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Posts posted by Mark123456

  1. Where have you looked for chillers? I know that Seasun Aquarium in Bangkok charge well over the odds as do some other shops so you might find a better price if you keep looking. What size tank do you have and what output are you looking for chiller-wise?

    I use large fans on my freshwater tanks but evaporation is of course an issue when doing that (and 28 is a more optimistic target than 26 for me). Only way to avoid the water becoming harder and harder over time is either to do lots of large water changes or top up with water from an RO unit (I'm sure you know all that already).

    Yes i've bought from them previously - Skimmer Never worked :/ few other issues...

    Yes, loose roughly 1L a day.... I am a reefer though... freshwater apart from the koi sala really is not my thing..., the wife does a 5L water change daily as we have the sea basically on the BG.

    I've seen these fans on Lazada (looked yesterday) apparantly they can reduce the temp by 2-4 c each, is that working out the same for you, as its currently now hitting 28 over night, and 32 with the lights on (will likely increase when i add an additional 74 watts to the tank over the next month...

    I'm using small desk fans that are sat on the sill I have at the back of two of my tanks, I think they're a fair bit more powerful than the computer fan style ones that clip onto the side. I can keep the tanks around 26.6 degrees if people stop opening the door to let the non-existent breeze into the house. On days when that happens it gets up to 27.7 (sorry for the odd figures, I work in Fahrenheit so I'm converting as i go along). The mistake I used to make was turning them off at night. If I leave them on all night, the tanks start the day at just over 26 and then they rarely exceed 27. I have heaters in them so I imagine its a battle between the fan and the heaters some nights but at least i know it's not going to get too cold (I haven't gotten around to buying a thermostat to plug the fans into yet).

  2. I have a chiller for my large tank and your price point is spot on. It was 26,000 baht.

    Also agree with Mark, 26 degrees is very difficult to achieve, even with a chiller on 24 hours a day. 28 degrees is more realistic as I like to give my chiller a break most nights otherwise it can ice up sometimes...but 28 degrees should be fine for most fish, unless they are really fragile.

    I tried air conditioner and it worked to some point to keep the tank cooler, but not as good as a chiller.

    I am in Chiang Mai and I got my chiller at Shogun.

    I find Shoguns prices to be quite shocking. I've seen the Hailea HC-1000A advertised for 15,000 baht online - is yours more powerful than that?

  3. I sort of understand what happened with that incident. It definitely shows what Thais are really about - this is what they would do to all Farangs if they were given an opportunity to do it.

    On another hand, you know that 43 year old was kind of really stupid for putting the whole group in danger. If I saw a few drunk thugs sorting their business out - I would keep a good 500 meter safety distance from them in any case, and Especially If I had my own family members with me around - this is so elementary, I had no idea I could have to explain this to some people apparently. I've seen this before in other countries and I know how quickly these things can escalate. These British people out of 10 things they could get wrong in the street survival Bible got all 10 wrong somehow - I just don't understand how naive these people are and how it's possible. It's no excuse for the thugs of course. But I mean seriously British people - you need to get a clue and fast because thanks to your stupidity you could put a lot of other Farangs in danger as well who could happen to be in the same area where you are stirring up some trouble... I pretty much stayed indoors the entire Songkran period - that's when all the muppets are out getting drunk and causing all kinds of mayhem - but if you were going to get in the middle of it all - the least you could do is at least try to stay away and not agitate the already extremely drunk and agitated - this should be as clear as 2x2, but apparently not to some people...

    I don't understand why they were even walking through that area, I would have walked a whole mile around it, but I mean brushing people and then punching them instead of calling the police - I mean come on... I understand that we are dealing with some seriously disturbed racist people - but the least you could is minimize the damage to yourselves and others...

    What do you mean 'seriously British people'? These are three people, not representative of the whole nation. If we're not going to tar all Thais with the same brush then perhaps you can do the British the same courtesy?

    Do Scots people living in Wales count as British?

    Yes of course. Both of those nations are part of Great Britain.

  4. I sort of understand what happened with that incident. It definitely shows what Thais are really about - this is what they would do to all Farangs if they were given an opportunity to do it.

