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Everything posted by lannarebirth

  1. I haven't followed closely but wasn't the Proud Boys meeting after the shooting and largely a fundraising exercise? If it was after it would not be germane to the case and maybe not even if it was prior to the shooting.
  2. My concern now is that because the deliberation has gone on longer then some might have expected it will create an expectation of a guilty verdict to one charge or another. If that doesn't occur then yeah, there might be violence. I was expecting a quicker verdict and no violence previously.
  3. I believe the guy who gave him the gun is or will be charged and I imagine they will throw the book at him.
  4. The standard is whether or not it is lawful. If it isn't I expect the jury will ave something to say about it.
  5. No dog in this fight. I don't like cops, punk Rambo wannabes, or SJWs using manufactured neoracism as a pretext for rioting. I am very concerned about the fall of America's democracy however and the media dissembling that is facilitating it. I expect the jury will come to the appropriate conclusions.
  6. Everyone remembers the media's loud, inflammatory accusations. No one seems to remember their weeks or months later quiet retractions. And that's just the way they like it.
  7. Indeed, but the planned protest was over. This was not an organized protest any longer as the millions of dollars in property damage can attest.
  8. The BLM led protest ended hours before the Rittenhouse shooting event.
  9. That is just the way the media wants it, though I'm not sure it will come to pass. All this started by the media lying about a police shooting and the circumstances surrounding it. Then they lied about a "mostly peaceful protest" and the circumstances surrounding it. Then they lied about the circumstances surrounding the Rittenhouse shootings None of that is to say this wannabe kid should have been there that night in any capacity much less with a gun. We are living through another yellow journalism age. "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war" - William Randolph Hearst
  10. One problem we have now is that people judge a person's guilt or innocence before the law on what they wish would happen rather than the actual law. It is not surprising given that the media often misrepresents events and relays opinions as facts. I believe he "may" be charged with a weapons violation if the rifle barrel s too short. He did not cross state lines with a weapon and I believe he met with the Proud Boys post the shooting event, so irrelevant. Precedent on the skateboard goes to an Olympia, WA cop shooting two kids because he "feared for his life". Shooting deemed justified. Not that the law allows for it but my idea of a fair penalty would be stripping Rittenhouse of his right to carry any firearm for life thereby ensuring he never finds himself in a security or law enforcement role, ever.
  11. I agree with your take. Just imagine if the 500 National Guard troops about to be deployed had been deployed the night of the riots that precipitated this event. That's the US. Always time and money and outrage to deal with downstream events but never the will to prevent bad things from happening.
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