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Led Lolly Yellow Lolly

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Posts posted by Led Lolly Yellow Lolly

  1. Hi, read through some good posts in this electricals forum, but I need ome help.

    I've wired up a house myslef, can't find anyone competent locally. I used VAF cable in flexible steel conduit in the roof and plastic conduit in the walls. The reason I chose to do this is becase the justnction boxes here have terrible sharp edges, as does the flexible steel conduit. Now I've found out there is some idiotic stupid rule here that says you can't put VAF cable in conduit! I understand there are ways around this, but what are they?

    I've already downrated my circuits anyway, to take into account the VAF is in conduit, but also the soaring temperatres in the roof space. Is this enough to get around this absurd rule? My circuits are rated as follows. . .

    1.5 mm cable = 10 Amps

    2.5 mm cable = 16 amps

    4 mm cable = 20 amps

    Please advise on this because I'll be darned if I'm starting over. Have I downrated enough to please some dimwit inspector?

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