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Posts posted by cheshiremusicman

  1. Try and buy some 16-16-16 fertiliser ( Thai-- Vitamins) about 600B for 40kgs. Spread this by hand on the grass at the rate of about 'one good hand-full per square metre' this will help feed the grass and develop a strong root system. DONT WATER TOO REGULARLY, this will only encourage the grass to develop a shallow root system. Water the grass with a VERY thorough drenching at the late evening. Cut the grass every 3/4 days and this will encourage the grass to 'fine up' and make a nicer looking lawn.

    I hope that this is of some help, and please ignore the pratts that have nothing better to do than suggest that you 'paint the grass green'!

  2. I would like to transfer money from the UK to a Kasikorn Bank account and have been exploring options.

    I transfered 12,500 pounds sterling from NatWest to my account at the Siam Commercial Bank this week and got exchange rate of 68.3 after conversion when the rate was at 68.5. No problems with the 30%, they never even phone up to ask what the transfer is for. NatWest charge me 25 pounds sterling for 'Urgent trasfer' and the costs at this end are about 10 pounds sterling equivalent. As you said ' always specify the transfer to be in Sterling'. I got rotten 'advice' from my 'estate agent' when we first started to send over the payments and it was not until I saw on his own web site that the transfers should be in sterling that we changed over.

  3. Was recently told about this treatment and got some from a local source, you boil it and drink the juice.

    The consensus is it's effective, so I would like obtain some in Oz (cant take it back for obvious reasons).

    Has anybody heard of this plant, weed or tree and if so can you give me an english or botanical name?

    I don't know of the particular tree that you are asking about, but try and obtain some 'NEEM' capsules. You may have heard of it before, it has been used for thousands of years particularly in India for all kinds of treatments and it is totally non toxic and can be taken in large doses without any side-effects. It acts as an anit-inflamatory. Have a look at the replies to my topic (particulary the website refences), of where could I buy Neem Leaf on this forum and I think that you will find it very interesting.

  4. Cheshiremusicman> I hadn't seen your post on the other sadao thread last march. In Bangkok you can find sadao leaves for sale on the markets sometimes, mostly during the cold season. Liquid sadao extracts are also available as pesticide in garden shops, but I wouldn't try to treat diverticulitus with that!

    A general question: I find that some trees give a fresher shade than others, and wonder how the shade of a sadao feels compared to common garden trees such as mango trees?


    Thanks for the reply 'Pete_r'. We found that the 'sadao' trees seem to be used a lot in India for shade and seem to remember that they had a lovely smell, but don't know how they compare to other trees for shade.

    We saw some very big specimens that had been growing in palace grounds when we were in Goa - very impressive - particularly on a very hot sunny day, lovely and cool underneath.

    Do many of the farming communities here in Thailand use liquid sadao as a pesticide and how does it compare to 'manmade pesticides' in your experience?

  5. Can anybody please tell me if they can provide me with 'Sadao (known by the other name of 'Neem') leaf', probably need 1kg of young leaves and what it would cost in total to post it to me here in Thailand ?

    The wife says it's so common here she could collect 500kg just driving along the roadside. She also asked if you were for real as the stuff grows wild everywhere!! Are you looking for dried leaves as I think the fresh ones would be quite dry by the time you received them. I believe EMS within the country is B35 per package.


    Many thanks for that. I understood that it does grow wild, but problem is that I don't know what it looks like! I know this sounds strange, but how do I identify the tree, does it have any distinctive features?

    Did you know that Google has the ability to find images (pictures)? Open Google, click "Images" above the place where you type in your search words.....then type in "neem tree".......or whatever you think might be the correct search terms for what you would like to find pictures of.....and in a few moments pictures will appear....it's really neat!!!


    Many thanks 'Somthan' for the pics and 'chownah' for the google advice. Must say that I did think of that after I had posted.

    Will now go out and search the area for the trees.

