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Posts posted by Stravaig

  1. On behalf of the McMahon family, thank you for your kind condolences. It is indeed a shocking event for all of us.

    Inevitably, the newspapers can only report on the facts which are made known to them. They don't know the full story and the background information necessary to understand this tragic incident. Actually, neither do we - not least because we are in Europe at the moment. We're aware of what has gone on over the last few years but unaware of the catalyst which led to John and Yai's ultimate decision yesterday.

    I've seen discussions on other forums talking about conspiracy theories and speculating about who the creditors might be. Such speculation is distressing and unhelpul.

    Thanks to the mods and admins on Thai Visa for keeping things in better order on here.

  2. We have been cheated by a family member who is incapable of telling the truth about anything. Turns out that they've also been to the loans sharks. The whole thing is such a mess that we're leaving the country to get away from these relatives. So much for living in Paradise. Europe here we come. Most likely we'll come back when the dust has settled but we've had more than enough of them for now. It's got to the stage where we don't even have the phone switched on any more in case it's another bl**dy crisis caused by their stupidity.

  3. Several years ago I had a few hundred pens made with my website URL on them. The pens also had a little calendar on them, and they were very popular. I'd like to do the same again for a business trip I'm planning to Europe next month. I also need to get some business cards made.

    Any ideas, please, about where I could get these pens made in Pattaya?

    Thanks in advance.

    (We were using the Big Banner Company for a while and they did some really good stuff for us, although they didn't do pens, but they seem to be closed down now.)

  4. I agree about those tailors with the touts on the streets - a bad experience every time. Those who stay in their shops and get on with the job are usually pretty good.

    A couple of years ago, we needed some new clothes (copies) for an important occasion, and made it very clear that there was a strict deadline. Could he do it in time? We also wanted the stuff laundered and ironed and ready to wear. No problem! It didn't turn up like that. It was filthy and unironed. He suggested we could come back "tomorrow". But that was no use - as we'd told him - we needed the clothes for a particular event. The guy was a complete waste of space, and he is still to be seen daily hovering about outside his shop in Naklua trying to lure unwary tourists in.

  5. A lot of our stuff - mainly books - has been in storage in the UK for several years. I didn't think we could import it as we're a farang-farang couple both on non-immigrant O visas. Is there any way we can? We would dearly love to have our possessions back again. Any chance of sharing a container or something with anyone else who is also importing their used household possessions?

  6. I would second the recommendation of Homeworks carpentry department . They have made loads of made to measure furniture (kitchen cabinets, wall-to-wall bookcases etc) for us and we have been delighted with it every time.

  7. My vote also goes to Yorkies for pork sausages and loin bacon. For streaky bacon I prefer the Carrefour version.

    A few years ago we always used to make a special trip to Friendship to buy Yorkies products. These days you can find them in several other shops - unfortunately I can't remember which ones.

  8. A friend in Europe wants one of these things. She says that they're easy to find on several US sites but both the price and the shipping are prohibitively expensive. She's asked me to look into whether I could buy one here and ship it to Europe.

    I'm clueless. How much would such a thing cost in the first place and how much would it cost to ship? I've seen a product description of it and it weighs approx 25lbs (11.5kg). My gut feeling is that, if you can get such a thing here at a reasonable price, then she'd be better off coming over on holiday with an empty suitcase! Any advice, please?

  9. I've been saying for years that it would be great if Pattaya had a Central Department store and Asia books. As for food, Carrefour, Foodland, Friendship, etc are fine but we still had to make the occasional shopping trip to Bangkok for some of the imported luxuries we wanted sometimes, and this new food supermarket is just about as good as it gets. It's all here now. I love it!

    If you don't like it, don't go. What could be simpler? There are a lot of things in Pattaya that don't appeal to me - all you can eat for 99 baht, for example - I don't spend my time slagging them off. Some people like that sort of thing, other people like other things. I'd have thought that there would be room for everyone. And the bottom line is, if you don't like the city, then don't live here. I don't recall anyone forcing me to come here or to stay on. Take it or leave it. But it's kinda strange to live in a place and complain that you don't like it.

  10. I'm a little bit worried, not so much for myself but for those who were already pretty much on the breadline, particularly our Thai friends. They were hoping that business might look up a bit for them in the high season and they'd pull through that way. It's not looking good for them now. They're kind, hard-working, people, it's a shame to see their little business floundering in this way.

  11. Good idea. It's UK company stuff and there's a mandatory fine if the deadline isn't met, but I think this situation in Thailand could well count as circumstances beyond our control. I'll try asking them if they'll accept faxed copies with originals to follow. (I know you can do some govt. returns online - and I do. But previously they've always wanted originals of these particular documents.)

    If you remind me tomorrow per PM, I can check the last days shipments, when they left Thailand (FedEx) as I almost sent at least 1 per day.

    Great, thanks. I'll PM you tomorrow.

  12. Thanks again. Yep, I definitely need to verify what's happening before handing over the docs. I don't want someone in an office telling me what I want to hear, just to get the business. Worst case is I'll be going to Penang late December anyway (if not via Swampy, then by train if necessary). I'll miss my deadline if I do it this way and wait so long before sending the stuff, but hey - what's a fine in the midst of all this chaos?

  13. For those in Pattaya, there's an excellent German bakery (Peter - Baker) on the corner of Naklua Road and Naklua Soi 12. The local Germans flock to the place; it's very popular. They sell some really good bread and rolls, and some other groceries - ham, mustard etc., as well as doing snacks and meals.

  14. Hi Folks

    Hope you can help. I have some important documents to send to the UK. (Wished I'd done it earlier when I had the chance, but I put it off and now I'm trying to meet a deadline.) Anyway, obviously DHL, FedEx etc aren't going out of Swampy as usual. Presumably they've made alternative arrangements?

    Anyone know what's happening? What's the best way to send an A4 envelope of docs to reach the UK before late December?

    Thanks in advance.

  15. Meyer is a great brand. We bought several Meyer pans a few years ago when we lived in London and then discovered that it's made in Thailand. :o (Wished we'd bought it here.)

    There are a couple of good shops on Pattaya South Road where we've bought stuff. Coming from Beach Road and moving towards Suk, there's one on the left with lots of good commercial equipment but some of it small enough for a domestic kitchen, and then further up on the right there's a shop that sells cheffy stuff and table linen. Both excellent shops IMO.

  16. We decided to try Mantra after all. Yes, it's expensive but we don't treat ourselves to something and try to save money at the same time. It was really superb - I'd go back in a shot. There was lots on offer, plenty of variety, and good quality food. The staff were friendly, helpful, and efficient. Mantra gets my thumbs up.

  17. I was going to head for Benihana in RGP but then heard about Mantra. Any advice or recommendations please? We're not wanting a carvery or all we can eat for 99 baht.

    We've been to Benihana a few times, it's very nice. I thought we might try Mantra but their website doesn't give much information about their Sunday brunch. What's their Sunday brunch like?

  18. I started a similar thread recently when I was wanting to get some business cards made. (See "I need business cards".) People responded with several good suggestions. If you look back a bit and find that thread, you'll find answers to your question.

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