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blistering blue barnacles

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Posts posted by blistering blue barnacles

  1. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

    Are you serious Metapod? You can justify what that guy did to a women? I wouldn't even call the maggot a man. Hitting women just ain't on.

    Where does it say that he ‘Justified’ what happened to the farang family?

    His point, a point I happen to agree with, was how the completely biased term ‘Unprovoked’ was used throughout the report, implying the farang family were totally innocent and without fault.

    Yes, of course what went on to happen was completely out of order, and I myself could not believe that Thai guy kicked the old woman in the face. But, wouldn’t the report have been a lot fairer as well as more realistic if the term’, ‘drunken altercation between Thais and farang gets totally out of hand’, had been used instead?

    As we all well know, men are masculine, women are feminine. That said each in turn should respect the other’s sexuality. If a woman chooses to abuse her femininity by using profanity or violence towards a man, then is it not fair to say that the woman no longer deserves the right to respect from the man? And is it not also fair to say that as people of their well advanced years, 'the parents', should have known better than to slap and sucker punch Thais.

    And again yes, what went on to happen was completely unwarranted and I do not condone it, but I really cannot agree with the reporting of this incident.

    Incidentally, I’ve been coming to Thailand since 81 and have been full time now since 97. During this time I have witnessed the Thai attitude steadily change from a quiet resentment to full blown hatred for farang. And, I have to say to myself, ‘is it any wonder, when the quality of tourist has gone from generally older, more respectful western guys, to every scumbag sex pest, drug taking bottom feeder on earth!’

    Time for expats to bail this sinking ship…

  2. Many Thai males act aggressively out of frustration with the sad reality of their lives. Foreigners are an easy target. I was strolling past the Grand Palace last week and of course the 50 Tuk Tuk drivers all lined up sitting around doing nothing start with their touts. I smiled politely and simply said "Mai Chai, Mai Chai" ,,all while smiling. One of these cretins chases me down the street informing me how rude I am (yeah....what a crock) and I should say "Mai Ow" instead of "No. No". I was about to rail on him and advise him if he wants to make some money or get somewhere in life maybe sitting with 50 other Tuk Tuk drivers in the same place harassing tourists is not the best way to go. But smiled and kept my mouth shut at which point I hear him deriding me in Thai to his fellow drivers as I walked away.

    This is the state of things...minimize your exposure Thai males is the only solution.

    Mai Ow?

    Did he think you were a pussy?

    No but he was a typical rude and frustrated Thai male, acting like an ass when he did not get what he wanted. And having worked in many Thai government schools in my day, Thais say "Mai Chai, Mai Chai" and "Mai Dai Mai Dai" all of the time so whatever the poster who objected to my smiling reply is thinking he is wrong.


    Mai Chai - Not Correct

    Mai Dai - Not Good

    Mai Ow - Don't Want

    Polite way of saying no thank you - Mai, Krup. Leave out the Ow.

  3. Judging by the unbiased reporting and comments, it would seem that people only see what they want to see.


    Two, most likely drunk, Thai guys have an argument, Thai guy in black turns and walks on; Thai guy in white follows and they continue walking down the soi.

    Son of elderly couple, in black shirt and hat, pushes Thai guy in white shirt out of his path.

    Thai guy in white responds by returning the courtesy.

    Son in black, obviously mortal drunk, trips over own feet and smacks head on table.

    Mother seeing her prostrate son, and totally unaware that he pushed the Thai guy first, moves in to defend her assumingly innocent offspring.

    Argument ensues, culminating with mother assaulting Thai guy by slapping his face.

    Result: All hell breaks loose!

    Reality: A farang family got the crap kicked out of them based on two assaults they initiated against Thais.

    Opinion: Not saying it’s right or wrong, just saying the farang are wrongly portrayed as being completely innocent in this report.

    Question: If some drunken farang pushes you out of his way like he’s the man and you’re a piece of dirt, are you going to be impressed? And likewise, adding insult to injury, said farang’s mother goes on to smack you in the face?

    Moral of the story: This is Thailand and we are visitors. So, don’t assault Thais, as they will respond with deadly force. And don’t be fooled into thinking that we deserve special treatment, when Thais go, they go, and whether you’re Thai or farang, young or old, male or female, makes no difference at all.

  4. This is relatively tame compared to the annual big bike show in Chiang Mai. A lot more girls, a lot less fabric.

    I just don't get this whole "morality" push by the government. The Thai elites seem to believe that their culture is somehow superior to all others, and immune from common desires and temptations. Why is it that they push their version of morality on their people, while at the same time turning away from the myriad real problems that are holding Thailand back?

    Maybe they just don't want to end up like a bunch of degenerates, like the rest of the civilised world!

    Most searched topics on Google!


    I think that speaks for itself…


  5. 47 and 62 ?

    So the mother was only 15 years old when this creature was borned. Sad story.


    In Thailand, quite likely. I have known (not in the biblical sense) 12 and 13 year old girls who were sold off by their family to older (30/40+) Thai men for marriage.

    Absolutely vile practice.

    Depends how you look at it?

