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Shoeless Joe

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Everything posted by Shoeless Joe

  1. Maybe. But they were both charged by 'invented' non-elected governments
  2. Are saying that it's OK to live in a vile, polluted atmosphere because (in your opinion) it used to be worse, years ago?
  3. Pfffttt - What does this mean? Are you saying he's ill now but wasn't before? Some clarity to help people understand would be good.
  4. Smedly? Your "story" IS a pile dung Big fat know nothing
  5. Jeez...so this is considered "news"! Asean Now is really scraping the barrel.
  6. Here we areand it's the 8th April. No rain, no wind, pollution levels soaring, goverment excuses soaring, PM's inability to lead soaring, inability to find a solution soaring, putting the blame on other countries soaring. Likelihood of no useful action and the same happening next year....soaring. Good innit. Joe
  7. What does this inane comment even mean?
  8. I don't know either "tax sin" or "puke thai". Grow up...
  9. Now, now girls. No need to get your panties in a bunch 😲😲😲
  10. Huh. Some people we know have already borrowed against it and spent it. Local loan sharks giving 8k in cash for the 10k "wallet" later.
  11. As I thought. You're just confirming you know nothing.
  12. So you know "important and high profile" people? Pffftttt...not a chance. Actually, YOU'RE a Big Joke.
  13. And what exactly are "your sources"? Joe
  14. Really? Justifying your opposition to his treatment by name-calling is your go-to strategy ? Just so juvenile.
  15. "De facto party boss-cum-convict on parole" Isn't it time to drop the needless preface regarding articles about or concerning Thaksin Shinawatra? It's so childish. Joe
  16. So "prominent lawmaker" Jurin isn't worried about a non-elected government being in power or an illegal military coup installing unelected officials? Or corruption etc etc. It's an extraordinary level of hypocrisy. Just keep sweating the small stuff. Joe
  17. I think you're spot on! Such lazy reporting. Joe
  18. Seems fair enough. Most, if not all of the charges against her were fabricated by the general(s) behind the illegal coup. Now the AN expats have another Shinawatra court decision to rant about. Joe
  19. Yeah, you just had to crowbar your opinion in on another subject entirely. Too dumb to start your own thread...😩😩😩
  20. Whatever floats your boat. Boy...
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