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Ken Khomdee

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Posts posted by Ken Khomdee

  1. Good riddance Obama and your global, New World Order!

    What a concept: to have a US President, who wants to put America first! All those protesters know their "free" government benefits are going to eventually be gone and they might have to work like the rest of us. They wont have time to protest with having to support themselves and their families.

    I only hope he can do even half of what he said during the Inauguration.

  2. After 5 years here, I am more relaxed, more retired, off blood pressure meds for over 2 years now, lost 20 lbs from my wife's healthy Thai recipes, resumed jogging (since the last item equates to healthier knees), share gym time with my wife, who loves the quality of daily life it affords as much as I do, and we get to travel much more than we could living in the "home" country full time due to the cost of living here! There are certainly some things I miss, but nothing I can't live without. After 10 years of retirement I still occasionally wrestle with the restlessness that comes from not be productive. When it overwhelms, we head for her family farm where we are welcomed as laborers until I return to my senses!

  3. I am very fortunate to be married to my best friend. She speaks English quite well after our 4 years together, communication is certainly a plus, and we have far more in common than ANY previous relationships, including those in my home country. In fact, I have never enjoyed anyones company 24/7 until now. She's a blessing and my best friend, and I can't imagine my life without her!

  4. Sadly, those of us hoping Trump wins would probably confess that he isn't who we hoped for. The alternative spells the end of the United States as we knew her, the amazing, yet imperfect country I spent 30 years defending. Sold to the highest bidders by too many professional politicians who lack any integrity or honesty. The Clintons fit so comfortably in that den of criminals that I could never vote for her. Hopefully the Americans who have been silenced by political correctness and the sorry direction our beloved country has taken will cast their vote for Trump, the lesser of two evils but just maybe a chance of restoration.

  5. There is a Namtip Nursing Home out by Maprachan Lake that seems very nice. I've visited friends there and the director/owner, Nuj, is very dedicated. Have a look there; you won't be disappointed. I'd attach a link but can't get it to cooperate but it will be easy to find on the internet.

  6. Just a short update on the Sym. My wife and I rode it to Khanchantaburi to visit Kwai River tourist sites. It handled the ride with ease, even through the Bangkok traffic, and the seat was very comfortable.I had to add a small convex mirror to each side mirror to improve the rear view for safety reasons. I kept having to fold my arms down and lean out to see around my shoulders. The tiny mirrors correct the visibility issue.

    Filtering in Bangkok is not for the faint of heart. I folded the left mirror and followed anywhere the 125's could go. I give it high marks for this trip.

    Another trip from Pattaya to Chiang Rai is on the planning table now. Rain could prolong the travel time, but, hey, I'm retired!!

  7. I was told that there is a quite new 5000 baht - fine warning - sign if using motorbike when i asked this some weeks ago..

    I was planning then to go to transport - office and using 7.

    I went to the land office to re-register my motorbike and used Sukumvit north to Hwy 36. They closed 2 1/2 hrs early for some mysterious reason so the second time I used smaller roads paralleling M-Way 7 and only hit one dead end. After a slight correction, I arrived with only about 10 minutes extra travel time. Kinda makes going to the Land Office a bit of an adventure.

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