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Posts posted by Stardust314

  1. So politically very difficult to help ... no no no  dutch is very  strong politically! 
    only IF dutch goverment have interest do some hard decisions for other states in world  for own people.. 

    look like quickly close GB goverment  bank account for russian RT in england. or how dutch and hague dom. say chinese have no right on that military in chinese sea.. just like exemple i write here for you to understand : dutch goverment s very powerfull.. only if is his own people in political interest.)) but like i see dutch is just another shii goverment .. 

  2. usa eu  UN and dutch is numero 0 in tahiland. most powerfull nation in world without "nukes"  is Thailand.

    hard to believe but its true.  Russia got sanctions but thailand ...everybody is scary thailand and  give them some really powerfull sanctions.. 

    i will never invest or buy property in thailand.. its like burn money )))  safe-0 

    YOU never now..if one day they come and you are in shiii..hole forever

  3. Thailand is good . but westerners have to check freezer:thumbsup:


    Harold Frederick Shipman must have been playing hooky the day his medical school taught the Hippocratic oath. Doing no harm appeared to be the last thing on his mind.

    Over a quarter of a century, the bespectacled physician with the cordial bedside manner did away with about 250 patients — although some estimate that many more may have died at his hands — earning him the distinction as the most prolific serial killer in British history and perhaps the world.

    thailand 0- GB 250

  4. http://independenttrader.org/china-attacks-the-dollar-again.html


    A Real Life "House of Cards" - The Most Striking WikiLeaks Revelations From The "Podesta Files"

    "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders." - @HillaryClinton


    Here is a fairly racist email asserting that "Jews*, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people" are "almost always highly successful" while "Muslims, blacks and Roma" are "professional never-do-wells" and "fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances."

  5. 22 hours ago, Chivas said:

    There are large rumblings all across Pattaya as well as elsewhere In Thailand that times are a changing. Places torn down around town over last few days and I also understand certain "buildings" on the Beach side are about to go likewise. Not  maybe but sure.

    I've just read elsewhere than Insomnia have spent 10 Million on improvements recently as well.

    As usual the dimwits around town "owning" bars claim its not right its not fair totally ignoring the fact that the buildings shouldn't be there in the first place !

    We shall see anyway but looks serious to me

    Insomnia have spent 10 Million on improvements recently as well. :laugh:  Let there daylight and you'll see that it's a smelly hole. equipment is old and used.will you be asking where the tuck invest those millions...

  6. :thumbsup: Canada  legalize IT


    This party s  is overpriced. crazy high prices for food and alcohol. many fake drugs scam and other scams.. watch your pocket and dont come there with credit card.  and you risk life in jail just for "fun"  ..soo i dont now..

    but in compare with partys in western world ,is still one off  best party in the world. i will there again.. 


    Also good party ..you can try Ozora in hungary.. or some in Israel..  just use youtube search. 






  7. 6 hours ago, ezzra said:


    Obviously this dude is not right in the head to go making threats against officials in both

    countries where he lives in, otherwise, what an idiot thinks that he can get away with

    such behavior, in Sweden maybe, but in Thailand, and with no visa, you're one jackass

    of a man....


    TAKE CHILL PILL DUDE!  "officials"  are corrupt  everywhere in world. maybe you are on off them :angry:  

  8. everybody at the G20, Denmark should ask him, in front of the real leaders of real countries, what the hell he thinks he's doing with one of their citizens who they have already acquitted!



    why thailand can do what other countries can not.. ??


        becouse coruption in "democratics countries"

     if democracy WORK - EU-danmark un- today stop-shoot down  visa and mastercard (verificating)serviced for whole thailand(and block them from thailand).(its most bad scenario/sanction as can be in this days-its total economic shoot down in few days for most off all countries in world today)   its better than bombing.  as first warn to junta... second will......


    tahi corrupt can make you "criminal" in one hour and ruin your whole live in one day!!! just google or read "dead farang" 

    visa is in china and master in sviss  


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