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Posts posted by serpentine

  1. Solved. Thanks James.

    So there you go. It is an image of a formation of lights in the sky, or what would appear to be a a V ufo formation. So there is an agenda of some sort internationally to condition people to seeing images like this?

    Well well.

    So before yu all ridicule the post, watch the news and see the image. Then ask who and why?

    Read up on Project Bluebook ans Von Braun the nazi rocket scienctist, as well as Parsons, the founder of JPL.

    Then some of this crazy stuff might make sense.

    I did warn you it was going to be an interesting topic..........

  2. If you Google Subliminal Advertising you will learn a lot about it.

    Subliminal advertising on TV was banned years ago in USA and Canada. Not sure what the situation in Thailand is.

    Excellet cartton , appropriate too LOL.

    A few responses but it seems no one is biting.

    It is not advertising, it is condtitioning the masses to an event that may occur in the near future.

    This is why it is so weird. Because this event is controversial amongst the mainstream.

    I am not goig to say what the image is they have flashed. Because if anyone elso on this forum notices it my opinion as to what it shows will effect what others say it is.

    Please foward this to any friends in the network media who may be interested, especially people who read thai and can see if it is talked about on any thai blogs about the media.

  3. Watching the Ch 3 midday news at the office last week and I have noticed subliminal frames imposed between news articles at random intervals.

    I only see the midday presentation, and I have not been able to view other time slots.

    I noticed others also registered the image, although perhaps it had no context and therefore seemed irrelevant.

    I noticed the images over a few days, and only on Friday was able to confirm that my overactive imagination was not over acting.

    I have an idea what they depict.

    But why?

    I'm not going to mention what I believe the images are until I get some responses.

    Get the smart arse comments out of the way first LOL, and lets see if we can get to the bottom of this.

    It has been pointed out to me that they are not subliminal images as they do register with me, although I wonder if different people register frame rates differently?

    This practice is outlawed in most western countries, evidently not in Thailand.

    It is going to open a pretty wild discussion when it is discussed the significance of the images.

  4. Interesting to say the least. Some 80's pop stars like Brian Ferry would fill a small stadium in Bkk, but Cohen in PP? Who in Cambodia would have heard of hi? He is underground, and as mentioned, he is far from the Asian palette. Rich Cambodians who spend time in placed like France may have heard of him, but I can't imagine many of them are big fans.

    Eb=ven if expats fly in from all around, how many would that be all tolled? I wounder if the prop company will go the whole hog with the Sound System, lights.

    He really would do better playing in small jazz venues.

    I will be watching this.

  5. It is a common tree snake. Harmless. Although if you are near the sea don't mistake it for a banded sea krait Deadly. The tree snake has spots that do not ring the whole body, only appearing to be stripped. Where as the Sea Krait amd Blue Land Krait are banded, and generally a more solid heavy set animal. Beware of any snake banded with a triangular cross section (sam liam in thai) as these are poisoness.

    The tree snake is an agile gentle snake which will happily wrap arounf your hand or arm and go gor a stroll with you. It will continue it's mission once it is given a higher branch to climb onto.

    Take Care.

  6. I think Swissotel has one for 2,000 thb a month, also in Ratchada Soi 7 there is a small one but I'm not sure of the price.

    Most of the hotels have facilities and allow guests, it comes down to the price for one off visits. Usually between 250-500 b for guests.

    I am in RCA and have been looking for a pool to use after 7 pm. NO luck, I need one within riding distance. Anyone have any advice. Noe of the big hospitals seem to offer and the few hotels are asking too much for visits.


  7. Ahhhhhhhhh!

    People are so skeptial when they fear the unknown. These days there are countless predictions and there is so much more information consolidated on data bases and analyised by algorithms computed by chips that are exponentially greater by the year.

    New information is now commonly disguised and discredited by the term or label "conspiracy theory". We will see more and more accurate predictions. And there will be many more fear mongerers with no basis to their claims.

    This is all part of the 2012 shift. It happened thousands of years ago.

    Has no one here on thai visa made the connection between the sun activity and the earthquakes on earth? It is happening. Solar storms will increas and power grids will fail. Aeroplanes will be grounded sometimes. This is pure science. Foreknowledge of disasters will become common.

    NASA and JPL are not the only people monitoring space weather. Many credible sciencists have flipped their original silence over the 2012 enigma.

    Originally most feared losing funding/creating un due panic or looking like black sheep. Now they feel an obligation to warn people.

    Now information is circulating rapidly, a lot unsubstantiated, theoretical, and so on, but some of this new info is mind blowing and proves that our established western paradigm is often propaganda. In the past it took deades for a book to gain credibility if it was tackling such issues. These days it can take weeks. Still disguised amongst the charlatians, the information is there. Anyone whp spends less time watching reality televison or sport and more time actually investigating this can find these truths, as confusing as they may be.

