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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. If sound to good to be true it-----------one would think that the victims here would have use a little common sense, ie if a company can make a profit of Bt20000(???) a month on a rental car why wouldn't they just buy the car themselves own it and rent it out all profit to company. Sound likes Greed over came common sense. :DB):D:D. Prove once again be very WARY of the Police. :D:D:D:o

  2. During the recent time I spent there I found it to be fairly safe, suggest keep your self safe stay out of lest travel places late at night, carry little cash, go with several buddies when possible, bottom line think safe be safe as possible. :o:D

  3. Maybe not handsome, but smart I hope, smart enough to know it just about baht and someone(old fool/young/fool or who ever) to take care of them. One young pretty thing in our village ask the wife of a farang to help her find an old fat farang, reason is simple,"her words somebody take care me, me no have to make love to much hole hurt" all power to you young lady. :D:D:o

  4. My advice let it go my friend a dude like that(and there are a few) isn't worth the trouble. If you kick his butt, which you could you would only lose big time in the court SYSTEM in Thailand which without a DOUBT would favor this fool. Just think god(buddah) that you have a good and faithfully wife :o:D best of luck. "been there done that"

  5. Since like a lot of you, I live in Thailand, and given the tragedies over the previous month and increasing violence toward farang. I have some suggestions for expatriate home design in the Land of Smiles. See below:




    And for the discerning motorist. May I suggest one of the following?

    post-57250-1202977373_thumb.jpgSorry my friend but I for one want to live in Thailand in PEACE not in a JAIL. Agree the crime rate is up, so our best bet is to stay aware and inform beside it is illegal for farangs to own weapons in Thailand. :D:o


    No...I am definitely not joking. :D

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