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Senior Player

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Everything posted by Senior Player

  1. I agree with @smedly. Until Thailand drops all the money gouging red tape and hoop jumping, it won't generate that much interest for the UK as a whole. Apart from the usual die hard, desperate to return types, this won't do anything to tempt your average seasoned traveller. It's now been close to 2 years since I last travelled to Thailand, but I won't be packing my bags or booking my flights anytime soon. Not only is the costly quarantine procedure, tests and Covid insurance still in place, but what's actually open to enjoy once I've been released from my holding pen and how will I be treated when I finally emerge? Realistically I'm looking at next year, but even then it's going to take some convincing and big incentives before I'll feel comfortable with the idea.
  2. Until a COE is no longer a requirement, or special insurance, or a stay in an approved hotel for 6 days, I'll be putting off my return to Thailand for my usual 2 to 6 month stay. Yes, it's good that Thailand has reduced the number of days in quarantine, but it's just not enough to tempt me back into making that longhaul flight to the land of smiles.
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