    Why don't you "man up" and follow the laws of this nation?

    Well said!

    How is it, "well said"? The guy can't even comprehend English.

    Who are you really angry at? The overstayers, or the police that don't care?

    I was caught red-handed in the airport by immigration police. 4 of them. If they don't care, why should I?

    Does it also make you angry that I have many Thai police friends who were also aware of my visa status but they didn't care and would invite me over for bbq dinner with all their friends and family?

    Thai law, and Thai reality are very different.

    "I figured since I paid the fine, I might as well get my money's worth and stayed for an additional 20 months."?

    It's because of people like you that the rest of us have to jump through hoops in order to extend our annual visas.

  10. There have been several reports of him being back.

    Likewise the Bangkok Post today mentions that Praewa (the girl that killed 9 in a minivan accident) has breached her court order by not doing community work.

    These people will never be punished. They pay a few million baht (which is no great loss to them ...price of o new Ferrari) and all is forgotten.

    Things will never change.

    Not only that but also that her family lodged a complaint with The Ombudsman when an official tried to make her do the community work in the mandated way. Shameless and clueless.

    In respect of this case, is it unreported that he has been charged with drunk driving and resisting arrest, in addition to the recklessness causing death? The father turned up at the second funeral , smiling as if it were a photo op ( picture The Nation, front page).

    Meanwhile the govt spokesperson said: "we will not let the public feel that the rich are shielded or are beyond the law".) Perish the thought.

    Praewa was charged with driving without a licence, reckless driving causing death and injury, property damage and using a mobile phone while driving; the result of killing 9 people and injuring 4 others. The sentence was a joke. This guy only killed 2 people, so I presume he'll do less community service.

    The first picture of this guy's father with the police was of him with his hands in his pockets and a look of pure arrogance on his face. He already knows the outcome. How does he sleep at night!

  11. I was on overstay for 2 years. About 5 months in, I was caught by immigration police at the airport while returning to Bangkok from Phuket. Took my dog to the ocean for her first time.

    I paid a fine to the 4 immigration officers who were waiting for me, to avoid going to IDC and having to spend a load of cash buying another flight. After, I was escorted to a taxi and went home. I was told that I will need to pay the fine again when I decide to leave the country legitimately. I figured since I paid the fine, I might as well get my money's worth and stayed for an additional 20 months.

    I cleared my overstay yesterday. No problems. No interrogation. The guy was whistling a song while writing my receipt.

    I feel that Thai people really don't care about overstay, but they are told to care so that it can generate revenue for the country while also getting their affairs in order.

    It's nice to clear up the overstay though, and now I qualify for a long term visa for when I return.

    You are the type of people that give the rest of us a bad name.

    Why don't you "man up" and follow the laws of this nation?

    Well said!

  12. It will be interesting to see what happens to people who accidentally overstay by just a day or two ,

    It would be quite severe if a person was heading to a border and didnt make it in time before the border closed and they left first thing the next morning and they then faced a ban from re entering Thailand .

    I would imagine that there would be a certain amount of grace before bans were implemented , I would imagine that the grace period would be between 1-90 days, but, only time will tell

    I think the infographics tell you all you need. Under 90 days and hand yourself in = no ban. Under 90 days and get arrested = ban

    What would happen if you are on the way to a border with a one day over stay and there was a Police check, would they arrest you and just let you be on your way to the border?

    Now that there are constant police checks, I've been breathalised 5 times in the past 6 months; the police have gotten more aggressive on each occassion. If you think they would give you a free pass to the border, think again. "Out with the bad"? It appears that all foreigners are included in that statement. They will drain every last baht from you. If you have to do a border run, do it the day before visa expiry.

  13. Further to my last post - #21

    I received a reply from my email query, bang-on 5 days. I was a bit surprised, as all it said was that they have checked my account, and roaming is switch on, and all I have to do was manually search for Dtac or Real Future network, and my phone will work. After explaining the problems I was having, it seems nobody at Three gives a damn either. However, I am now able to make/receive calls, and also send text messages, but can't receive any text replies. So, I can do those things that cost money, but I can't receive free texts, although I did receive texts from Three, asking me to do a survey which consisted of 5 texts and 5 replies. Also in the email, it stated, "If you have any further problems, you can call the call centre (at international rates) and speak with a customer service representative"; another service that I have to pay for.

    I somehow think that it may have something to do with the Real Future (True) network. Well, TiT, isn't it!

  14. Yet another horrific bus crash in Thailand - Driver flees the scene?

    The driver of a passenger carrying vehicle, anywhere in the world, is responsible for the safety of the passengers. It is the driver's responsibility, if able, to contact the emergency services and assist where necessary. On this, and so many other occassions in Thailand, the driver has seen fit to scarper, obviously due to the fact that he was either high on yaba or full of whisky. When are these cowardly excuses for human beings going to receive punishments to fit the crimes? By fleeing the scene, he should be considered guilty on all counts and sentenced accordingly; once the tom-tom drums get going, there is a strong possibility that other cowardly human beings will be more likely to face-up to there responsibilities.

    Yes, I know, it'll never happen. TiT!

