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Posts posted by alexjw

  1. We applied for my wife's visa on 7th Feb. We compiled all the information required and handed it in, then obviously we were a bit nervous. In particular my wife was not looking forward to having an interview. Then on the 16th Feb I got a call on my mobile. I knew it was from the Embassy as I'd saved the number on my phone. I just assumed that there was some problem with the application having read all the stories on these forums. Anyway, they asked to speak to my wife and spoke in Thai for a minute or so. She hung up the phone and told me that she could go and collect her visa. They told her that because we handed in all the relevant information no interview was required. Whilst I did a good job of compiling the folder of 'evidence' I was still worried that something might be missing and no way thought we would be one of the lucky couples who don't need an interview. Anyway just registering my joy and slight shock (in a good way of course). Also thank you for your help on this website, it made the process a lot smoother and I felt more confident applying having read some of your posts. Good luck to everyone else applying for various visa's. :D:o:D

  2. Hi,

    Thank God I found this forum before we applied.

    I've read lots of the posts on this forum and they are extremely helpful. I'm feeling prepared but just have a few questions. I guess I'm being selfish but I'm getting stressed out and I hope it will be of help to others too.

    Basically I've been with my girlfriend (now wife) for around 10 months, we got married last month. Just about to apply for the settlement visa but here are my issues.

    1. My wife and I are both 23 and neither of us have ever had a proper job since we finished studying. However my Dad has a house a big house and a good monthly salary - does this mean I should put him as the sponsor or shall I be the sponsor but with supporting documents from my Dad.

    2. My wife and I have lived together for the entirety, as such we never email each other, neither can we access our phone records coz we both have 1-2-Call 'pay-as-u-go' phones. This seems to leave a huge chunk of 'evidence' unnaccounted for and seems like a potential problem. Is it?

    3. We have lots of photo's but not so many of us together. However we've travelled a lot and the background often demonstrates that we are both in the same place. Is this acceptable?

    4. My Dad and both my brothers have been in Thailand and met my wife on seperate occasions. Should I include letters from them stating this?

    5. We have been living together but the lease is in my name and all bills are addressed to the owner of the apartment. Do you know any other way that I can prove that we've been living together?

    I'm sorry if these questions are a little jumbled but I'm at a bit of a loss. I will have loads of documentation showing that we can support ourselves in the UK but seem to be missing a lot of evidence regarding our relationship. I can understand why the embassy is suspicious of certain farang-thai relationships but our relationship is genuine, we are young and in love and didn't for one second think that we'd ever need to document our relationship. Any ideas what evidence I can include?

    Any help would really be greatly appreciated and good luck to all you guys out there who are also applying for visa's for your loved ones. Hopefully love will conquer all! (Although I fear it may not)!

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