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Holy Cinema

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Posts posted by Holy Cinema

  1. 30 minutes ago, digibum said:


    No need to troll you, dude.  This is your original post within minutes of the story going live.  



    Right off the bat you went to cynicism rather than displaying any sort of empathy.  


    And then when I pointed out the knee-jerk Thai bashing and lack of empathy that was already starting you said



    At that point they were still dealing with the aftermath but you jumped right to pre-accusing the cops of a cover up.  


    Listen, we all know how things work in Thailand.  Corruption and ineptitude are seemingly everywhere.  But is it asking too much to hope that people's first reaction is, "That's horrible, my thoughts go out to the victims" rather than, "Cops will probably try to cover things up to protect the tourism industry"?  



    He's right, the spin has already started or are you unable to read what's being said?

    Not terrorism? umm okay.

    It's people like you who can't seem to figure out what's really going on.

  2. 3 hours ago, Franky Bear said:

    You are trying to place yourself as some sort of "expert" And you did it AGAIN in the highlighted area. Do you really think that people need to read your posts to keep their wits about the?

    It's a sick way to try gain popularity.

    Go away

    and yet you are lambasting those who do? Enjoying your cup of hypocrisy this morning?

  3. 41 minutes ago, halloween said:

    Riiiight! I question whether giving out fish tanks in one village on a certain day was an attempt to influence votes on the referendum, something the poster hasn't bothered to defend. then you claim it is populism and vote buying, can't tell me what votes are being bought, concede the fish takes are a good idea but have a problem with the timing, then can't give me the problem with the timing but I should know your obscure thought processes and if I can't then I'm a troll. Does that about sum the conversation?

    I said a form of vote buying, you know, the same thing you have repeatedly said about the rice scam.. 

    If you're not smart enough to figure what votes were being bought and favours curried, that's your problem not mine.

    My thought process is a lot more open than your for someone who's tag line is "raised on bullshit can smell it a mile off" I'd suggest you change it as you clearly can't!

    You're a troll, you only troll such topics and are conspicuous in your absence when your heroes come in for some stick

  4. 6 minutes ago, halloween said:

    I have no idea what you are getting at, I assumed you were just opposing anything to do with the junta.

    What is the problem with the timing? Should they have stopped delivery on referendum day? How about the weeks leading up to it? Should the junta seek your approval before beginning implementation of their social policies?

    Yes you do, and your responses are typical, and you know what they say about assumptions to.

    Keep up your charade, you are fooling no one, and actually trolling.

  5. Just now, halloween said:

    What votes are they buying? Suddenly you become opposed to populist policies, when this one actually makes sense (to me, at least).

    Ignorance is bliss, you know full well what I'm getting at, but as usual it's defelction and denial.

    There's nothing wrong with giving away free stuff to benefit the villages, I agree, it's all about the timing.

  6. 23 minutes ago, halloween said:

    So one village got a government freebie (and not a bad idea) on referendum day, and somehow you turn that into a vote buy? How many of the 20,000 villages got their fish tank on the same day, or tomorrow, or next week?

    does it matter  ? it's a populist policy and a form of vote buying, which typically for you sycophants, ignore when it's done by the "good people" 

  7. 8 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    An elected government who'd handed all power to a crooked fugitive, refused to obey the law, persistently lied, dissolved parliament and were in caretaker mode, had their supposed leader removed by a court for an illegal abuse of power,  were under siege from protesters inflamed at the attempt to by-pass parliamentary procedure and ram through a whitewash amnesty for their owner and dictator, and allowing violent attacks and murders of those who opposed them along with innocent bystanders and children.


    Hopefully history will use the Shin kleptocracy years this century to show what can happen when a Chinese feudal clan tries to dominate a country and introduce a political dynasty to run things for its own benefit.

    Why do you keep bleating about an Amnesty that was killed off by the upper house and yet say NOTHING about the amnesties the Junta have given themselves for past present and future "deeds"

    Most of your rant can be carried over to your beloved junta.

  8. Surely not..

    thaksin was voted in so he is behind reproach and accountability according to some.

    Thank goodness the majority have moved on and see the damage this family has done.

    If the majority has "moved on" the junta would have known, and they would have held elections to legitimize their illegal rule.

    Even you djjamie, should realize this.

    PS. Since the junta are scared sh!tless of elections we have no way to know which party gets the most support, so my question is:

    How do you know the "majority has moved on"??

    PPS. PLEEEEASE don't say you have seen the results of a junta arranged poll!

    Some, like you, just can't move on. The current government are not illegal. You might might not like it, but that's an irrelevance.

    And the winner of the most hypocritical post of the thread is.........well done, shame you can't practice what you preach !!

  9. The trouble here is that foreigners are seldom the targets to the insurgency, it makes for bad press.

    Perhaps if they were wearing uniforms and riding in a military vehicle, things could possibly be different.

    Nick Berg said the same thing about Iraq, till he had his head lobbed off by some people who didn't share his views.