    Don't know whether or not you have come across the use of 'Neem' in medical treatment, it has been used (particularly in India) for thousands of years as an anti-inflamatory. I used it some five years ago, when I was diagnosed with diveriticulitus; with amazing results - not had the problem again. Also used as a 'natural insecticide' . Thanks again for all the help.

  6. Has anybody else had problems trying to get the 'maxnet' email service to work in the last 2 days. My internet is working fine, but I only get 'error' when I try to access my e-mails via maxnet. Interesting thing is that even when I try and access the 'maxnet' web site it comes up as 'error', any ideas ???? I reported this to TT&T the other day at the office in Hua-Hin but they denied any knowledge of any problems.

  7. My 1 year Thai DL just expired. I know what paperwork should be required (PP copies etc) but every office in the land has its own interpretation.

    Has anyone recently got a 5 year licence/? If so, did they require a letter from Immigration confirming your address in Thailand or will they accept the TM 47 slip from the last 90 day report?

    My current address is the same as printed on my 1 year licence.


    Just a little add to your directions. We found that we had to go UPSTAIRS for our 1 year licence.

  8. Can anybody please tell me if they can provide me with 'Sadao (known by the other name of 'Neem') leaf', probably need 1kg of young leaves and what it would cost in total to post it to me here in Thailand ?

    The wife says it's so common here she could collect 500kg just driving along the roadside. She also asked if you were for real as the stuff grows wild everywhere!! Are you looking for dried leaves as I think the fresh ones would be quite dry by the time you received them. I believe EMS within the country is B35 per package.


    Many thanks for that. I understood that it does grow wild, but problem is that I don't know what it looks like! I know this sounds strange, but how do I identify the tree, does it have any distinctive features?

  9. Hi anyone help with this.Need to get some Physio...How much..Telephone nos...Thanks in advance

    I recently had problems with my neck and shoulders;-particularly painful when I was in bed. Also accompanying this was a problem with my elbow - again particularly painful whilst in bed for some strange reason! A Thai friend suggested that I obtain some 'Green Herb Oil' more like a gel than an oil. I rubbed this stuff in for about a week - smelt like the thing that we used to call ' Wintergreen' back in the UK and lo and behold ALL aches and pins have disappeared and that is now two months ago. Hope that it does the trick for You.

  10. Chang Beer - Why does it make me feel absolutely ill the next day? I'm to the point now that if I even drink one, I know it. It's not the higher alcohol content, that's for sure.

    Does anyone notice the lack of people drinking this vile stuff now? Seems like locals in PTY have switched to SanMig and esp Tiger in a big way.

    I've tried most of the beers - canned or bottled and find that Chang for me is still the best beer. I've been told NOT to drink draught beers, as the 'lines' that the beer is pumped through don't get cleaned well in lots of establishments and you can get all kinds of problems if this occurs. If you trust the people who are the serving draught to keep up the hygenie in the pipe lines then should be ok - otherwise keep to cans or bottles. I tried the Chang Lite and thought that it was pixh poor. Alternative for me is Singha.

  11. We have a 14m x5m pool and use a company called 'POOL CARE HU HIN Werra' who come once a week and clean the pool. They have a very efficient machine that has its own filtration system and this bypasses the need to use your own pool pump to provide the 'vacumn' pressure. The water is always crystal clear since I started using this company.

    I look after the ph levels and the algecides myself - prefering to do this on my own and keep a record for my own benefit.

    I negotiated a price of 2500B for two months

  12. Take a tablespoon of wheatgerm once a day. This contains ample vitamin e and other nutrients that help your system absorb it. Recent reliable studies in the West have come to some very disturbing conclusions about synthetic vitamin e supplementation, especially in the higher dose caps (500 iu and above). It's even been linked to premature death.

    Stupid Me,

    Just realised that the 'wheatgerm' is in granular form. I asked the wife to have a look for it when she went shopping and she came back with the granular one from Tescos - thanks again for the help.

  13. As for storing or setting a battery on concrete. I too was always told to sit it on a piece of wood or rubber. No facts to back this up.

    You're exactly correct. There are no facts to back this up because there are no facts!