    I'm not saying every internet rumour should be taken seriously. If you haven't noticed the world is getting very unbalanced, earth changes are here, as predicted, and the official angle is a charade. You have your head in the sand and you are a sheep if you believe the mainstream media is telling it like it is.

    Do you know what is really going down with the BP oil spill? It is not what is reported each night. Those repors are simple entertainment for simple people.

    Will we survive 2012 without a major global cataclysm? Be sure to acknowledge the history from the Sumerians, The Egyptians, Mayans, Hindus, Buddhist, ancient occult societies, Hopi Indians and so on. Signs were seen over the sun cycles and the planetary movements, and many cultures acknowledged them and recorded them for prosperity in stone, on walls, in texts, in legend, in folklore, in song.........even the most primative cultres such as Australian Aboriginals and the Dogon of Mali were aware of things we are only discovering as science fact now.

    So when a NASA employee slips that he may have been privy to a slip up where foreknowledge of earth change or an event such as a solar flare or a stray near earth object discovered at the last minute, or a huge unknown object moving intelligently in out athmosphere, it may well actually bepossible, it might not be a hoax.

    It will continue to become more and more common. The time has come.

    The events may seem random, and unpredictable, but the patterns are not.

    DOOM DOOM DOOM!!! Or at least humans are about to expand their collective knowledge.

    HAARP is real. Chemtrails are real. Even ufos are real! What exactly they are may not be common knowledge. But all you debunkers who think because you don't know about it means it isn't there, are ignorant.

    You are sheep. You will die peacefully because you will not see the end coming. It is actually a human reaction designed to help you exist without irrational fears. it is better for yor health.

    Unfortunately nothing larger than a small rat sized mammal survived the last global catacliysm. You would think humans would be more redily accepting the wealth of information we can consolidate now. But no. Humans are in essence simple creatures.

    Credible people have been trying to tell you to wake up, but 99% choose to deny it, because they are apathetic.

    Every mad conspiracy rings an element of truth eventually, and the sheep rarely acknowledge their denial, they simply accept the paradigm shift.

    I prefer to investigate but I am not human.

    The earthquake prediction was right. It was a very large quake, and could easily have caused a devestating tsunami.

    I could tell you all why it was known about, but too many people would make stupid comments.

    And I must return to my planet.


  8. .....The power of dreams.

    Undeniable is that dreams can be meaningful. One may receive information through a dream that turns out to be important or accurate. Awaking in a cold sweat when a close friend or family member is in trouble or dies has occurred so much that scientifically even it can't be explained, it is a common experience.

    You may not be prophetic, and people may laugh at you. It is all about your own intuitions of the experiences you are exposed to when you are awake.

    You may also be one of the thousands of people who seem to be opening up to their dreams of late. Something is occuring with human mass conciousness on earth.

    People everywhere are becoming more connected to their extrasensory perceptions. Especially those who were unaware of such things.

    On the other hand dreams with negative connotations can simply be a sign of anxiety.

    If they are reoccurring and exactly the same take note of everything you can remember, as they may well be for telling.

  9. I've only seen such coloring in the event when extreme weather and bushfires meet.

    I think you have answered your own question. In Australia, an orange/yellow moon is quite common during/after bushfires.

    in Thailand. No bushfires I know of in the South, toward Surat - Chumporn, today, was there? Anyone know? Weather is perfect for weeks too,

  10. The moon is bright deep orange. (2 am)......... Viewing west across The Gulf from a remote point. I've only seen such coloring in the event when extreme weather and bushfires meet. And moon sets.

    It is amazing.

    Is anyone watching this?

  11. Taksin himself is not pulling strings in the corporate int. media. Although he is powerful here and regionally, he has not kept a lot of high profile collegues around the world openly supporting his cause. Or if he has I have not seen them in the MSM outside Thailand.

    The global media is controlled by a few players, and it is well known now that thru meetings of The Bilderbergers, The Council of Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission, it has been decided how certain countries should be dealt with by the big players.

    It appears that powerful people influencing the shots are happier to deal with Taksin, perhaps they feel Thailand is ready to move along and embrace new business ways.

    I hope no one will dare to try and say that this is merely a conspirical angle. It is well documented nowadays that western powers from modern democratic countries will turn a blind eye to all sorts of abuses by a government or individual if in the end they serve the greater agenda.

    It is deadly obvious to me that BBC and CNN are running on a pro Taksin angle.

    his doesn't mean they are lying or distorting facts, they are just omitting decent journalism.

