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Shoeless Joe

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Everything posted by Shoeless Joe

  1. Hoorah! Good news! Now the AN ex-pat community can find something/someone else on which to concentrate their impotent fury. Joe
  2. Quite right. No need for such indignity. Joe.
  3. Women all over the world should be able to wear what they want, where they want, without having to worry about perverts or about what men think is "sensible". Time to drag yourself into the 21st century. Joe
  4. Did you even read the story? It says a temperarure drop of BY 2-4c not TO 2-4c 😵 Joe
  5. Hi. Following visits to both my local immigration and RD offices yesterday, I was reassured by both that no additional documentation is required for a visa extension. Joe
  6. <SIGH> 1) Why would you doubt what I said? 2) What language did we converse in? Well you'll be pleased to know it was one which we ALL understood. 3) The staff were/are very professional. I too am unsure whether or not all or any of the RD staff are fluent in any language. 4) What proof of tax paid did the RD want? In this conversation? None. I really do think it would benefit you greatly if you tootled off to your local RD and asked your questions of them.
  7. Thanks. Regretfully I didn't ask. As soon as they confirmed I had no liability I was out of there! Joe
  8. Hmm...if your computations lead you to believe you have NO liability for PIT why would you think you need to file a tax return? Of course, you could visit your local RD office and ask them.
  9. To satisfy my own curiosity I visited my local immigration and my local RD offices today in Nan and asked the following questions. 1) I asked immigration if they required any evidence of my compliance with the RD's newly 'tweaked' income tax legislation when renewing my retirement visa. They confirmed that they did not. 2) I asked the RD if I needed to pay income tax on the pension money I transferred to Thailand from the UK. It was explained thus: The RD is only interested in taxing income from money earnt in Thailand OR money brought into Thailand on which tax has not already been paid. My pensions which are taxed at source in the UK, are (according to the RD) NOT eligible to be taxed in Thailand principally because of the existing DTA agreement. Apparently I have 'non-assessable income'. The RD officers were incredibly helpful (apparently I was the first person to ask about the income tax changes). In summary - Immigration aren't interested and I have no income tax liabilities. I know I am only confirming wise words from Mike Lister and others kind enough to reply to my previous angst-ridden enquiries. I hope this provides some reassurance to those in a similar situation Regards. Joe.
  10. So you're saying you're just too lazy. That being the case you deserve to be taxed to the limit.
  11. Thank you for your reply which is very helpful and much appreciated. Joe
  12. My increasing ignorance regarding this subject is frightening. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE (especially MIKE LISTER) for trying to educate me and others like me. I have to renew my retirement visa (Non Imm O with Thai wife) in March. A couple of qustions: 1) Do I have to take a completed PIT form with me to immigration when I renew my visa? 2) My income is derived from pensions - State Pension (formerly the Old Age Pension) = £456.12 per month NHS work pension = £1918.89 per month I also get a pension of £9.50 per month They are all taxed at source and paid into my UK bank account and I transfer circa 100,000 baht per month into my Thai bank account. Does anyone have any idea what my Thai tax liability might be or should I find the local RD office and leave it to them? Thank you. Joe
  13. Maybe it's me, but can you explain, because your response makes no sense? What freaks? How are they crushed? What are they "<deleted> in private"? Thanks Joe
  14. ***TUNNEL VISION ALERT*** Amazingly you seem happy to forget the illegality of the manouvering of the military to gain power, the sham election(s) to retain power, the wheeling and dealing to subvert the Thai people's wishes to put in place this faux government. Get a grip! Joe
  15. Jeez, 25 pages of hot air and speculation when nobody knows what's going to happen. Excellent opportunity for faux accountants and conspiracy theorists to set the hares running. Joe
  16. It's the funniest thing in the world seeing a bunch of farangs get themselves SO worked up about something that's absolutely nothing to do with them. Keep the comments coming. I really enjoy the laugh. Joe
  17. Where does the government think that the money will come from for Thais to pay for holidays? The minimum wage doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room for family cross-country trips. Can those Thais eligible for the promised 10,000 baht handout from the government spend it on travel / holidays? Joe
  18. What I don"t really understand is why so many contributors to AN are so outraged that they feel the need to express their vitriolic opinions as if they are personally affected by what's happening. I mean, it's not as if there haven't been numerous examples of similar behaviour towards miscreants by previous administrations that received little or no publicity. Joe.
  19. As is endlessly mentioning it....
  20. For clarity: I transfer circa 90,000 baht each month. approximately 1 million baht per year. Thank you for pointing it out. Joe
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