    To successfully REDUCE the effects of a magnetic field, a magnetic shield (Faraday shield) must be created. This usually comprises of 2 components: a non magnetic material & a magnetic material.

    For example, to protect a watch from the earths magnetic field, surround it with a non magnetic material (air, lead, brass) & then surround this non magnetic material with a magnetic material (Iron, cobalt). There is now way whatsoever to block magnetic fields. And sitting batteries on lumps of wood or matts is certainly another way that doesn't block or reduce any magnetic effect.

    My thoughts entirely 'elkangorito', but as to your statement of 'there is no way whatsoever to block magnetic fields' I seem to remember that there was a material called 'Mu-metal' that was used to 'shield' crt tubes in the old days from magnetic field effects.

  14. Many thanks for the info, as I am going to apply for my 1 year license this coming week. Most helpful, particularly the directions - thanks again.

    Let's know how you get on.

    Wife and I went to Pranburi the other day and obtained our licences without any trouble, apart from my wife breaking the machine that they use for testing your reflex time. Quite funny with the staff, because after my wife had wrecked it they just looked at it and said "Accident" and laughed. She did pass.

    We obtained our proof of residence from the immigration office - pleasant and polite as usual.

    Medical certificate from the docs on the main Pranburi high street at 20 Bahts each,which took 5 minutes.

    Colour blindness test.

    Reflex reaction test

    Spatial distance test

    All ok, then we go back to the desk at 1530 to get the liceneces and they say "Sorry, accounts closed now" - motto 'Don't leave it too late in the afternoon' So we just popped back the following morning and the staff called us over to the window and handed the licences over after we had paid- No bother at all.

    Thanks again for the info 'Petertheeater'

  15. The rule of thumb seems that if you can get it done in Bangkok, then do it.

    some have various reports about the local office including myself. :o


    MY wife and I have been to the old office twice, followed by two visits to the new office in the back of beyond!

    To be sure it's stupid place to put such a place, but we have had nothing but courtesy and attention from the people that staff the immigration bureau. We have obtained 'retirement visas', renewals re 90 days and all the necessary documentation for our application for driving licences without any bother whatsover, so no complaints from us.

    Go and make the trip yourself and yes use a 4x4, goodness knows what the blxxxy road will be like in the rainy season!

  16. Take a tablespoon of wheatgerm once a day. This contains ample vitamin e and other nutrients that help your system absorb it. Recent reliable studies in the West have come to some very disturbing conclusions about synthetic vitamin e supplementation, especially in the higher dose caps (500 iu and above). It's even been linked to premature death.

    Many thanks 'geevlus' for that advice.

    I've been taking vit E, after my Mother was diagnosed with 'pre-dementure'. The specialist who used to come and check on my Mums mental abilities every 4 months told me that ALL the staff, who worked for this department, were now taking Vit E every day, as it has been proven that it helps ward off PD and Alzheimers.

    I presume from what you say that the 'wheatgerm' just comes in liquid form - not capsules ( much easier to carry if you are travelling ).

  17. Congratulations to him too. Its a very hard field and depending on the cancer type you have to see so many patients not make it.

    I actually had lunch with an Oncologist today as I usually do a couple of times a week when he is not travelling (its nearly always indian food) - he gave a talk at one of our quartely meetings two weeks ago and he was the first I have ever seen get a standing ovation for his presentation.

    I think I know more than I want to about NSCLC (Non-small cell lung cancer) after that presentation (I think thats what it is - the one smokers usually get)

    He is currently working on the largest ever lung cancer clinical trial.

    Do you have any advice for a friend of mine who has been diagnosed with lung and stomach cancer. He would prefer to have 'chemotherapy' here in Thailand rather then return to the UK, but doesn't know the costs involved or who to turn to.

    He unfortunately does not have medical insurance.

