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Gold Star

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Everything posted by Gold Star

  1. Perhaps where you live, but here in Thailand, I have not seen one yet. From a global perspective, it presents a once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in oil stocks now at ridiculously low prices. I'm up over 200% this year and growing. EV's as a percentage of total vehicles hardly factor into the big transportation picture at all, and won't start to make a dent for a long long while. We are essentially undergoing a green energy addition, not an energy transition. The world still requires and will continue to consume 100mbpd of oil for a long time, for fuels, and all other uses, but energy needs are growing rapidly. Any slight reductions in fossil fuel consumption that may happen in developed world economies, will be offset by increased use in others. The reality is that emerging economies like India, Africa, and SE Asia demand and will require much more energy, and don't have the money to supplement that addition by using expensive renewable energy options, or the infrastructure needed to run it. Global capital expenditures for E&P are down to about 60%, while we need 100% just to replace the reserves to produce our 100mbpd we now use. This will ensure some very high future prices shortly, and resulting energy crises. The more people that believe that we are going to solve climate change by going cold turkey and blocking the development of fossil fuels, the better for me. It has advanced the date of the reality of scarcity of supply sooner, making oil companies with reserves extremely profitable. With electricity blackouts, and the resulting high energy costs crippling national economies, this will be more disruptive than most think. I chose to put my money on it. Up to you...
  2. Oil is now merely at inflation adjusted historical oil price averages. It will easily go much higher, given that global capital investments in oil exploration and production over the last few years has been at about 60% of the levels needed just to stand still. The energy transition hype is extremely overblown.
  3. Netflix is filming another Tham Luang cave rescue film right now in the Chiang Rai area. Many locals are employed here as extras for the shooting. I wonder in the end if the boys will survive in this film too...?
  4. They can choose to either kill the COE, or kill Thai tourism. Coming here should be as simple as booking a flight, grabbing your passport and suitcase. Let the airlines ensure you have your vax certificate or a 72 hour PCR test. Airlines won't let you board without it now anyway. Drop the insurance, the quarantine, the visas, and the hassle.
  5. Either demolish it or build it. It presently serves as a huge warning monument to the perils of investing in real estate in Thailand.
  6. *Deleted post edited out* Conspiracy theorists have been on overtime these last 2 years. Get some rest. As far as I have learned, Pfizer's efficacy figures pertained to the original virus, well before the Indian Delta variant emerged. Delta is a much more contagious variant. Pfizer protection is the highest 2 weeks after the second dose, and slowly decreases month by month, but much better half life than the rapid fade of Sinovac. Normal flu shot boosters are given out every year, so this is no surprise. Israel vaccinated so fast, that it was the first to experience infections of those with 2 doses later on, while those with a booster dose were essentially unaffected. Hence Israel's current rush to get the boosters into arms.
  7. Perhaps Thailand should tell the Thai embassy in the UK to open up so that people that want to come here can get visas. My friend has been trying but they are closed last I heard.
  8. It all makes sense now. The armed intruder climbed over the fence to force the Swiss guy at gunpoint to take the 300,000 baht cash he had brought, so that's why he shouted 'Money! Money!' The Swiss guy had enough money himself so he refused. They scuffled, fought over the gun, it went off, and he threw it into the pond. He tied him up, woke his wife, and then she came and found the money. Of course it is long gone now, as we all know with every Thai wife and money, there is never any change.
  9. Yes, come to Thailand for the choice and availability of vaccines! It's great!
  10. Wife says "Somchai, why are you home so early?" "I was fired as I was caught with my member into the coconut peeler." Wife says "Oh my buddha! Are you OK? How could this happen? What about the coconut peeler?" "Well she got fired too...."
  11. E-Cigs pose an extreme risk to replace tobacco tax revenue. That is really what is at stake here.
  12. I get your point (pun intended) that razor wire cuts both ways, however the layers of horizontal rolls of razorwire are positioned on the Chinese side of the fence, as well as the sharpened impalement spikes on the top face inwards towards China. It makes it far more difficult to climb over from China to Burma, than from Burma to China. It is clearly designed to keep people from escaping China. See more examples around the 6:30 mark:
  13. I hope they have factored in that it is not all needed at once anyway due to the time spacing between first and second jabs. Also, many who have ordered it have been able to get vaccinated with a good vaccine while waiting for this over the last 5 months, like me. I'm planning to transfer 2 of mine to my daughter if it is available soon, but she has to make arrangements to fly here from elsewhere in Thailand in order to get it. If it is not available soon, I have others that want them. You can only transfer one time. Let's get started with the first doses as soon as possible from the partial shipment, and give us some appointment dates.
  14. Chinese tourism in Thailand is a long way off, and perhaps may never come. China has suspended 98% of passport renewals and applications and revoked many others. As the heavily leveraged property bubble collapses, it will take down a lot of other things with it. New Myanmar border fences have just recently been built with the razor wire facing inwards. Getting money and wealth out of China is very difficult now. Don't count on Chinese investors in the Thai condo market being able keep up their payments.
  15. They should have called it the TITcoin, honoured for services at all gogo bars and nightclubs. Another missed opportunity.
  16. By the time he is out, there will only be electric motorbikes. Nice CRF. He won't be needing it anymore. I wonder how many kms?
  17. I have never heard of a successful gold shop robbery, as all these crooks are absolute idiots. Uses a motorcycle taxi for a getaway vehicle? "Quick! Take me home now or I'll cut you." "OK, Where do you live?" "123/45 Soi 19 Sukhumvit Rd." " Right away sir..."
  18. Great. Now crooks are robbing gold shops with box cutters. I'd better stock up before the upcoming boxcutter crackdown.
  19. If they sold alcohol in the afternoons, he wouldn't have had to start so early to try to make it through the day.
  20. 'Thailand has it all' We just won't allow you to see it, smell it, or do it. A more honest slogan would be: 'Bring your money, don't move, touch, drink, or do anything, now leave.'
  21. '-All types of massage parlors can open, except steaming/sauna' At last they can make money again, hand over fist.
  22. Prayut calls in Native American rain dancers to help control weather https://www.thaienquirer.com/33175/siam-satirist-prayut-calls-in-native-american-rain-dancers-to-help-control-weather/
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