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Everything posted by pickettywitch

  1. Yes Al you take care matie I wouldn't say you was looking great if your happy here then luck be on your side matie - Now no one knows ridgebacks better than us - its rare that he'd change his personally just like that he's a wander dog and always has been like his brother Primetime whom we visit regularly - Im hoping he's still with us or I pop in to see him before our new batch arrive th end of the month : )
  2. Well you see Im a northerner and proud on it LOL _ Here basically it not your country or your culture big Al and dont ya know it according the the powers that be Immigration your a paying guest basically dont fit the criteria ya OOT ! and dont we know it Its always handy to have options in your court but many expats here dont just keep eating ya 5 kilo o cheese LOL
  3. Good old Big Al humorous as ever Now see some folk on here have healthy bank accounts and able to go home and visit family as you mentioned you've burnt all your bridges back home sadly so dont be bitchy old lad lol now if OSCAR still with us we'd like so see him occasionally not left to thoughts of WHERES THE OTHER DOG while you prat on with ya dodgy wiring LOL
  4. Yes C L i missed that! but Oscar a worry been nothing about him only Robert which worries us 🙏
  5. keep taking the acid big AL LOL
  6. Bloody skin flint ! ya put steptoe to shame LOL, and you certainly out do Walter Mitty LOL Oh and aircon for people who's got the money too pay for it its as simple as that
  7. A drop me a email with them LINE details mines Michael George Parker 0622757022 popping over in a day or two want to the 2 boys how their doing !
  8. YES! a can well believe that LOL
  9. we installed a borehole-pump 2 panels we pump into the fish pond all the land and the house tank so now no gov water cost 26k so well worth it ????
  10. Im in the village and the farms here _ and you at 75 still bloody climbing ladders _ how many expats regret that after slipping!
  11. Yes! but ummm no comment!
  12. Still the same old Mess ! I'll be over soon too see the dogs for a new vlog starting soon The misses gets no Better ! yours not mine !LOL
  13. If Im short on the 400k, can i still show over 40k month coming from overseas pension deposits ???
  14. Yer We know that! Apple & Pears! just keep feeding those TWO dogs LOL
  15. Dosh ! who you kidding ! 555555
  16. who's is that house and modern vehicle, its not your's for sure ????
  17. He's worst than Boris BUT unlike Boris he hasn't had a death wish from Putin ! LOL how's them doggies doing ?
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