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Posts posted by k2bikerider

  1. I'm in Bangkok till 24 August, but my Tourist Visa expires on 31 July, I need to extend my visa, and didn't know where to go in Bangkok... all info I find says it is 1900 baht, which is no problem, when I apply does anyone know if there is a waiting period, and is the date added to the end date or is it 30 days from application... I'm a US Citizen if that makes a difference Thanks Jason

  2. I stayed there with my family and 2 other families a few weeks ago, and it was quite nice, The only negative I saw was that the Fitness Center was nothing to brag about, but I don't really expect state of the art facilities in a hotel.... I don't know of anything else good in Cha-Am that is a good value...

    What is the Novatel like in Cha-Am?

    Anything else that's good value for money close to Regent Cha-Am?

  3. Here is a few pictures of my Lab/Chow mix named Lady, I got her from a friend that found her at another friends house tied to a tree constantly(she was 5 months old). I wasn't looking for a dog, but fell in love with Lady. She is now 8 and now my wife and kids love her too..

    Lady right after I got her




    She now has gray fur from the kids :o:D

  4. My wife has many American friends and less Thai friends, She prefers not to hang around too many Thai people in the USA as she says they gossip too much.. My wife was educated in Singapore from age 12 to HS graduation, then Uni in BKK then MBA in USA. So she is used to being outside of Thailand, her and my age is only 1 year apart( I'm 37 and she is 36) and we have small children.. But I think there is situations where this is true, but you can't paint a broad paint brush over all Thais.

  5. My wife and our 2 kids are going to Bangkok for 3 months, and we want to have our 3 year old join a gymnastics class or something simular during the weekdays, we looked at the Little Gym, but the schedule is mostly after 3pm, during the weekdays which isn't good for us, is there anywhere else that anyone knows of that would have good activities for 3 year olds...



  6. My wife told them that, they could touch but not to hold because if there baby is in a strangers arms, she would cry alot and would make it hard to calm the baby down. after she told them this, they wouldn't dare to get the baby out of the stroller.

    I have a 16 month old son who's half-Thai (but very light-skinned) who is constantly grabbed, touched, kissed, pointed at, talked about, etc, etc when we're out in public, e.g. shopping. I don't mind if it's just a wave, a game of peek-a-boo, or a comment on how cute he is .... but when he's grabbed, touched, taken out of his push-chair when my back is turned, or is being mobbed by people taking photos of him on their phones it really stresses me out, especially when I've already specifically told someone not to do it (shop assistants are the worst!). Sometimes, in my limited Thai, I attempt to explain the concept of stranger danger, but other times I literally push the person away or keep walking at the same pace and run them over with the push chair (and then feel bad cos they weren't to know they were the 20th person that day to maul him). How do others cope with it? Does it drive you crazy or do you just accept it as part of the culture here?
  7. I am a Thai girl who also believes in true love and a sualmate. Many of my friends and myself hope our sualmates are farangs. Almost all of my best friends get married to farangs or have farang boyfriends and they seem to live happily thus far. I also hope i can find a nice one too. Well, I do believe in destiny. I think it's destiny that makes two people from different parts of the world to meet and love each other. However, i don't think ourlives are all controlled by destiny. If a person is always close, not getting to know new people, destiny may not be of help. The destiny may bring two people to meet so that they can get to know each other and eventually to fall in love with each other it cann't develop the relationship.

    When two people are in love and spend sometimes together, only two of them, not destiny, that will develop the relationship. If the two people, who have totally different background, can adjust themselves to live together with love, care and understanding, their relationship should last long, although it's not easy for two people to always have smooth relationship. Some people are lucky enough to find true love and to have good relationship but some are not.

    I hope that if destiny brings me the right one one day, i'll try my best to maintain the relationship. But if it doesn't work out, i'll just have to accept it.

    Back to the question 'Is it possible to find true love in Thailand?

    My opinion is 'yes it is. true love is in everywhere in this beautiful world but whether u'll find it or not depends on yourself and partially on destiny.

    Good Luck to everyone!

    Make sense... My wife and I knew one another for 2 years before we were married,,, this is our 7th year since we met, and "yes', we found true love in Thailand.

  8. Another choice may be Bourbon street, quite family friendly, a gathering place for their holiday buffets....

    With the greatest of respect, I think that is a terrible idea. I like Bourbon Street as much as the next man, and the owner is even a pal, but it's hardly a place for a quiet, up-market dinner with one's wife. It's more like a hang-out for sex tourists on their night off or a place to take the kids on Sundays.

    You need something like Philippe's (20/15 Suk Soi 39, 0.2259.4577). It's a world class French bistro that draws a classy bunch of high-so Thais and a few scattered farangs who know a great place when they find it. Other good choices would be Lord Jim's at the Oriental or, if you're big meat eaters, the New York Steak House at the JW Marriott.

    My wife would not like the Bourbon Street if it a place to hang out. She loves French and Italian Food... I'll consider Philippe's. Thank you!

  9. Another choice may be Bourbon street, quite family friendly, a gathering place for their holiday buffets....

    With the greatest of respect, I think that is a terrible idea. I like Bourbon Street as much as the next man, and the owner is even a pal, but it's hardly a place for a quiet, up-market dinner with one's wife. It's more like a hang-out for sex tourists on their night off or a place to take the kids on Sundays.

    You need something like Philippe's (20/15 Suk Soi 39, 0.2259.4577). It's a world class French bistro that draws a classy bunch of high-so Thais and a few scattered farangs who know a great place when they find it. Other good choices would be Lord Jim's at the Oriental or, if you're big meat eaters, the New York Steak House at the JW Marriott.

  10. When I 1st met my husband, I never thought about his money, as I had a good job and earn a good amount of money myself.... In fact, when he returned to USA, I decided to come to US for a degree with financial support from my family. I thought the 2 yrs degree in US would allow me to know him better and learned about the culture and his family.

    I married my husband right after I graduated....and not because of his money... it's because he has a good heart and it would be too stupid not to marry him. :D

    PS... this is his ID and he is sleeping :o

  11. Hi,

    I totally agree with LovelyCutie.

    Well, I think many farangs got a wrong idea about Thai girls who are looking for a farang relationship. Yes, some Thai girls may look for farangs for money. As a regular Thai girl, I believe not everyone is looking for a farang just for money or comfortable life. Many of them just feel that they like farang. It's just a feeling inside that tells them that farangs are their soulmates. Some may have bad experiences about Thai guys; so they feel that farangs are better than Thais. Some may feel that farangs are more romantic than thais; while many find farang more attractive.

    Many well-educated thai girls can make money by their own. They don't care about money from the guys. Take a look at a nice Thai girl. You'll eventually find out that what she expects from you is just love, understanding and sincerity. So please understand that many Thai girls who are looking for farangs is just for sincere love, not money.

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