    They have been running "alert" stories hinting at anarchy in Bkk for two weeks. The stories made out what is happening now was actually happening weeks ago on the streets, and it wasn't. Almost like tempting fate, giving credit to the Reds and their cause on an international level. Usually a story like this would go unoticed, but they were running teasers to the big event for weeks.

    Did anyone notce this? It was hardly a story worth international attention weeks ago, especially when everyone here knows unret is like clockwork here.

  12. It seems all the big foreign outlets (although maybe not Al Jeerza) are influenced to report the Reds in a positive light. I noticed this last time. Whilst we saw images of wounded peaceful thais who had been attacked with grenades thrown by mercenaries paid for by Taksin most (probably), the BBC was showing, like this time, happy reds with painted faces, flags and big smiles.

    The current government is refered to as a regime, and Takson is a exiled democracy hero.

    We know here that is it not that clear cut, like everything in Thai politics.

    Now I do not believe the Yellow cause is 100% right, it does seem to be here in Thailand the peaceful one cp the Reds, who openly are paid poor farmers.

    So we know a few people control the ww media. And we know these people have an agenda. I believe the reports have been very pro Reds, and have suffered from a terribly low standard of investagitive journalism.

    Also the BBC and CNN have been running short articles for weeks suggesting a coup was in process and that the streets were a riot. Even if this scenario does nfold later, it was not the fact when these stories were running almost 2 weeks back.

    It appears there are a lot of "interests" outside Thailnd who have decided that Taksin's return may be a good bridge between the old ways and the inevitable changing power base here.


  13. HARP was a lager we drank in the 70's other than that no....but if it was something extra-ordinary i am sure we will read about it tomorrow?



    It was phenominal although it was the night before yesterday, 2 am the followind day of full moon. We may have witnesses a gravity wave from an exploding star, thus explaining why it was only visable for a short time.

    I don't think it was HAARP although it looked eerily like something sinister. It was huge, engulfed a band across the entire night sky, runnin north south.

  14. This sounds interesting.......could you describe it in more detail, please ? Did it look like the Aurora Borealis ?

    Wasn't any kind of aura I have seen and I am a sky watcher.

    This linear light transversed the entire sky, horizon to orizon, although my own field of vision obscured the length. It seemed to be arced on a different radius to earth and it did have a kink in it at one point. It ran right next to the almost full moon by perhaps 5 degees. I know it was visable for 20 mins. And I can find no other accounts of this spectacular sky anomaly.

    Although I had been drinking and am probably clinically mad, I did have the sense to ring a friend who also observed the phenominan from his home perhaps 2 km away.

    Anyone here heard of HAARP?

  15. Sorry no photos, but millions must have seen it. 2 am tonight full moon by 1 day after, of what appeared to be solar activity. It was not cloud or pollution or light reflecting.

    We are way out in the Gulf and the rift tranversed the whole sky for a least 15 min. It appeared to be in the stars, may have been an illusion created by some incoming object, terrestrial or not?

    What did you see?


  16. Black Panther from where? Are they native here? There are so often stories of big cats in strange places, like rural Victoria Australia. They are so agile and stealthy that they can adapt, and I think they are more active at night so very hard to see.

    I hope they don't kill it. There must be some environmental conservation people in Chumporn area who can supervise the capture.

  17. It can go either way if you check in with a thai. If you charm the staff with polite thai langauge skills they may over look the fact that you are not married.

    Someone complained about the rooms. They are simple, decorated with random retro pieces, lamps that dont work etc, but they were cheap (350-550b) which was a great price for Sukhumvit soi 1.

    As for the restaurant, the food was bland but you can always ask politely to spice it up and they would.

    Unfortunately I haven't set foot in there for 2-3 yrs since they ripped off my friend 70,000b from her room. It's a pity because I miss the place. I gotta say alot of the complaints presented here to me were what made the unique charm of the joint.

    We will all miss it when it is ripped down and the put up a condo. Architecture like this is a gem in inner city Bkk these days.

  18. It was one of Bangkok's best kept secrets for 30 years but has gone downhill of the last few. The restaurant was my favorite in the world. The rooms were great value. The staff have all worked there most of there lives and have been groomed by the eccentric arrogant owner or his son. The whole Orwellian propaganda style posters "No Sex Tourists" type posters everywhere is amusing. Although I could see the relevance with it's close proximity to Nana.

    It is embarrasing when you meet thai friends there and they do look down on them and interogate, although many thais who do go there understand the eccentric time warp charm of the hotel and grin and bare it.

    Most people who were going there understood that it was basically a museum to old colonial style ways, and all guests are expected to honour the Thailand of yesterday. The thing about no thai originating I believe from the fact that unless the girl is your wife, she would have no business accompanying you to a room.

