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Everything posted by sam84320

  1. You erased 2 of them. It's a third of the group
  2. Yes i have tried that yesterday, waiting for their reply. If not, i'll ask madam to call them.
  3. Yes this brand, i have a Deco Family 2
  4. Sorry to not guess before than discovering the brand dealer is not so reliable or/and sooooo kikiet to reply a real answer. What if you're right? My question still remains. Thank for you useful comment
  5. Hi everyone, I have an e-tricycle and i need to change my drum breaks but i can't find someone who would provide/buy the brakes and replace them. My vehicle is a Deco brand and the brand contact doesn't answer me. If someone knows or use the same brand, feel free to help me about that. TIA
  6. Everybody recognize russian language.
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