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grumpy 4680

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Posts posted by grumpy 4680

  1.    One cannot entirely blame the police for what's happening on Thailand's roads. its the Thai poor mentality that's the problem,

         1   They cannot identify a Hazard in front of them, and begin to slow before reaching it.

         2   They want to go where they are going regardless of other road user's.

         3   inpatient.

         4   cannot drive within roadlines.

         5   Overtake anywhere.

         6   Not sure what the Brake pedals for.

         7   And this list could go on and on.

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  2.     Boris has done now't wrong, he has used a law to defend his position against a CROOKED bunch of Mp's who are only wanting for themselves, and ignoring the peoples wishes on the referendum, they are the crooks who should be in the dock, and the crooked Law Makers supporting them.

       Ted Heath and others received a bonus from the EU, Tony Blair has always dreamed of becoming an EU President, Heseltine gets a Huge Subsidy from the EU and Gina Miller is Supported and Paid by a Foreign Agent, Thats corruption at the highest level, Yet those crooks are allowed to influence other Mp's to destroy Brexit.

       The deal or no deal is irrelevant, just a dirty tricks issue by those remaining crooked Mp's who want to serve there own agenda, and ignore the constitution and wish of the people.

       The Judges should be Duty Bound to support Boris, as he is not doing any Wrong, The EU only want the UK's money, so they are doing their best to scupper Boris.

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