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Everything posted by tyler28

  1. If this was in late 2022/early 2023, then I had the exact same experience. It scared me away from using "Planet Mail" ever again.
  2. Medconsult Clinic. The price will be far, far less than the 15,000 - 20,000 figures quoted in the OP.
  3. You ought to be able to leave feedback for cancelled transactions. Ebay will not automatically prompt you to do so, but if you search Google for "Ebay leave feedback for cancelled," you ought to be able to find instructions.
  4. This one is terrific -- the best I have seen in central Bangkok.
  5. I'm not sure what you think you're refuting, but this is what II actually wrote: "Just to appease the moderators, let me acknowledge that N95 and similar masks absolutely can work, but the recent real-world data on the effectiveness of mask mandates (which usually prompt people to wear paper or cloth masks) are fairly unimpressive. I will post some links below, but the example of Hong Kong is illustrative -- terrible outbreak despite near 100% mask compliance." Are you imagining some inconsistency where none actually exists? But that Reuters article is from late 2021, before omicron. The data here are post-omicron: https://www.sfgate.com/coronavirus/article/bay-area-mask-mandate-results-17271294.php Hong Kong's experience is also post-omicron.
  6. I think you have the burden of proof backward here (that is, I think the burden lies with those making the affirmative claim -- namely, those arguing in favor of masking), but I'll bite anyway. Here are some of the harms: 1. Discomfort in terms of temperature. It is hot outside. I sweat heavily, and the mask only makes the situation worse. In fact, the mask often makes it just gross. 2. Discomfort in terms of breathing. Yes, this is a real issue, especially when the paper (surgical) masks get wet from sweat. 3. Occasional allergies or other bad reactions to masks. From time to time, I have developed coughs or other symptoms from talking, walking, exercising extensively while wearing masks. 4. Communication. I find I communicate better -- and am often actually treated better -- when people can see my face. 5. No need. I was always at low risk, but I'm at lower risk now that I have had five vaccine shots (two Chinese plus three American). Even if masks did help (and again, I don't think the paper ones I wear to meet mandate requirements do much at all), why would I need them? I'm vaccinated. 6. Promoting false solutions and yielding to a climate of fear and ignorance. Just to appease the moderators, let me acknowledge that N95 and similar masks absolutely can work, but the recent real-world data on the effectiveness of mask mandates (which usually prompt people to wear paper or cloth masks) are fairly unimpressive. I will post some links below, but the example of Hong Kong is illustrative -- terrible outbreak despite near 100% mask compliance. Some links related to point 6, so that the moderators do not accuse me of spreading "misinformation": https://www.sfgate.com/coronavirus/article/bay-area-mask-mandate-results-17271294.php (sfgate.com is the San Francisco Chronicle, a major newspaper) https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/31/briefing/masks-mandates-us-covid.html
  7. I cannot comment on what you would do, but no one gives me a "wide berth" when I ride the BTS without a mask. No one pays me any attention at all. I have also traveled with Air Asia a couple of times in the last week, and numerous people were unmasked on both flights.
  8. Not true about the "evil-eye." I've been going maskless on the BTS for a few weeks, and I always see some others (mainly foreigners) doing the same. I haven't gotten any "evil-eye" yet or any indication at all that anyone is even paying attention to me.
  9. www.samhober.com Ties made to order. They are based in Chiang Mai, but they are world-famous.
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