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Posts posted by cheshiremusicman

  1. Verasu seems to have the best selection that I have seen. Many imported from France, that are good quality and high wattage. And... so it seems, you can order online at their website. No need to go to Bangkok just for that.

    Many thanks 'ChefHeat' for the info; keep Chefing !

  2. Can anybody recommend where I can buy a good quality food processor, any makes or models that you consider better than others etc would be most appreciated. I live in Hua-Hin and suppose that Bangkok is going to be the best place to buy. The local 'Makro' only have 'blenders' no food processors.

  3. Hi all,

    I just thought that you may be interested, we are in the process of setting up a small cheese manufacturing factory in Pattaya. The cheese vats are on the way as I type...Specializing in quality Cheddar, Double Gloucester and hopefully a few blue cheeses. Hopefully we should have capacity for around 200kg a week to start...that's if it sells (fingers crossed).

    Haven't come up with a name yet but will keep you informed

    It will be a few months before we are ready to sell to the public but watch this space..

    PLEASE let us know as and when you have your cheeses for sale. Cheddar, double Gloucester and BLUE CHEESE.

    OH yes, please PM me as and when.

  4. Sukhumvit to HH 3 months ago. We negotiated 2000baht with a tout around main railway for taxi. No problem. Then Thai gf followed a couple of days later, and when negotiating with taxi said that we had paid 1600 so he matched it for her. 2000 is certainly do-able.

    Maybe from central BKK, but I don't think so from the airport! 2400B nearer the mark for decent transport and steady driver, not some lunatic on speed.

  5. Pecharat Hospital (Petchaburi) is very good. I used to go to Bumrungrod and BGH in Bangkok but Pecharat is only 30 minutes from Hua Hin and just as good and one third the price. Rooms are nice and most staff speak English. They havee all the most modern equipment too.

    Hua Hin Hospital is OK for minor problems but very long waiting periods. Sao Paulo is a disgrace

    and very incompetent. Should be closed down.

    It would be most useful if I had the telephone #'s of the Pecharat and Hua-Hin hospitals to hand, can anybody provide these please. Which hospital(s) does the 'Polyclinic' use?

  6. Could any of you kind folk recommend a reliable car & driver service to pick us up at the airport and take us to Hua Hin? I want to spend around 2,000 Baht. I want to arrange ahead of time to avoid the touts.

    Cheers and thanks.

    We use a man named Khun Ky, based in Hua-Hin. Very reliable and honest telephone #0899155610. He charges 2400B for the round trip and can supply car or mini van if there are say four people with luggage. The minivan is a bit more expensive.

    If you have any problems booking him just PM me and I will arrange it for you, as he will call at the house and collect the info. We would need to know surname and flight details date and time of arrival etc.

  7. anyone knows where to buy a mower beside homepro?

    Try Pranburi. As you come into the centre of Pranburi ( there is a police box on the left corner of the traffic light junction) carry on thru the traffic lights and some 300 metres on the left hand side is a huge shop that sells all kind of strimmers and lawnmowers. There is another on the opposite side of the road that sells nothing but mowers and strimmers if my memory serves me correctly.

  8. After dialing 1678, press 7 for English. I was also getting annoying ad texts every morning so I stopped in at the DTAC store in MBK and they put me through to an English speaker, she asked me who the texts were from and took care of it, no problem, no more texts.

    Thanks to all of you for the advice, which I will follow up immediately.

    I've absolutely no idea what the 'message that cannot be displayed' is, as I have frequently had messages in Thai script shown on the phone; maybe its in Sanskript' !!

  9. For the past 10 days or so I have been receiving a 'Message' from 90504280001 on my DTAC phone.

    When I try to read the 'message', it says "Message cannot be displayed" ?

    What advice can anybody give me to stop receiving this annoying call, and is anybody else getting the same crap?

    I have 'reluctantly' tried phoning the number back, but it is always engaged - What is going on?

    I surmise, that this is one of those scam numbers that costs a fortune to dial back, but how the heck do you stop them?.

    I do not speak Thai well enough to contact DTAC, to explain the situation and ask them to block these calls. Is this possible in Thailand, as in some other countries?

  10. Hi All,

    I did some forum searching before posting this thread but to no avail, so here goes.

    I am looking for things such as decaf coffee (Folgers crystals..instant preferred), shredded cheddar cheese to put on coney dogs, all beef hot dogs (such as Oscar Meyer) hot dog buns and grated Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on spaghetti (good meatballs would be a plus). How about Kraft Macaroni and cheese and other such American "comfort foods"??????

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you in advance!


    Why not just buy the cheese in blocks and use a grater, it's not rocket science and the cheese will be taste a lot fresher when you come to use it.

    Why come to Thailand to eat the same rubbish that you had in the states, open your mind up to other foods and enjoy the experience, you never know you might actually enjoy it. The fresh chicken and pork are excellent so why not make you own meatballs?