    Option 1: An arranged marriage to an older, financially secure man, complete with dowry for the parents.

    Option 2: Just leave her to her destiny. Knocked up by some teenage, smooth talker, then abandoned with child and left with no other option than the bar.

    Both of the above scenarios are quite common place here.

    Do make sure you actually understand Thai culture, before jumping in with criticism!

    NB: As a point in fact, a young girl marrying an older financially secure man, is not frowned upon, but considered a good marriage by most Thais, and has been part of Their culture for eons.

    (I do not condone underage sex, but I do condone families doing everything they can to secure their future and that of their child. No welfare state in Thailand!)

    Erm, well you are condoning underage sex if you believe that this is an acceptable practice, culture has nothing to do with it.

    On the whole selling your children (note the words "selling" and "children") to older men under the premise that they will be better off and more financially secure is disgusting. How can a middle aged man have any connection or be able to relate to a 13 year old girl?

    Some things are worth much, much more then money, such as a child's innocence. Perhaps you should have a rethink about your acceptance and "open minded" attitude about such things.

    You are basing your remarks purely on the modern ethical standards of developed countries, of which Thailand is not!

    Incidentally, you may wish to consider the information below concerning the age of consent in two of the foremost developed countries in days gone by.

    “Until 1823, the legal age in England for marriage was 21 years--for men and women. After 1823, a male could marry as young as fourteen without parental consent and a girl at 12. Most girls, however, married between the ages of 18 and 23, especially in the upper classes.”

    “The law governing the age of consent has changed dramatically in the United States during this century. Most states codified a statutory age of consent during the nineteenth century, and the usual age was ten years.”

    “Some things are worth much, much more than money, such as a child's innocence.”

    You may wish to explain that to a family who cannot even feed said child, let alone worry about its innocence!

    Incidentally, during my 3 years living as part of a rural Thai community, I personally witnessed the fact that ‘The Innocent Childhood’ as we know it, simply does not exist.

    And again, ‘I DO NOT’ condone underage sex; I just try to ‘understand and accept’ the culture of the people and the developing country of which I am a guest.

  6. 47 and 62 ?

    So the mother was only 15 years old when this creature was borned. Sad story.


    In Thailand, quite likely. I have known (not in the biblical sense) 12 and 13 year old girls who were sold off by their family to older (30/40+) Thai men for marriage.

    Absolutely vile practice.

    Depends how you look at it?

    Option 1: An arranged marriage to an older, financially secure man, complete with dowry for the parents.

    Option 2: Just leave her to her destiny. Knocked up by some teenage, smooth talker, then abandoned with child and left with no other option than the bar.

    Both of the above scenarios are quite common place here.

    Do make sure you actually understand Thai culture, before jumping in with criticism!

    NB: As a point in fact, a young girl marrying an older financially secure man, is not frowned upon, but considered a good marriage by most Thais, and has been part of Their culture for eons.

    (I do not condone underage sex, but I do condone families doing everything they can to secure their future and that of their child. No welfare state in Thailand!)

  7. This man will be very much damned in hell after he dies.

    Well you seemed to have condemned him - don't you think the charges need to be proven.

    After all - plenty of rapes get reported all over the world where the accused didn't do anything at all.

    Here we freaking go again..

    True.. Innocent until proven guilty.

    Shouldn't take long to do a DNA test on the deposit he made inside his mother..

    Should he be released to murder his mom as well?

    Supposedly he threatened to do that for reporting his sick perverted ass to the police?

    Then again, he might be innocent..

    Totally! It's actually quite common practise for mothers to report their sons for rape! Happens all the time!

  8. why is it even making news, surely this is what any decent human being would do , theyre just trying to cover the darker side of thai peoples greed,corruption,double pricing, racism etc etc etc ..........

    thats the way i see it coffee1.gif

    So you like Thais then?

    Got my truck stuck in the mud a few months back, trying to do a U-turn on a narrow soi.

    Two Thai men saw my dilema from their garden and came out to help. I was well stuck, so they went back, got their truck, and a rope and pulled me out.

    I tried to give them 200B for their trouble, but they wouldn't take it, they just smiled, wai'd me and went back to what they were doing.

    I've been helped many times by the Thais over the years, but I must be honest, speaking their lingo does help enourmously...

  9. It would serve you all well to remember that most people find it hard enough to put food on the table, let alone buy cars and trucks, with nice top of the line child seats.

    But do tell, I'm fascinated, how are the majority supposed to transport their children from A to B, when they barely have a pot to p*ss in?

    You're all so righteous and forthcoming with your ridiculous uninformed opinions, it would serve you all well to remember, to be poor in a developing country, is no bundle of laughs.

  10. "He allowed her to sit on the front of a motorcycle and when she grabbed the throttle unexpectedly the bike crashed into railings."

    "Cause and Effect." The foundation on the spiritual belief system in Thailand, is a concept totally lost on the general population in every day matters. This shows up in the way they drive, absence of building safety code enforcement, total lack of supervision of children, etc. While the family might be scratching their heads wondering how this tragedy occurred, anyone with an ounce of common sense would say: "What the ____ was he thinking?...and the answer of course is...."He wasn't".

