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  1. Correct, surely it is obvious to everyone that things will only get worse unless this madness of allowing so called 'asylum seekers' into the country is stopped.
  2. It says he was deported before, but it doesn't say anything about why or was he banned from reentering Thailand?
  3. So do they face more scrutiny entering or leaving Thailand? The problem seems to be these idiots attempting to leave Thailand with their bags full of weed? Surely they could employ sniffer dogs to combat this lunacy?
  4. "She also reassured parents that the school is considering alternative ways to mark the season in the future in a way that reflects the cultural diversity of the community. Additionally, she noted that the school would be celebrating Refugee Week in June." So Easter is canceled and they are going to celebrate 'refugee week', now that speaks volumes about how things are going down hill in the UK!
  5. " "She further argued that using the term "transgender woman" still misleads the public, as "lots of people donโ€™t know that a โ€˜transgender womanโ€™ is not a woman at all, but a man who merely identifies as a woman." Calling the policeโ€™s wording "ideologically motivated nonsense," she warned that it undermines public trust and makes it harder for law enforcement to do their job." The above sentence describes the problem exactly!
  6. One of the reasons why Trump won so convincingly was Biden/Harris and their policies.
  7. Stephen Miller, explains...... Stephen Miller serves as White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Homeland Security Advisor
  8. " Their collective vision is not just to enjoy the festivities but to reduce alcohol-related accidents traditionally associated with Songkran celebrations across Thailand." Reducing accidents, alcohol related or not, is a good thing, but many tourists go to Songkran for the alcohol, so I cant see this being popular, or actually working!
  9. Exactly, unless the Indians are pussies??? Pun intended!
  10. Well good point, you would think that fact would be very pertinent? But some members will no doubt say that is being racist??๐Ÿ˜‚
  11. "Stop complaining. Their country, their rules. If you donโ€™t like it, then leave." Where was I complaining, where did I say I don't like it? I was stating FACTS obviously you need ๐Ÿ‘“
  12. I agree, the problem is that muslim families teach their children about Islam at a very early age, they get indoctrinated and its a vicious circle. I am currently in Jakarta, Indonesia, which is the largest, by population, muslim country in the world and children are practicing the 'call to prayer' you can hear them on the speakers. Muslims have on average more children than non muslims, so it wont be too long before the UK is lost forever!
  13. " Muslims, like all citizens, are covered by existing anti-discrimination and hate crime law" Why are the UK government trying to push this ludicrous initiative? It would mean only Islam would have 'privileged class' protection? It stink to high heaven!
  14. "Southwark Crown Court heard that Ebid reached the UK in October 2022 via a small boat crossing. Within days of his arrival, from a home provided to him in Isleworth, west London" So this illegal arrives on a small boat is given free accommodation and other stuff no doubt, then immediately decides to start a lucrative illegal business? Nothing like cutting of the hands that feeds you? Maybe they should cut his hand off, like they would do where he is from and teach him a lesson. In the UK if found guilty, he will probably get community service as he a non white foreigener?
  15. So another 'profession' only allowed for Thais? A few days ago the RTP were rounding up foreign prostitutes posted on AN
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