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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. Just now, Bredbury Blue said:

    Funny that Rick, i used to like Spurs circa Gilzean..Chivers..to Perryman..Argies..Hoddle but all posterS on here turned me off them. I always hope they get battered. 

    I agree with this too. Since being on here I always hope Spurs get done and I hope pochetino moves on to pastures new as Spurs simply do not deserve him.

    • Sad 1
  2. Just now, champers said:

    Burnley won't go down. They have got Europe out of their system now.

    Look for Southampton to go down. They were lucky to stay up last season and Mark Hughes has got them playing like Stoke before they sacked him. Hughes will be sacked before Christmas.




    Unsure what is happening at the saints as for years they have been plucking players from all over and making shed loads of cash and the signings in the last window versus what departed are a concern. 


    Lallana 20m

    Lovren 20m

    Van dijk 75m

    Mane 34m

    Clyne 12.5m

    Lambert lol 4m


    They had a strong scouting network always delivering new talents. We need them.






  3. Interesting comments on this thread but I know for sure that Salah is vital to success and we need him firing more than ever. 


    Hendo being phased out is a strong term, a squad player is where he may be heading.


    Wijnaldum is surprising most people with his performances lately I think.  I never saw him as vital as he is showing now.

  4. Just now, carmine said:


    Except that Sturridge could do a cruciate bending over to tie his laces.  

    He knows his game time is limited he is the super sub from here on and it seems to suit all parties including his injury woes.

  5. Just now, BangrakBob said:


    We've already beat Leicester away, then Spurs away, beat PSG, beat Saints, held Chelsea away, in the last 4 weeks.


    If we get a draw or win at Napoli, and a win against City that will have been an incredible run. 


    And it is very clear we are not firing on all cylinders. The run of games with big wins will come.

  6. Just now, oldgit said:

    Jurgen Norbert Klopp has had three years to get to this stage of Liverpool's development. Their passing is exceptional, they have a very dangerous attacking trio, full of pace and skill, their transition from defence to attack is quick and decisive, their midfield is settled as is their defence and they are as fit as fleas. Maurizio Sarri, on the other hand, has had a smidgen of a pre season and two months to get his message across, to get the squad fitter than they've ever been to meet his demands of the 'high press'. No surprise then that we were under the cosh for parts of the game, especially in the second half.

    This Liverpool team is at the peak of it's powers and have their best chance in ages of winning the League but, with a win and a draw this week, we're not that far adrift......even Sarri stated he was surprised with the progress the squad had made in such a short time.

    Peak of it's powers? It's not even clicked yet this season so when it does you will be right. What we saw last night was our attack having a bad day at the office. Multiple chances to put it to bed and you played like you were the away team.


    Nice bus.

  7. Just now, mrbojangles said:

    Really enjoyed that match. Probably a fair result in the end. The quality shown last night says that this season is going to be a long hard slog

    Really need our forwards to click into gear these next couple of games and go on a run of goal racking games. great substitutions by klopp. Brilliant to have Sturridge back, full of purpose.

  8. Just now, RickG16 said:

    I'm concerned about the effect of the media ****storm the past week....


    Firstly, I should say that I'm a fan of Mourinho and view him and myself as kindred spirits ????. We both have a disdain for English fans' and English media's understanding of football (read a sports newspaper in Spain or Italy and you'll see what I mean). And give zero ***** what anyone else thinks about us in general.


    But....... It struck me that when Fergie was around, it was such a tight ship PR wise. Considering the hype and gossip around United, the way he, and his media team (I believe Karen was also the press officer back then) kept things on the straight and narrow was pretty remarkable. Any little story which could possibly paint us in a bad light was identified, stamped on, and snuffed out. You rarely heard a player anything out of line with the Club mantra, which while it could become boring, just meant there was very little for others to start gossiping about and misinterpreting. When there was a genuine dispute which had come out in the open, it was dealt with quickly, often ruthlessly, and if the said player was still around, you can guarantee that the had enjoyed the hairdryer treatment, and wouldn't be doing it again.