    Ah yes, but don't most Thais believe any/all road accidents etc. are the result of "bad luck"? Honestly.... they really believe this. Cause/effect. lol lol lol not here. :-)

    "Most Thais" You should post your phone number and email address so that we can all contact you and share in your knowledge, you certainly do sound like 'thee' authority on Thai people. You must be so proud!

  11. 7/11, TV, drug culture, shopping malls, white skin, nose implants, red hair, colored contacts, 50/50 offspring, etc, etc, etc, etc....

    I think you need to take your medication and get back in your box!

    I don't discuss matters of interest with those who are rude to me. I suggest you go for some "attitude adjustment". Prayut will show you where to go!

    The items you have mentioned are influences and additions but have not changed basic Thai culture. I stand by what I said!

    "I don't discuss matters of interest with those who are rude to me."

    You musn't get out much then!

    I guess all those things I mentioned have nothing to do with the changes in current Thai culture. And I guess the fact that they now live in western style homes, wear western style clothes, drive western style cars and motorbikes and eat western style food means nothing in the term of cultural conditions?

    Oh well, never mind, you can't argue with ignorance!

  12. On a more serious note:

    As an avid Treky, I feel I ought to point out the Prime Directive:

    The Prime Directive prohibits Starfleet personnel from interfering with the internal development of alien civilizations. This conceptual law applies particularly to civilizations which are below a certain threshold of technological, scientific and cultural development; preventing star ship crews from using their superior technology to impose their own values or ideals on them.

    Basically speaking, any given civilization should be allowed to develop at its own rate, without interference from outside parties, parties with the belief that their way is the better way!

    Thailand was doing just fine before they became westernised. Just ask some of the long term expats.

    Interesting thought process; just one issue 1997-1998 with a US bailout package. Plus the existential delusion of a certain type of Thai national. And how is it this 'long term expat' knowledge differs to todays western expatriate experience other than the year - very interesting argument. Could it be Thai's ability to adapt to a current situation? Blame game to no positive end. Immigration laws tell the real (changing) underlying story with issues vented of acceptance, all related to monetary gain.

    My point was the philosophy behind the idea of a Prime Directive. I’m sure the natives of the Americas, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, to name but a few, are simply overflowing with gratitude having received the benefit of western ideology.

    I really find it quite amazing how so many people on this forum can discuss Thai culture like they actually understand it. We are only guests in this country, without voting privileges or citizenship, and the bottom line is that it’s actually none of our business.

    You all continue, day after day, to criticise this country, its culture and its citizens, but you choose to live here anyway. I really think you ought to make your minds up as to the reason you stay…

    And to answer your question: Guys that have been here 20 years+ will tell you how different the attitude of Thais was towards farang then. Point in fact: They didn’t rob us, beat us, drug us, rape us or kill us, so I think that speaks 10 fold of the impression we’ve left on them over the years!

  13. On a more serious note:

    As an avid Treky, I feel I ought to point out the Prime Directive:

    The Prime Directive prohibits Starfleet personnel from interfering with the internal development of alien civilizations. This conceptual law applies particularly to civilizations which are below a certain threshold of technological, scientific and cultural development; preventing star ship crews from using their superior technology to impose their own values or ideals on them.

    Basically speaking, any given civilization should be allowed to develop at its own rate, without interference from outside parties, parties with the belief that their way is the better way!

    Thailand was doing just fine before they became westernised. Just ask some of the long term expats.

    Interesting thought process; just one issue 1997-1998 with a US bailout package. Plus the existential delusion of a certain type of Thai national. And how is it this 'long term expat' knowledge differs to todays western expatriate experience other than the year - very interesting argument. Could it be Thai's ability to adapt to a current situation? Blame game to no positive end. Immigration laws tell the real (changing) underlying story with issues vented of acceptance, all related to monetary gain.

    Thailand has NOT become "Westernised" It is still Thailand and maintains just about all of its Thainess! There is SOME influence but really not that much in the overall scheme of things.

    Thailand is virtually unique in the world as it has never been a Coloniser and never itself been colonised. This has the effect that its "Thainess" has prevailed (some may say, stubbornly), in spite of "Westerners" attempting to modernise some of its thinking.

    7/11, TV, drug culture, shopping malls, white skin, nose implants, red hair, colored contacts, 50/50 offspring, etc, etc, etc, etc....

    I think you need to take your medication and get back in your box!

  14. On a more serious note:

    As an avid Treky, I feel I ought to point out the Prime Directive:

    The Prime Directive prohibits Starfleet personnel from interfering with the internal development of alien civilizations. This conceptual law applies particularly to civilizations which are below a certain threshold of technological, scientific and cultural development; preventing star ship crews from using their superior technology to impose their own values or ideals on them.

    Basically speaking, any given civilization should be allowed to develop at its own rate, without interference from outside parties, parties with the belief that their way is the better way!

    Thailand was doing just fine before they became westernised. Just ask some of the long term expats.

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