    I really can't see the point of travelling if you just want to eat the same "comfort food" as you are used to back home.

    an elitist, snobby response. If he likes it why can't you let him enjoy it? We are all not native like you.

    My remarks were not intended to be 'elitist or snobby' and I apologise if you saw it that way. I love food of all kinds and was just trying to be practical. I am not as you put it 'native'. Please see my other remarks re where to buy good quality cheeses etc.

    I might even try a 'hot dog from 7-11' now, so thanks for the info. As somebody once said "Life is too short to stuff a mushroom", so let us all enjoy ALL kinds of food and I apologise once again if my remarks gave offence to anybody.

  11. The Scandinavian are the top-drinkers during holidays BUT they always are quiet and POLITE. They don't touch a bike.


    The Scandinavians are QUIET ??????

    You have got to be joking. In my experience I think that they are all profoundly deaf, they SHOUT at each other when they are two feet away. I've seen plenty of them pxxxed out of there tiny heads and being obnoxious and I am not trying to defend the shxt from the UK.

  12. He never said that his goal was to eat hot dogs all-day every-day :)

    But it sounded like it!

    Try the 'All Inn Restaurant' for cheese and sliced meats etc, they have an excellent stock. The meals there are very good value as well and they also provide frozen goods for the lazy eaters amongst us.

    Tesco's in Pranburi are now doing 'English Bread' along with other varieties and a plus is that all the vegetables and herbs etc are in English and Thai. So some of the 'interesting things' that I'm not so sure about I can now identify for cooking experiments and recipes.

    Enjoy the food wherever you are; life is too blxxdy short to eat the same things all your life. Never experiment never Live!

  13. Hi All,

    I did some forum searching before posting this thread but to no avail, so here goes.

    I am looking for things such as decaf coffee (Folgers crystals..instant preferred), shredded cheddar cheese to put on coney dogs, all beef hot dogs (such as Oscar Meyer) hot dog buns and grated Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on spaghetti (good meatballs would be a plus). How about Kraft Macaroni and cheese and other such American "comfort foods"??????

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you in advance!


    Why not just buy the cheese in blocks and use a grater, it's not rocket science and the cheese will be taste a lot fresher when you come to use it.

    Why come to Thailand to eat the same rubbish that you had in the states, open your mind up to other foods and enjoy the experience, you never know you might actually enjoy it. The fresh chicken and pork are excellent so why not make you own meatballs?

    I really can't see the point of travelling if you just want to eat the same "comfort food" as you are used to back home.

  14. You will be fine. I recently received a 90 day permission to stay (visa exempt) stamp on arrival with UK passport. See Link here And there is no paperwork to complete for immigration. They just swipe your passport magnetic strip and stamp your passport.

    Same experience a few months ago, NO forms to fill in and just swipe your passport when visiting KL.

  15. Southern cross in NZ will cover you until your 80 years old living over seas, It's called working over seas insurance and available to all Kiwi's, $1500.00 NZ per year if your 65

    Thanks minefield.

    Given the cost of all the various options, looks like I'll be bringing the beloved back to my own country where hospital care is free.

    I hope that you don't come from the UK, because we are given to understand that the rule is now that if you live abroad you are NOT entitled to the free National Health service until you have spent 9 months back in the uk. So much for paying taxes and national insurances all your blxxdy life.

  16. just got back from Laos and I think I have parasites and would like to use Black Walnut herb (or some other natural cure) instead of chemicals but it seems imposible to get a translation in any herb store. all the herb stores here in Khon Kaen have no english ability (none) and I can't find herb translations in any book or online. anybody know anything that will help?

    Try this out. Get one of your Thai friends to find a tree called 'SADAO' ( I think this is the correct spelling) - they seem to grow almost everywhere in Thailand. Obtain some of the leaves from the tree and dry them out naturally, then crush them in a mortar and pestel to a fine consistency. Take a level tea spoonful of this three times a day to start with - it is VERY, VERY, BITTER, so wash it down with lots of water or drink it like a tea. Reduce this to once a day when your feeling better.

    This is a great treatment for almost any colonic problem and has no known side effects. I used this to cure myself of a very nasty colonic problem called diveriticulitus, which the medical profession told me there was no cure for - this was some 6 years ago and it has not returned thank goodness.

    The tree has been used for thousands of years on the Indian sub continent for treatments in many forms - the bark of the tree and the leaves being the most common. It is known as the NEEM tree in India. Even the swarms of locusts avoid it and it is apparently quite common to see that this tree is the only thing that is left after they have devoured every other thing in their path, so it is used as a natural insecticide for crop spraying. According to some of the latest reports it is being heavily researched as a cancer cure - fingers crossed.

    Hoping that this is of some help - let me know how you go on please.

