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  1. In practice, they are not. You need to go through ridiculous hurdles to have access if you're not an America . And even then, it's only one fund provider that's available.
  2. But earlier you wrote: So you've either kept your UK residence and can open a broker account in the UK and pay UK taxes, or you haven't and you can open an account based upon notional Thai residence and (with a bit of planning) avoid all taxes. You do seem very confused.
  3. They need this information for things such as withholding taxes on income. And I suspect that some brokers will turn away Americans because of onerous monitoring and reporting requirements. You wouldn't want to be treated as UK-resident. You would then potentially have to make a tax return every year and pay tax on your income and capital gains. Then there's inheritance tax. Saying you're resident in Thailand generally avoids the tax issues. (You'd still have withholding tax on US income, which is a very good reason not to invest in American instruments. Note that that tax will either be 30% or 15% depending on the broker used.) I am genuinely resident in Thailand, so it wasn't an issue for me. And I don't have a Thai TIN. I would suggest you go down the "resident in Thailand" route too, provided you can provide proof of a Thai address.
  4. Are you sure about that? If you spend more than half the year in Thailand you're tax resident there. Only people who are globe trotting throughout the year are not tax resident anywhere. Opening a brokerage account without being registered for tax is straightforward. You could easily open an account with Saxo (Singapore), Swissquote (Luxembourg), Interactive Brokers (USA) without a tax ID. (I've personally done all three.) However, you appear to want specifically to invest in mutual funds. Only Swissquote will provide access to a (smallish) range of funds with relatively high fees. Finally, you could open a brokerage account in Thailand and have access to a wide range of funds, provided you use an independent (not bank-owned) broker.
  5. Well, apart from the fact that it costs almost twice as much.
  6. I've asked in the past and been refused. Only one at a time, it seems.
  7. Didn't they do this a few years ago to welcome Chinese tourists and end up throwing away a massive amount of food?
  8. Earlier in the year vaccine manufacturers were talking about new versions of their vaccines coming out in April (or thereabouts) which protected against newer variants of the virus. Has anybody heard whether this is actually going to happen? And if so, when? (I've been holding off having a 4th jab in the expectation of something better for today's viral landscape, but if there's nothing around the corner, I'll bite the bullet.)
  9. Surely this has been posted already here, but the press are saying that people with work permits will not have to pay the 300 baht entry tax. Pensions, volunteers, non-working spouses are not so fortunate.
  10. What is it, then? Christianity pretty much abandoned the idea of pilgrimage centuries ago. Only a few religious extremists do so these days. Would a normal person refrain from clipping their nails, or from wearing deodorant in a desert? Is kissing a stone normal? Is throwing pebbles at a stone column rational? If it's not a sign of fundamentalism, then it's a sign of lunacy.
  11. It's the replacement for LTFs. A form of mutual investment fund that requires a minimum 10 year investment. Stands for the rather crass "Super Savings Fund".
  12. Really basic question: if one buys an SSF can one switch to another SSF if, for example, the performance is dire or one's investment objectives change, before the holding period is up?
  13. Well, that's one way to ensure that Thailand gets all the latest Covid variants from around the world.
  14. I presume the Danish embassy is more reasonable than the British one. The British Embassy charges 2,218 baht for each residence document - compared with Immigration's 200 baht. You're also now required to provide proof of address, and I don't have any document meeting their criteria*. When it works, the service provided by Immigration is far simpler and cheaper. * The accepted documents are: DVLA issued photocard driving licence, mortgage statement, tenancy agreement or Housing Association rent card, bank statement, letter from your bank, utility bill, council tax demand, Inland Revenue tax demand or a self assessment statement. They also don't accept documents printed from the Internet.
  15. I asked previously whether there was any agent able to handle getting the residence certificate. In short: no.

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