  15. Interesting reading - I have had an Orange UK number for the past 24 years, and have been using it in Thailand for the past 11 years. Last September, it suddenly stopped working. After numerous calls to their customer service centre in India, including contact with the technical department, a new sim was sent to my UK address, which was forwarded to me in Thailand; it didn't work. More calls to the same, but to no avail. So, I finally decided enough was enough, and asked for a port code. Two days after giving me the port code, the sim started working, but only for 12 hours, then off again.

    Meanwhile, I had arranged a Three UK sim to be posted to my UK address. I got a family member to take it to a Three shop (His phone is locked on Orange) and register it, and I checked it worked OK while he was in the Three shop. It was then sent to me in Thailand. Roaming is automatically activated on all Three sims, so it worked as soon as I put it into my phone. I could make/receive calls/texts. First problem - Unable to register online for MY3 account; after Live Chat with customer service centre in, yes, you've guessed it, India, the matter was resolved, and the service representative also arranged for my Orange UK number to be ported - takes about 2 days. Orange number ported OK, as confirmed on MY3 online account. Second problem - Since number has been ported, sim is showing as registered on True network, with roaming, but I'm unable to make/receive calls/texts. Another Live Chat, and was told that I would receive text messages in a few hours, after that it should work. The next day, still nothing. Three UK's partners in Thailand ar Dtac and Real Future (a True Company - ahhh!). I can only connect with True, Dtac (Forbidden). Last time I tried to re-register a Thai network, got True again, but this time, I received a message from True that I couldn't use my sim because roaming was turned off before I left my home network (UK). I can only presume that the problem was caused by porting my Orange UK number to a previously registered sim card. Last Friday, March 11th, I sent an email to customer services, and waiting for response, which should be within 5 days. I'll post any further information as and when.

    After 24 years with Orange UK, I must admit that Three UK's customer service is by far superior to Orange UK's. There are options to Live Chat, email and call centre, and I find the service representatives are a pleasure to talk to, and appear to really try and solve your problems.

    Just for information - If you want to have a sim card sent from the UK with Royal Mail registered post, it costs £7.25 and takes 8-10 days. However, my letters have an address label in English and Thai; my last letter was received in 5 days.


  16. After teaching in Thailand for the best part of 10 years, I have probably seen it all. Students are told not to ask questions of any Thai teacher, and just accept what they are told is correct. I have seen Thai teachers, who can't speak English, teaching English classes, Thai teachers turning up 20 minutes late for lessons and leaving 20 minutes early, Thai teachers getting a massage from their students during an extra class, the list goes on...

    As far as Foreign teachers are concerned, some of those are no better. I have seen Foreign teachers sleeping in the staff room instead of going to lessons, Foreign teachers with no understanding of Grammar teaching the upper grades, Foreign teachers playing games on their phone while the students run riot around the class, the list goes on...

    I am fed up seeing tweets on ajarn.com from people saying they are thinking of teaching in Thailand and looking after the elephants, people who want to teach in Thailand and be near a beach, people who use the internet as the sole supplier of worksheets, the list goes on...

    Well, I retired early because I was fed up watching these Foreign teachers collect their salary at the end of the month, knowing that their students still couldn't put a sentence together.

    Congratulations to the M.O.E for allowing all this to happen. The only Foreign teachers you will get now are the back-packers and the illiterate spongers.

  17. Just one driver out of hundreds - They should all be locked up and the key thrown away; they are only below the speed limit when they are stopping.

    Some of you may remember a Minivan crashing on the Bangna-Trat Expressway, about 3/4 years ago. As far as I can remember, at least 6/7 passengers were burnt to death when it caught fire as a result of that accident; it may have been 9 passengers. The Minivan was travelling from Chachoengsao to Bangna, a route that ran every hour during the day. Only 2 days before that accident, I was travelling on the same route, may have even been the same Minivan. Sitting in the centre seat behind the driver, I could see his speedo was reading 160 k/p/h, and the Minivan was wavering a bit; this was on Bangna-Trat Express way, more or less in the exact area of the accident. Since that day, I have not travelled on one of those Minivans, nor do I intend to in the future.

    No doubt the owner of the vehicle will grease the sweaty palms... When he sobers up!

  18. Looks like this National Artist only sees what he wants to see; the phrase, "P*** Artist" springs to mind.

    A large resort close to where I live caters mainly for bus loads of Chinese tourists on a daily basis. Every day, between 6am and 9am, there is a mass exodus of coaches. During this time, most of the Chinese tourists do nothing but spit on the ground, discard their cigarette butts in the flower beds and cause general havoc to the planned routine.

    There is a nice swimming pool in the resort, where I use to swim on a regular basis, but not any more. The coaches arrive back mid to late afternoon, and quite a few Chinese tourists make straight for the pool. When they walk past, their body odour lingers in the air for quite a time. All of them jump into the pool with their clothes on (That's the laundry done for the day). They spit in the pool, and even put a finger over 1 nostril and blow their nose as well. These habits haven't changed for the past 2 years, and probably never will. One of the resort managers asked me why I don't go swimming any more. When I explained the reason, she just changed to subject.

    So how does this National Artist expect the Chinese tourists to change their habits if Thais continue avoiding confrontation?

    It'll never happen!

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