    My friends and I have had a ball over the years there pretending we were old snobs from a bygone era, whilst up in or rooms getting drunk as monkeys. A few of the old thai ladies are entertaining. We got one on the wine one night. She was about 60 and it was like drinking with a teenager behind her parents back. She felt rebellious because she sneaked a wine with some white people.

    It was often used for film and advertising shoots over the years and judging by the foyer displays some very interesting people have stayed there.

    Anyway, remaniscing aside, my favorite hotel in Asia went bad.

    A loyal customer had a lot of cash stolen by the cleaning lady (it was locked in a safe but the lady found the key) and the foreign owner played thai and denied it all, even though the guest had been staying there for 10 years and was a favorite customer with all the staff.

    Because of this incident they lost the repeat business of at least 20 people instantly.

    The diving platform is awesome though. The restaurant is great too except they wont let yu eat there if they don't know you. It's hilarious. I've seen them turn back people when it's empty, because they were not guests.

  19. A roti seller? Uh huh. When embarrassed by one's own nationals, find a foreigner to blame.

    Didn't the ISOC get involved? An interesting thai special ops unit. No doubt there would be many regional foreigners involved in the refugees making it to thai waters. Take a look at the state of their boats and equipment. They pay a small fortune to people smugglers who promise a lot but offer little. For example the roti seller may be involved in channeling bribes to border patrolmen or soldiers.

    He may be a small fry, but not necessarily innocent. A scapegoat maybe to draw attention away from the wrong doings of thai authorities.

  20. I wonder what the chances are. I've been swimming for a decade in the gulf, I know aht they look like, but haven't seen one. Although they are been seen more. We can see here that there are actions been taken but in the beach resorts it seems everyone is denyiny there existance.

    It would be nice to hear from some experts. Are they becoming more prevelant? Or have they always been here, just not in large numbers?

    It appears death is very common, but not definitive. In Australia I believe beaches are closed if they are sighted. Perhaps thai beaches need signs with identification charts. Better to be prepared and acknowledge the issue rather than ignoring it.

    Love swimming here. Just one more thing to keep me on my flippers when I am in the sea.

  21. Good point. But one post mentions farang (I just assume they mean white anglo) burning a village. Now entertainment is great, but even in bad soaps or B grade films there is a reference to reality (sometimes, the better quality the show, the closer it is to some kind of reality). Villages are burnt by security forces ans rebels all over S. E, Asia. I don't think heaps of thais would realise how close to their border town for example, that this really happens. Look at Burma, the Karen, The Shan, the junta and of coarse the current Rohingha issue.

    Is it not a worry that thais are possibly going to believe that this is the reality of a situation, and perhaps not realise that very often the truth is so much closer to home, and even sanctioned by the thai authorities.

    Thais are pretty bad when it comes to judging a man by his facial features. It is still common here amongst even the well educated to decide that a man has a bad face. And for thais, like for farang, we can make the distinction that "they are all alike".

    I personally find these portrails amusing.

    I do know, after living here for a decade, that it does effect how locals look at farang.

    I'm not saying farang shouldn't be portrayed either way

    It comes down to the quality the producers of a show aim for. And such generalisations definately effect how thai who do not mix with farang see them.

    If you are confused by this ask a thai who has relocated to the west. Their insights are interesting.

  22. It's dam_n hilarious.

    The censorship of farang shows-Family Guy, American Dad etc. Some thai films are very graphic with violence and it does not get censored, whilst slap stick cartoons are judged y the censors as "unheathy". Cracks me up everytime I see Mr. Giffen with his flab out-blurred because it is unsavory. And then a rape scene in a thai show is left un blurred.

    Check thai films from the 80's. No names come to mind but they are very graphic and often passionate. (and surprisingly good, even the era where the actors are dubbed because the thai sound engineers couldn't make the voice of the actor sound right.

    And then farang portrayed as wife beaters often in prime time soaps, or criminals or whatever! Sure there are prob heaps of fat pissed expat wife beaters, but we all know how domestic violence here is a hushed subject. Any farang who tried to break up a thai man beating his partner will know. Decent thais will tell you it is not your place to step in (even if it means stopping death). Popular Thai soaps often portray an american style life soap, big cars and houses etc. Very alien to most thais.

    Unfortunately thais like most cultures love their soaps. It is sad that many poor families in places like Isaan may possibly have never met a farang, but possibly think it is an accurate portrail of farang values.

    What to do?

    Pop culture is such a decent marker for the state of any culture. When we saw all the industrial rock become mainstream in the US (gore and hatred etc) I think many westerners understood it as a sign of the times (and the bands were making a parody of the violence of the world). I am not sure in thai society things are seen like this.

    It's one of my pet passions here.

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