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Gold Star

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Everything posted by Gold Star

  1. I am so relieved that the pilot didn't take the opportunity to do a barrel roll with that open door.
  2. Although I think dispatching the officials responsible is a good idea, it will only add to the flooding, as each body displaces 1 litre of floodwater per kg of body mass.
  3. They are puzzled as to where to find the money for the brown envelopes for something that is given to them free.
  4. I am surprised Anutin actually showed up for the photo op. He should be nothing but embarrassed with a huge loss of face as this points out their worst blunder: missing the opportunity to buy Pfizer early on when he could and instead relying on AZ to deliver, then trying to make up the shortfall with Chinese vaccines, and then finally giving in to order Pfizer. Today's moment points out just how late in the game the arrival is of the first mRNA shipment purchased in Thailand really is, as this should have happened many many months ago, in the 10's of millions of doses. Given that we missed most of the pandemic early on, we might have even been able to miss the worst of the fourth wave had we been properly vaccinated early enough. Some other countries have already fully vaccinated their populations with Pfizer for the most part, and are in the process of needing boosters already. Although not without problems, they will have given themselves the best chance to emerge from this first. One day we all eventually realize and learn to accept that this virus is not going to go away and will always be with us as a bad and sometimes deadly version of the flu, and try to protect the vulnerable in our populations on a regular basis with the inclusion of it in our annual flu booster vaccines. Meanwhile, we continue to struggle through this with restrictions, and millions suffering hardship, as we chew through the millions of Chinese vaccines ordered. At present, we can only give the appearance of doing something however small by putting the Chinese vaccines into arms, before moving on to the next best ones, then finally to the mRNA that produce the highest immune response. <snip> We have a long way to go yet from being over this thanks to their poor choices.
  5. Allowing motorcycles on all the bridges will reduce car traffic, as people going from one side to another now have no choice but to drive a car. Perhaps a new bridge is not needed at all.
  6. Someday, someone is going to clue in on the idea that perhaps they should focus on the foreigners that are living here already to stimulate the domestic tourism market instead of dreaming up schemes to attract this group or another from other lands. We would love to go places but don't want to put up with the hassles, so we are kept waiting. Treat us as the local residents that we are, and give us a reason to go somewhere. We want places that are open without curfews or jail time, to have a drink with meals or a beer on the beach, see some national parks that are open, no covid testing requirements every few days, easy convenient flights between provinces without provincial quarantine so we can get around, and drop the useless 90 day reporting once and for all. Did I miss something?
  7. Yes, we have been very lucky throughout this, relatively unscathed so far. The city has had only 0 to 2 cases per day reported all along on average lately. More elsewhere in the province.
  8. Would edible panties displayed on stage available for purchase count?
  9. “I was driving behind the pickup truck driven by Mr. Homwichean.” “Without warning, and without using signal lights, Mr. Homwichean suddenly took a sharp turn. I was unable to stop the collision as I was driving at high speed. However, I believe the accident was the fault of Mr. Homwichean and not myself for taking a turn with no warning.” Nithiwit stated. Well Nitwit, perhaps you were coming up behind him so fast he had to swerve out of the way so you didn't hit him? You murdering idiot.
  10. How can this be happening? Just last week he said there would be no floods this year.
  11. Just last week he declared there would be no flooding this year. We can all sleep well.
  12. Yes, newest stupid law. 100,000 baht fine. Many of the banned ingredients you can't identify in Thai script on a thai bottle of sunscreen anyway. Cheaper for your family to get skin cancer and treated in your home country later.
  13. Next they will put it in a perfume atomizer, and be able to stretch it to 100 to 1 ratio. No wonder the UK won't accept vaccines done in Thailand.
  14. Any songs that suggest body contact will be banned: 'Sweet Caroline' 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' etc.
  15. Who would trust that a country performed their vaccinations properly when they think they can squeeze 5 doses from a single dose by injecting it under the skin?
  16. Time for Thailand and Singapore to build islands and airbases in the South China Sea next to the Chinese and practice there.
  17. Agree about the delay in getting ill and the day of death affecting the rate slightly. Both reported infections and death counts are subject to underestimating. Still alarming though.
  18. Once out of quarantine, can’t go to a bar, must be back before curfew, can’t wear sunscreen so can’t go out doing things in the sun during the day, why come at all?
  19. '141 new fatalities today and 11,252 new infections.' Still quite deadly, even after all those vaccinations we have had so far. A 1.25% death rate.
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