    P.S. You could also make an infusion from the leaves a bit like green tea, whilst you waiting for the leaves to dry out.

  17. 77 million trees to celebrate Queens birthday

    A superb present for the Queens birthday. I wonder if while they are planting all the trees they can also ask the people to collect the rubbish that litters this lovely country? It would be so nice not to see all the garbage strewn around? I feel sure that her Majesty the Queen would approve of this. Seems a great pity that Thai children are not taught in school to pick up litter, then maybe, just maybe, they would teach their parents the same and the transition in Thailand would be amazing.

    I would like to wish her Majesty the Queen good health and happiness for many years to come

  18. I'm looking for a place to leave my dog for a couple of weeks , so far I can only find vets that will take her, which means a small cage and no exercise, could anyone recommend or know of good dog Kennel in or around the Hua Hin Cha-am area?

    Many thanks MT.

    What was the 'Scandinavian dog and cat hotel ' is now 'Kennel Europe' on 0819413970. Highly recommended by us - we have just had our cats delivered back to us ( they will provide collection and delivery) and as usual they are just fine.

    We have many friends that have used this facility for dogs and all have praised them.

    The lady tht runs this is called 'Lan'

    website -www.kenneleuropa.com

    Hope that his is some help.

    The name change is apparently because the couple that ran it together have divorced recently - this from Lan.

    I hope tht his is some help

  19. Hi, appreciate if anyone can assist me in obtaining yardage guide( distance to bunkers, green etc) for Springfield Royal Country Club (SRCC) and Imperial LakeView Golf Club (ILVGC ). Thanks

    What precisely do you want to know?

    I am a member of both clubs, and could give you yardages etc to greens, if that is what you want!

    What 'tees' do you want the yardages from?


    Usually every hole has a pictoral representation and has yardage(s) to bunkers etc and then to green. Then also the green will presented with the various slope/elevetion. Its from the blue tee.

    Appreciative of your response.


    I have a couple of 'cards' from Springfield ( they have recently changed them) one - the oldest one has some very small pictorial representations of each hole - these are about 1 inch by 1/2 which could be scanned, but there are NO distance markers to be seen. The latest card has a course layout on the back and is a bout 4 inches by 3 inches in size.

    I can't lay my hands on the card for Lakeview at the moment. Black mountain I can help with as they have a very nicely printed course guide which has lots of details and I could possibly scan this for you when I have the time, if you really need this. Again, you have not said WHY you want his information, just curious!

    Hope this is some help.

  20. Hi, appreciate if anyone can assist me in obtaining yardage guide( distance to bunkers, green etc) for Springfield Royal Country Club (SRCC) and Imperial LakeView Golf Club (ILVGC ). Thanks

    What precisely do you want to know?

    I am a member of both clubs, and could give you yardages etc to greens, if that is what you want!

    What 'tees' do you want the yardages from?

  21. After living in the great US of A on several occasions, I can confirm that their TV is almost universally pre-digested, infantile bilge water. It comes as no surprise that the average American has no interest in BBC entertainment. They don't understand it for goodness sake. The humour is too subtle, the drama requires one to think. By all means give them their cartoons but please let the grown-ups have their BBC fix.

    I cancelled my platinum subscription today.

    We will be doing the same!. There is already enough of what you rightly call the 'pre-digested, infantile bilge water' being shown and we will most definitely be cancelling our subscription (platinum)

    Thank goodness that we didn't renew for 12 months, but opted for monthly payments as we are were already looking at alternatives.l

    I would much rather spend the extra money on increasing the speed of the internet so that we can download TV a bit quicker- yes I do know that external links are the slowdown points, but every little helps. Any comments about the best way to download over the internet would be very welcome. Stxff 'Idiot Vision'

  22. For the last few days access to International sites using a TOT ADSl line has been very very slow. The customer support give the usual 'it's your Pc 'response.

    Domestic site access is better but not good.

    Ironically, I switched from TT&T (Max Net) to TOT 18 months ago because of slow connection problems. They use TOT lines yet their service is now quicker and cheaper so I will have to switch back again.

    Sometimes these slow periods turn out to be undersea cable damage or major route changes through other countries yet the Customer Support seem ignorant of the real reason choosing instead to blame the user or local switching problems.

    Anyone else having this problem from Hua Hin area?

    Hi Peter,

    My TT&T (Max Net) is running fine. Just downloaded a 59Mb file this morning and the average download speed was about 18KB/sec and as you know I am just down the street from you, so probably on the cabling link.

    Thanks, I shall have to switch back to Max Net. I am trying to set up the Open DSL server but cannot get to the TOT router address!

    Just been running some other OVERSEAS downloads and getting average of 82.8KB/sec. Realise now that the 18KB/sec WAS slow, but that was from overseas ALSO. Just had a look at the computer forum and lots of other people are complaining of the same problem on TOT.

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