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  1. They were 'blinded' by the money ??
  2. Maybe, but I wouldn't have been the President for the last 4 years, or at least pretending to be!
  3. I think your right, he has deteriorated visibly in the last few months, not just his cognitive ability, but physically.
  4. In the US election its the EC votes that count, not the popular or majority, or are you illiterate and don't know how it all works??
  5. I don't think he thinks at all, you need intelligence to think?
  6. The only conclusion must be it's a huge cover up, to protect a certain demographic! So yes it is very sinister!
  7. Absolutely, considering the majority of the MSM just before the election was saying how close the votes would go, even on election day. They were all shocked when Trump all the swing states, it was a huge win!
  8. Votes are facts, polls not so much!!
  9. Correct, all they think about is $$$
  10. Indeed if there was, a cover up, it might well mean Starmer would have to resign??
  11. Fair enough, but my point remains valid. Time and resource are being spent on this molehill, whilst other important matters are ignored. Even if the counter extremism find 'something' there is not a fat lot they can do?

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