    I believe Jose thinks that none of this media gossiping matters to what happens on the pitch. I tended to agree with him, but over the past week I've changed my mind. I can't help feel that the Fergie days of actually keeping control of the media was a better approach than this. 

    So it's just the media and the following are irrelevant?


    3rd season and managers family refuse to relocate.


    Faria abruptly left JM side after 17 years.


    Mourinho has where given the chance, put unnecessary pressure on Woodward by highlighting his position in regards to transfers in the media. (makes getting a good deal less likely)


    The negative tactics has brought on the worst start in 29 years and Moyes has a slightly better record in this respect.


    Woodward has confirmed United's MO is to pair genuine youth products with WC players.


    All the time they had to decide on Mourinho and you would have thought they could have confirmed if he was supportive of that youth policy.


    I was a big fan of Mourinho too but this circus of negatives is too much and I have no confidence he can steady the ship. It's all gone Pete Tong.

  9. Just now, oldgit said:

    Jurgen Norbert Klopp has had three years to get to this stage of Liverpool's development. Their passing is exceptional, they have a very dangerous attacking trio, full of pace and skill, their transition from defence to attack is quick and decisive, their midfield is settled as is their defence and they are as fit as fleas. Maurizio Sarri, on the other hand, has had a smidgen of a pre season and two months to get his message across, to get the squad fitter than they've ever been to meet his demands of the 'high press'. No surprise then that we were under the cosh for parts of the game, especially in the second half.

    This Liverpool team is at the peak of it's powers and have their best chance in ages of winning the League but, with a win and a draw this week, we're not that far adrift......even Sarri stated he was surprised with the progress the squad had made in such a short time.

    Rubbish. Our forwards dropped the ball. Had they been at 70% you would have been slaughtered.

  10. Just now, RonniePickering22 said:


    I've just cracked open a bottle of Margaux in anticipation of Harry's hat-trick this afternoon.


    Feel free to pop down for a sip lad. :biggrin:

    I'm guessing there is a harry kane special in there maybe two? Penalties 

  11. Just now, BangrakBob said:

    Accountants or former accountants running any business I've had to deal with, I found to be massive pricks.

    Agreed. Accountants I've met running companies just seem to like turning them credit worthy and then shuttering them at the expense of suppliers and as it's legal it's fine and dandy. 

  12. Just now, Notagain said:

    Sounds like the family is too lazy to work, non labor intensive work haha, Ill take that job any day especially when someone else is paying the bill.

    Yes there are some lazy people but there are also some workers but they have other farming to do so I seek something with less labour and a good chance of replicating the small success the lemon trees has provided.



  13. Just now, Stevey said:

    It’s nice to know your looking out for her ????. It not mine , it’s her errant boyfriends’, and she wouldn’t be looking to be in the VIP wing either. She appears to be genuinely poor but I may be one of many sponsors, one never knows. I’ve supported her 5-7k a month since the baby ???????????? hatched ????.  But as you ask “so what is the issue here?”  ‘Cost of giving birth ‘ That’s just it and from the sound of things a poor 7-11 worker wouldn’t need to waltz in to a Gov hospital with 1000’s of Baht to drop a new Tax payer ! ????

    Fair play that's a nice thing to do.


    The clinics just for injections and stuff cost a fair bit.


    The booklet with the list of injections needed for all vaccinations up until 18 months is costing about 25k over that period, maybe a couple of non mandatory ones included in that cost but those injections add up. One batch cost 14k for the full course. 


    Maybe if you are concerned where the cash is going you could ask about the baby booklet and have her show you the injections page and next to each one a doctor may have signed or coded the booklet to keep track of what the child has been given.



  14. Putting them on the line here cos I think klopp knows the importance of this game after tasting defeat on Wednesday.  To put it mildly, I do not think we will just beat you on your turf. I think we're gonna twa t you all over the shop and afterwards you will be thinking how lucky you are to have a shot at winning the carabao cup.

    • Haha 2
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