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Everything posted by suspectdevice

  1. Shooting yourself in the head whilst driving....Would you not stop the vehicle, then shoot yourself?
  2. The word is out and the scum will be circling 😒
  3. Or, it is the only way to get the RTP to do their job.
  4. Beat me to it! When i saw the picture, i wondered which Democratic state they were referring to...
  5. No but you need one if you're going to work in Thailand.
  6. Coming from you, i'm sure there are plenty of posters who see the irony in that remark!
  7. Aw c'mon don't get them started 😮
  8. Once the broomstick is removed you will enjoy the innocent acts and interaction of those around you. Stress will be mucho reduced and you will begin to smell the flowers around you! If you feel this freedom is not for you DM me and i will send you a gel and instructions on the reinsertion of said broomstick. 🙏 The mini heart is a demonstration of gratitude and love from the sender to the receiver with an innocence that can only come from an SE Asian woman. 😀
  9. On holiday i was walking between Soi 11 and Soi 15 when someone shouted "nice watch". There were 3 black guys sitting on a wall. I kept walking, thinking how nice and friendly of these guys to say that. (It was a nice looking but not expensive watch) Since then i have never wore that watch again in BKK, and i am very wary when i see groups of black guys when walking in that area.
  10. Please remove the broomstick which is stuck in your ass! No harm, no foul, just a bit of human interaction at a photo shoot.
  11. And that there is the refusal reason. Not expansive as they don't want to get into ifs and buts.
  12. Isn't that what many people with the behaviours you attribute to people who prefer ST do in their marriage? Marry so they can treat their wife like slaves, do what they want with them when they want it? Sometimes the people who protest too much......
  13. Well he would say that! And he also told the truth on his gun application.....
  14. Pavlovian response from desperate Dums! Yet Hunter who know zilch about the energy industry went to the gov where his papa is vp! There is a MO there!
  15. Missed it or ignored the obvious. The Biden family, Burisma, Ukraine, Vice President, millions of dollars.
  16. Why don't you tell us as your are obviously inferring something?
  17. Cos an election is pending in britain which makes it topical and the tory party is full of corrupt thieves who would run off with their ill gotten gains. Maybe a bit too deep for you...fair enuff.
  18. Probably a scumservative mp realising he will lose his seat on 4th july
  19. That was my first thought too when i saw the headline.
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