  18. Why So Expensive?

    it is not possile to extract vitamin e synthetically because it can only be found in natural oil form - that's the reason it is so expensive compared to other vitamins. even in vitamin e there are different versions - the most expensive is the ones being those sold as capsules containing it in gel form. :o

    Thanks 'Payboy'. That at least explains the cost versus other vitamin tablets. Guess I will just have to shop around until I can get some friends to ship some over for me.

  19. I've suffered on and off for many years with IBS. It seems to be worse here than back in England. Would be very grateful for suggested remedies.

    I was diagnosed with 'diveriticulitus' some years ago and beleive that this is closely related to IBS. Discovered a link that suggested taking 'NEEM' tablets, or in tea form would help. It is a Tree and has been used for thousands of years especially in India. I obtained neem tablets from a company in South Wales (UK) and took them religiously for 4 months - symptoms gone completely and have NOT returned after 5 years. Neem grows in Thailand and you should be able to buy the leaf from a farmer and just grind it down in a mortar & pestil. I understand that it is totally harmless even in huge doses and I took 5 tablets morning and night for the first month against the recommended two. Told my Doc back in the UK about it and he was 'advising' patients to buy it privately after my own experience. Needless to say the 'specialist' at the NHS Hospital who had diagnosed me with said condition did NOT want to know and didn't even have the courtesty to reply to my letter. My Doc told me a year later that almost 100% of the other patients had had very good results with taking the Neem.

    I hope that his helps and if you need the name and address of the company in the UK just pm me.

  20. I bought 60 vitamin E (500mg) capsules a month or two ago and they cost me the staggering amount of 932B.

    Can anybody explain why they should be so expensive here in Thailand and are there any alternative ways of buying it cheaper? The only way I can think of is to import them, but how much duty will they charge?

    The recommended retail price for Blackmores BIO E500 Vitamin E (60 capsules) appears to be 932 baht.

    But I regularly find somewhere in Chiang Mai that does better than the RRP. By at least 30%.

    That would appear also to be the experience of Boksida paying 629 baht from Makro.

    Much the same thing happens in Australia with Blackmores - pay the full price or shop around.

    In Chiang Mai I can find Blackmores at a discounted price at Lotus Tesco - and FAMA chain drug stores.

    I guess its a matter of how much competition is around in Hua Hin. Find some more stockists. Check with Blackmores in Bangkok as to some more outlets in your area.

    Their Bangkok contact details: http://blackmores.com.au/ContactUs.aspx

    Thank you for that advice and details 'Tung_Thaid' I will contact them.

  21. The battery in my pickup is now three years old.I don't plan to replace it until it dies. I was looking at my car battery and it is a Motolife brand. It says Gold full calcium battery. I have never seen a car battery described as "full calcium" before. Is this something new?

    Are you quite sure that it says 'calcium' not 'cadmium', maybe they are incorporating this metal into battery production nowadays? but that is only a guess!

  22. "Prickly Heat" is what we called heat rash in Far North Queensland - best old wives treatment was a paste made of cornflour and water.

    Had the same problem recently here in Thailand and found out by accident - whilst treating a sprained elbow that the 'Green Herb Oil' which smells like what was called ' wintergreen' in the UK worked wonders and problem solved in less tha a few days and it was driving me mad with the itching.

  23. In Chiangmai at least, vitamins are cheaper at Makro than at pharmacies. Even the pharmacies admit this and say Makro is selling at wholesale prices. Another strange thing is that you can always bargain the price down on all products at chemist shops, sometimes by quite a large amount.

    Thanks 'Boksida' I will try and bargain at a few of the pharmacies here in Hua-Hin, but maybe not having a Makro here will put a block on that! It's worth a try though. It would be interesting to know what you would have to pay at Makro if you are in there sometime - the Vit E that I bought were Australian import.

    Fortunately the Minister of Home Affairs just found an old Makro receipt: Blackmores (Australian) 60 x 500mg 629 baht. No name ones are in the 400-500 baht range.

    Thanks for that - the one's that I purchased were the 'Blackmores' so 50% markup here in HH.Think that I will have to take a trip to BKK and do a bulk purchase as I suppose that they must be competitively priced there!

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