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blistering blue barnacles

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Posts posted by blistering blue barnacles

  1. Next !!!Why would anybody get upset?

    You can see her hand never touched the girl.

    Too many farangs with nothing to do but complain.


    It is the principle not the action that people take exception to

    You mean 'Farang' take exception to?

    The Thai sense of humour is an acquired taste!

    Thai advertising, in general, is way out there. The Isuzu D’max advert they used to play at the cinema always used to get me. Young Thai guy ripping the arse out of it on a gravel track, not a paint chip in sight, and they wonder why everyone is driving like a lunatic?

  2. Steroids.....screws up their minds

    1/...You know this ----because you have taken so many over the years..??

    2/ because....You have seen so many Body builders attacking people & kidnapping girls ??

    3/ because...You have lots of links to show cause & affect of steroids....(just forgot to post them)...??

    4/ Because you really don't have a clue about steroids now prescribed by doctors all over the USA & the UK for HRT treatment.......but hay it seemed a good throw away line..............bound to get some like from other people who don't know either................coffee1.gif

    Don't try to use facts on ignorant people it never works.

    There is however a little bit of proof that in some cases huge amounts of testosterone make people more aggressive. This happens less as with alcohol, but it basically works like this if your an aggressive person taking steroids you could get more aggressive (but obviously does not happen that much otherwise the news would be full of it). Just like an idiot on alcohol becomes a greater idiot.

    But as you said its a nice line.. kinda like reefer madness plenty of people believe it. But if its true.. then why is the top of the bodybuilding circle not far more in the new for incidents (they take huge loads of steroids) and why are there not constant fights at gyms (seems there are far more fights at bars fueled by alcohol)

    Anyway I hope this animal goes to jail, and like others said the guy will lose quite a bit of muscle because of lack of exercise and the right food. However once he gets out het can get back relatively easy (muscle memory) been there done that (not the jail thing)

    Its always the insecure out of shape people attacking bodybuilders, even with steroids it takes a lot effort and dedication to stay in shape. I am no fan of the real big guys, but that is a matter of taste. Some think I am to big already. I find working out a great stress reliever.

    My apologies to all you big muscle men out there but any man that wants to be twice or even thrice his natural size has psychological problems. Some worse than others of course. In my opinion the Body Business started the obsessive disorders in millions of people and eventually led to the popularization of fake. Now it seems to be completely normal to get some plastic surgery, Botox or silicon boob job due to the 'normalization' of these obsessive body disorders. Nothing wrong with exercising but what some people get themselves into is just sick. Not to mention the roids and all the other chemicals.

    How does one guy get into triathlons and another into pumping weights? Perhaps pumping weights can be done while watching TV, 555!

    If men wish to develop their bodies to their full potential, they should be allowed to do so without ridicule or criticism, just like any other form of personal choice.

    Personally speaking, I’d much rather be fit, healthy and attractive to the opposite sex, than be a lazy, pie eating, beer guzzling fat <deleted> with nothing better to do than pull other people to bits!

    Live and let live I say!

  3. Jacking up roids and giving yourself even smaller genitalia will not improve small man syndrome.

    an other gem of wisdom, no proof ever that a guys genitalia shrinks from steroids. I love those uninformed opinions.

    Your balls COULD shrink but get back to normal once you stop. But even shrinkage of balls is easily countered and people who use the stuff know what to take against it.

    Just for your information, older guys going on HRT (injecting testosterone) often get many benefits in bed instead of losing them. So what does that say about your opinion ?

    Taking anabolic and androgenic steroids ‘will’ make your testicles atrophy, but this is easily compensated by taking HCG, Human chorionic gonadotropin, during and after steroid cycles.

    HRT, ‘hormone replacement therapy’, to aid women cope with menopausal stress and depression has been widely publicised and accepted for many years. However, there are also many benefits for older guys, benefits including an increased libido and general feeling of wellbeing.

  4. Testosterone, ‘male hormone’, exaggerates all human emotions, not just rage. When taking high levels artificially, you will experience dramatically increased levels of all your emotions. Most bodybuilders, who use, do struggle with this at first, but after a while they become familiar with the symptoms and are more able to control it to a certain degree.

    I am of course in no way justifying his abysmal behaviour, just trying to shine a little light on what I feel to be the ‘misnamed’ and ‘misunderstood’ subject of roid rage.

    Additionally: Human hormones have been used for many years under the guise of recreational purposes. For example, it is considered quite acceptable for women to take increased levels of Estrogen, female hormone’, to aid in increased sexual activity without becoming pregnant, i.e., recreational sex. But, in direct contradiction, it is socially frowned upon for males to use ‘male hormones’ for enhanced physical, mental and sexual performance.

  5. Bad news indeed, I was hoping he'd show up, but seriously doubted it.

    Pain in leg sounds like a type 1 bend, not that serious. Type 2 bend, central nervous system, can cause disorientation, but the pain usually starts in the lower back. Doesn't sound likely for a diving instructor to get bent? Unless he flew to soon after diving. The negative pressure can bring on a bend.

