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Posts posted by Crowes

  1. 16 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Trump managed singlehandedly to gratuitously strain relations with one of the USA's staunchest allies.


    Many would argue that relations were strained when Aussies took advantage of Obama's disastrous policies by agreeing to give us your refugees. You knew what you were doing, and you didn't care. Americans will never forgive you for taking advantage of our weak leaders like that.

  2. On 4/23/2017 at 2:23 AM, attrayant said:


    You wanna guess where those funds came from in the first place?  California is more than wealthy enough to take care of its own, and the red states, that leech off the rest of the country, would be the ones to lose.


    That $2 Billion dollar deficit they are projecting for California in 2017 must not concern you any. The bottom line is that California is the laughing stock of the nation, and everyone see's through their bullshit.,

  3. 11 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Maybe because the birth certificate and college transcript stuff stemmed from lunatic rumors and conspiracy theories propagated and fueled by false web sites and con artists including Donald Trump.




    You understand the witch hunt for Trumps tax returns are absolutely the same, right? Rumors and Conspiracy theories is all that it is since you haven't seem all of them. You can't shun one side for doing it against Obama then claim to be justified against Trump. It doesn't work like that.

  4. On 3/26/2017 at 2:29 AM, JimCrane said:

    I got pretty depressed living in a condo in hot weather which led to sleeping until afternoon daily and not doing much since it was so hot outside. If I drink the night before it's even worse.


    but having an outdoor area or bigger place I am much happier. The minute I step outside my mood improves. If there are no loud Thais there or noise it improves even more. 


    i have been to many poor countries and have found that the local population are typically 'energy suckers'. that is, they are needy in one way or another and if you a long termer it's going to effect you. tourist locations are the worst. your in pattaya with a city full of whores and scumbags who definately quality as needing something from you the minute you step outside. the tuk tuk, taxi and other invasive tout scum, which in thailand is not that bad compared to other locations, can really drain you as their energy does enter even if completely ignored, especially long term.

    one symptom of the 'energy sucking' taking effect is wanting to isolate, which results in low energy and fatigue because your isolating and staying inside, especially if your on a small budget. isolation can lead to depression and even suicide. alcohol makes things worse and accelerates the process but appears to help the isolation while your drinking.


    This is a pretty good summary. After getting bombarded 24/7 by the touts wanting your money, you search for that secluded place where you can be left alone. It's ironic that most people come to Thailand to get away from everything, but the whole time they are here, they are hounded even more. Thailand becomes a puzzle of how to reach that one last place you can be left alone, but it all seems the same no matter where you go. Typically an island or other remote area is your only option.  I guess the movie "The Beach" was really on to something.

  5. 14 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    People in key positions should think for themselves. But they should speak for the administration they serve.


    I agree, but it's clear that any deviation, no matter how small, is enough for scrutiny by the media with regards to Trump when it probably wouldn't have been under Obama. The comments by Haley and Tillerson mentioned in this story are not even newsworthy in the sense that somehow you can draw a comparison that there is confusion about how to handle Assad. Even with the whole Syrian conflict being one huge cluster f to begin with. I had to read the article 3 times to find out what the big deal was, and even now I'm still not sure. But hey, Reuters made a nice negative story about Trump, so I guess they achieved their purpose.

  6. On 8/8/2016 at 6:12 PM, Boon Mee said:

    Obama's attitude is deny 'til you die but it's been shown that it was a ransom payment.

    Thank God we have only a few more months of this Traitor:




    I'll be waiting patiently for Thai Visa to post the breaking news story saying Obama paid a ransom to Iran, but we know it will only be filled with an anti-Trump headline instead.



  7. 10 hours ago, Publicus said:


    The right are too far off period.


    This election outcome will set 'em back conclusively. Cause all the right will do after they get the bum's rush from the voters November 8th is to whinge all the more.


    Everyone else will resume working constructively and positively, to include immigration reform, campaign finance reform, extending health insurance, student loan reform and all the rest of it the Republican rightwing controlled congress maximus have willfully ignored as they pursue instead their HRC election day obsessions. 


    The object of the election is to win it. Republican rightwingers are using their institutional control of the congress maximus to try to win and they're doing it by hook or by crook.


    President Obama on the other hand is using his high personal approval by the public to assist his welcomed successor, HRC.


    Key to it all however is that if the Republicans had said to the Democrats that the Democrats could choose the R party nominee, the D's would have chosen exactly the guy we see and hear each and every day -- Donald Trump.  


    Go Donald. Don't change a thing you're doing. You're going just great.


    Trolling at it's finest or America is really doomed if there are people out there living in your delusional world.

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