    However, I can partially agree with what they're telling everyone, it was the same for Bangkok in 2014, plenty of people, including some here said it was dangerous and could erupt at any moment, well it never gave me that impression either. It's just sensationalism for the better part.

    A few mates lived down that way and they never had any issues with the locals either, although they did say there was more happening than being reported.

  10. you're still boring, not my heroes either, I despise them as much as I do expat sycophants !!

    I wonder where you all will be when everything the current trufflers have finished, where there's ZERO checks and balances, or accountability !! and all is revealed about their antics.

    The NACC seems quite active at the moment, I can only assume the 60% cut funding was restored, if not increased. There is a new court for politicians and office holders also. Land officers seem unusually active recovering national park and usurped SPK land, even the BIB seem more diligent (at least not re-defining perjury). Perhaps you meant some other "checks and balances"?

    No I meant with this current mob, you know, the military that are off limits, but then you know this, you also know what I mean, and who I'm talking about, but you chose to be obtuse about it.

    How much land has been reclaimed in Surat Thani by the way ? How many beach front properties all over the Similan Islands have been crushed to the ground? I'm all for grabbing back land, including the land the Army " grabbed" for their golf courses, but hey.....it's pretty selective whilst the Junta are in power wink.png

    What you think you wrote is not what I think I read. I am quite happy to see many more prosecutions, especially of those protected by the prior regime. Evidence of the current government doing more for the people.

    I haven't heard of land being reclaimed in Surat Thani. If there was encroachment here, I would have thought one or other of the Shin governments would have looked into it. If you have concerns over specific areas, please call the hotline.

    No you just chose to misread, I don't hold that against you.

    Like I said earlier,obtuse.

  11. I understand that it is inconvenient to mention ANOTHER B16 billion stolen from the Thai people by your heroes, and that you'd rather to talk about anything else, but could you do it in fewer words, just to save the bandwidth.

    you're still boring, not my heroes either, I despise them as much as I do expat sycophants !!

    I wonder where you all will be when everything the current trufflers have finished, where there's ZERO checks and balances, or accountability !! and all is revealed about their antics.

    The NACC seems quite active at the moment, I can only assume the 60% cut funding was restored, if not increased. There is a new court for politicians and office holders also. Land officers seem unusually active recovering national park and usurped SPK land, even the BIB seem more diligent (at least not re-defining perjury). Perhaps you meant some other "checks and balances"?

    No I meant with this current mob, you know, the military that are off limits, but then you know this, you also know what I mean, and who I'm talking about, but you chose to be obtuse about it.

    How much land has been reclaimed in Surat Thani by the way ? How many beach front properties all over the Similan Islands have been crushed to the ground? I'm all for grabbing back land, including the land the Army " grabbed" for their golf courses, but hey.....it's pretty selective whilst the Junta are in power ;)

  12. ..........along with the many other charges, should he ever bother to come back.

    Knowing the Shinawatras as intimately as you do, do you expect the kids to pay their B16 billion they owe the Thai people, or move abroad permanently and stiff those they claim to love so much?

    Boring!! Seems you know the Shins better than most people, you sycophants are all the same, you are all conspicuously absent in threads that don't portray the Junta in the hallowed light, but you rise like bloated corpses as soon as the Shins are mentioned, coincidence?

    You all sit back and hurl insults at Thai's that don't go along with your version of Eutopia, think eveyone who doesn't see the Junta as a good thing, as "Red shirt" and yet the small minority, yes, you're a minority never seem to question where the Riches of all the Richest Generals in the worlds came from, or how they're able to sit on SOE boards as directors, whilst also claiming salary from the MOD, how it was possible to sell land at a massive profit, but no mention of the tax that would be due on it, and yet, in every single thread pertaining to the Shins, you lot can't see past your own noses, and take a look around and see that what and who is currently running the country, are not ay better by a long shot, except this crowd have declared themselves now and forever "off limits" you can't see an issue with their amnesties, but Christ on a cross, it was like eating live babies with pitchforks when it was about Thaksin !!

    The majority of anti Junta also despise Thaksin and the PTP, but you lot don't want to acknowledge that, some of you need to go and see proctologists, as that Thaksin bug up your rectums seem to make you squirm and wriggle around a lot wink.png

    I understand that it is inconvenient to mention ANOTHER B16 billion stolen from the Thai people by your heroes, and that you'd rather to talk about anything else, but could you do it in fewer words, just to save the bandwidth.

    you're still boring, not my heroes either, I despise them as much as I do expat sycophants !!

    I wonder where you all will be when everything the current trufflers have finished, where there's ZERO checks and balances, or accountability !! and all is revealed about their antics.

  13. How about a poll asking Pattaya's middle aged single male tourists how many temples and cultural attractions and events they visited during their 3 week vacation?

    How about asking yourself how you would feel if your home country was famous for sex tourism?

    I'd love it and would never have moved here dude along with 95% of expats lol

    Yeah Holland springs to mind, !!

    Blokes didn't go there as horticulturists. and windmill spotters!! :D

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