    My condolences to the family, and I hope the RTP manage to get to the bottom of it…

  6. I think it can take up to 2 weeks for certain drugs to get out of your system.

    I was thinking the same thing, so we can rule out cannabis which takes longer. How about they test his hair which will give a much better indication of the type of party favours this guy was on.

    If the blood test shows he has any drug in his system he can just say he took it this morning

    Most substances take around 4 days to clear your system, which is why cravings and withdrawal will ease up after the initial 4 day period. Cannabis resin however, being oil based will stay in your system for up to 30 days.

    It is also possible to find substance traces for a significantly extended period by testing body hair, although it is not possible to ascertain exactly when the substances were ingested.

  7. It seems ‘most’ guys here are constantly moaning about how terrible ‘most’ of the girls really are. Very rarely is anything ever revealed from the girls’ perspective. Well they sure don’t start off terrible, believe me, they’re just ruined over time, and if you stay here long enough, you’ll pass girls you’ve known in the street from time to time and you’ll think; Jesus, what happened to you! 10 or 15 years in the bar will do that to a girl.

    In fact ‘most’ arrive in the bar quite innocent with absolutely no idea what to expect. But, with all the positive education nicely provided by their older and wiser sisters, along with all the wonderful abuse and false promises provided by some quality farang, the innocence sure doesn’t remain for long.

    Moral of the story: Next time you have negative thoughts toward a girl, just spare a moment to think just how much negativity she’s experienced in her short life so far.

    Fact: I’ve known beautiful girls spend years, earning fortunes in the go go’s, only to see them years later, pot less shadows of their former selves, having to resort to selling sumtam on the streets to survive, having of course been systematically relieved from their hard earned and bled dry by those whom she thought loved and cared for her.

    My thoughts go out to this poor young woman, the abuse she must have suffered, and how lonely and used she must have felt right at the end…

  8. In the LOS it is easy to determine the cause of a building collapsing.if.the project calls for a certain size of steel rods in the cement then the foreman will use a less quality and size in the construction,then he will not use the correct mixture of sand,gravel,and concrete .He will then pocket the savings not caring about building codes or safety.These lapse in safety in construction in ever endeavor in LOS is covered up via bribes.Knowing this how would you like to be riding on the first trip when Thailand builds the super fast rail road?

    But the Chinese will be doing the actual building of the railway (if that consoles you), while Thailand is merely footing the bill...


  9. Guess all the chaps were outside smoking and congratulating each other on a job ‘almost’ well done!

    Amazes me how hard the women work on construction sites here. Can you imagine farang birds humping blocks and knocking up cement?

    My deepest condolences to the ladies and their families. One sincerely hopes there will be adequate compensation, and yet, sadly, one also doubts it very much!

  10. They are not French, theire names indicated they are native Morrocans. So by experience I believe the Thai version of the story. I think 99% of Dutch, Belgiand and French will agree with. Morrocans are well know trouble makers in those 3 countries.

    As usual, to imply all Moroccans are trouble makers, is not unlike saying all Muslims are terrorists!

    Lived with the Moroccan Berber Muslims for over 6 months and never had a problem, in fact as the only white amongst them, I always felt protected by them, although I am English. Had I been French or German, it most certainly would have been a different story.

    Incidentally, I also lived on my farm and as part of a small Thai community for 3 years, never had a problem there either. I believe that in general, the way you conduct and present yourself to others, will in turn dictate the attitude and treatment of others towards you.

    Of course there are always exceptions to any rule of thought!

  11. that clown took his wife/girlfriend to work at soi nana and did not know what was happening? what did he think she was doing? selling roses? he was a pimp plain and simple! and it is amazing that he was surprised that he saw another man! these thai men who let their girlfriends/wife work in the red light districts amaze me as to what they expect!

    She was a waitress at a noodle restaurant. She was heavily pregnant. How does this make her a whore and her ex boyfriend a pimp?

    Very sad story. RIP and sympathy to the girls family.

    I hope justice is served on this dangerous thug by ending his life by firing squad.

    Do you actually bother to read anything? You did the same thing to me yesterday!

    It quite clearly states in the OP that they both previously lived and she worked at Nana. Only 2 things for sale at Nana, sorry 3, booze, p*ssy and c*ck!

    Police lay in wait for Taweesak at several locations including the red light district of Soi Nana in Bangkok where the couple had lived and where Chamaiporn worked for several months.[unquote]

    Well i'll do it to you today.It clearly says she was a waitress that worked in Soi Nana,not NEP.Don't know if you have been there but it is a long soi,with many hotels and restaurants where she could have worked You need to get your eyes above the navel.

    Soi Nana, no such place, maybe you mean Soi 4. That being the case, yes I used to live there around 20 years ago actually.

    By the way, they are all waitresses in Nana, don't you know prostitution is illegal here!

    Get your eyes above the navel. cheesy.gif

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