    On another hand, you know that 43 year old was kind of really stupid for putting the whole group in danger. If I saw a few drunk thugs sorting their business out - I would keep a good 500 meter safety distance from them in any case, and Especially If I had my own family members with me around - this is so elementary, I had no idea I could have to explain this to some people apparently. I've seen this before in other countries and I know how quickly these things can escalate. These British people out of 10 things they could get wrong in the street survival Bible got all 10 wrong somehow - I just don't understand how naive these people are and how it's possible. It's no excuse for the thugs of course. But I mean seriously British people - you need to get a clue and fast because thanks to your stupidity you could put a lot of other Farangs in danger as well who could happen to be in the same area where you are stirring up some trouble... I pretty much stayed indoors the entire Songkran period - that's when all the muppets are out getting drunk and causing all kinds of mayhem - but if you were going to get in the middle of it all - the least you could do is at least try to stay away and not agitate the already extremely drunk and agitated - this should be as clear as 2x2, but apparently not to some people...

    I don't understand why they were even walking through that area, I would have walked a whole mile around it, but I mean brushing people and then punching them instead of calling the police - I mean come on... I understand that we are dealing with some seriously disturbed racist people - but the least you could is minimize the damage to yourselves and others...

    What do you mean 'seriously British people'? These are three people, not representative of the whole nation. If we're not going to tar all Thais with the same brush then perhaps you can do the British the same courtesy?

  5. Where have you looked for chillers? I know that Seasun Aquarium in Bangkok charge well over the odds as do some other shops so you might find a better price if you keep looking. What size tank do you have and what output are you looking for chiller-wise?

    I use large fans on my freshwater tanks but evaporation is of course an issue when doing that (and 28 is a more optimistic target than 26 for me). Only way to avoid the water becoming harder and harder over time is either to do lots of large water changes or top up with water from an RO unit (I'm sure you know all that already).

  6. No real secret that the dominant Left Wing Media in the West (including Australia) has had Thailand in its sights ever since the 'Sheriff' ran Khun Taksin and his 'democratically' elected government out of dodge. They hate it.

    Editing the video has been done to suit their agenda and to remove any blame or doubt whatsoever from these poor hard done-by, innocent farang tourists who were targeted in a premeditated attack by racist Thai thugs.

    It suits their ongoing campaign of the demonisation of Thailand. Meanwhile the tourists just keep flooding in.

    Whilst one can never condone what happened to the elderly lady. But in a drunken bar fight the Marquess of Queensberry rules are rarely, if ever, observed.

    The elderly women assaulted the Thai first, in the belief she was safe from any form of retaliation as it would be totally out of character for a young Thai to respond with violence to a person of her age and gender. She was wrong.

    If you wish to avoid trouble then don't put yourself in a place where you are likely to get it. Walk away. Get out.

    Being 'frequent' visitors to the Kingdom they should have known better.

    'Dominant Left Wing Media'. Are you serious? Murdoch a lefty? The Daily Mail - Left Wing?

    No but banned here. So very anti Thai these days hardly a day goes by when they don't run a story knocking Thailand

    The fact a newspaper website is banned in Thailand doesn't make Thailand right and the newspaper wrong - or do you think it does?

  7. Bad element everywhere they are making out it is really unsafe no more than here in the UK. Thailand for me has been safe for over 30 years just my view on it. I have friends that got mugged and beaten up on the streets of London they are over 70 never did see anything in the Press . So you see it happens all over the world.Best thing to do is if you feel unsafe pick a different holiday destination if you can find one anywhere in the world that will be safe. So yeah sticking to my Guns still don't think it's fair. Daily Mail hates Thailand always looking for bad press for it's own reasons if that had happened anywhere else it would not have been the headlines in the paper for sure. Oh sorry for the spelling mistake slip of the finger you must be a teacher.

    The Daily Mail hates Thailand? I think it's the other way around actually, for reasons you are probably already aware of. What about the Guardian, the Telegraph, the Mirror and the hundreds of other newspapers that have run the story - do they all hate Thailand too?
  8. I arrived some time around 10am, can't remember exactly when. All I had to do was give my completed form, photos and photocopies to a guy sitting behind a small desk right in front of the seats where you normally wait. No queue, no need to go to the windows where I applied before. Apart from me and the two people I shared a ride with, there were only two other 'customers' there so Friday is definitely very quiet (or this particular Friday was at least)

    I got ticket number 56 so there were obviously 55 applicants that arrived earlier and had already gone by the time we got there.

    Picking up today took maybe 15 minutes after they started calling out the numbers.

    All in all, a very relaxing experience and I didn't mind spending three nights there.

  9. Hello,

    I am planning to apply for a single-entry tourist visa in Vientiane this coming Friday. I thought if I applied on a Friday and stayed over the weekend, it wouldn't be necessary to queue up outside the consulate early in the morning but I'm not sure if this is correct. If anybody has done this recently, I'd be grateful to hear about their experience, specifically whether it was quiet at the consulate on a Friday.

    Thanks in advance for any answers.
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