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  1. Most of Russia aircraft are leased and must be returned of if they land abroad they can be repossessed. Shame they destroyed the Ukrainian Antonov last week, the largest aircraft in the world, they could have taken all the Russians back home in one go.
  2. Thailand trying to circumvent the sanctions to help Russia. That’s a bad move and will have a far greater impact on Thailand.
  3. Ware are the Ukrainians going to go? Like the suspect safe corridors? repatriate them into Russia?? They have know where to go.
  4. We have just had a couple of guest from Russia stay. They arrived in Thailand before the outbreak of war. They were a nice couple but I found that I was upset inside myself as I watched them enjoying an english breakfast with no regard to what their country was doing. I was in Bosnia during the last war in Europe so maybe I am more in tune with the suffering the Ukrainian people are in.
  5. Why are all the posts concerned with Russians stuck here?? Nobody has asked how many Ukrainian are stuck here with nowhere to go!!! Russian embassy will help Russians how about we help the Ukrainian families with no money and unable to survive here. How about us hotel owners stepping forward with accommodation for them. The rooms are empty anyway.
  6. What Russian people should worry about is, and also ask themselves. Putin has more money than he could ever spend, absolute power and getting old. Perhaps he wants to go out with a bang, and it would be a very Big Bang. Also when you corner a rat it will attack you. This is going to go really bad in short order.
  7. Most of the aircraft in Russia are leased. They also won’t be able to service the Aircraft or pay the leases. Airlines must return the planes to the leasing companies if they don’t then the planes will be repossessed when they land abroad. kiss goodbye to Russia.
  8. Airbnb will pay the money into the hosts bank account directly. How long the banks will survive is the unknown question.
  9. That’s positive, at least they didn’t abstain. Keep your eyes on China as this disaster continues. If WWIII starts and it could go t^ts up very fast, China will make its move. Bad times are coming.
  10. Thanks for the info. It seems to be BK only sevices. Has anyone in CM used it. I used to also use the webpage but last year it said report to immigration. The drive though 90 days is so easy but an app would also help.
  11. If you get fined for no seatbelt and it’s 500 baht at the station plus loosing a days work or 300 which would the poor person want. Think yourself lucky you have an option other than not breaking the law.
  12. Marriage visa has always been more difficult that retirement visa which is a one stop service where as marriage must be proven. The resigning is a new thing as we used to just sign the bottom of the copy but there is a boxed stamp that the signature must be within to show that you actually signed it in the presents of the officer. The proof of income or pension is normal as you would do with the retirement extension, letter from bank etc.
  13. Be polite and request to see the inspector on duty and ask how she/he can help explain how to do it or you can put it in writing that you wish to register a change of address but have been unable to do so, and address it to the Superintendent of that office. You can find the name on the organization chart usually hanging on the wall. all that said it’s the landlord or the owner of the property that must report your address.
  14. If I screwup and get stopped for no seatbelt I would rather apologize and pay 300 baht there and then rather than have my licence taken, spend the next day at a police station to get the licence back and pay a 500 baht fine. We are lucky that we have a choice when we do wrong. Imagine the cost in fines, points and insurance back home.
  15. I have had a scam email from Thai Post that I needed to pay duty before I could have a parcel delivered. The link was to a credit card payment option. Someone knew I had a package coming from the UK and the email address from the scammer wasn’t Thai post. I didn’t pay and the item arrived okay.
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