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Ricky Doofus

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Posts posted by Ricky Doofus

  1. OP, do you have connections with the BIB? Last night at the intersection of Huay Kaew and Bunrueang Rit (right before KSK) just 1 km from where the OP will be filming, there was a huge police block (about 10-15 cops!) stopping every other motor bike (the worst traffic offenders in Thailand, imo). I think I saw tea money being exchanged right then and there, or, to be fair, "trying" to be exchanged.

    Unless the BIB reads ThaiVisa and they were "pre-emptying" the OP, so to speak smile.png

    I say good for them. Thailand would solve its fiscal problems if they got only 1/3 of the motor bike offenders.

    No we have no connection with them whatsoever, other than advising them that we would be taking photos at the intersection to put on social media.

  2. OP don't be disheartened by some of the comments here. Go to the intersection of Thipanet and Mahidol and start filming away. And don't worry, the offenders will not shoot you, not if it's daylight. Maybe try to run you over but not shoot you.

    While you're at it, can you also a start a petition for Thai people to stop treating any area starting from a radius of 2 feet outside their place of residence or work as the "great garbage-dump outdoors"? After all, scientific research found that Thailand has the highest number of rats per capita and that cannot be a coincidence.

    To other readers, fill in your own "beef" in paragraph 2.

    I sense this is sarcasm.

    On Friday afternoon we will be taking GoPro footage of red light runners at the Nimmahaeimin & Huay Kaew intersection if the weather is on our side. Will will also be setting up youtube channel shortly where the footage will be uploaded.

  3. I find it highly offensive. If I see it happen I will promptly be calling the Royal Thai Police and lodging a formal complaint. I carry my point and shoot with me at all time, and would not hesitate to take photographic evidence to present to the police.

    Ricky, I feel a little bit embarrassed posting this on a public forum, but here it goes. Ever since you joined ThaiVisa, I've been reading your posts--in fact I've been following them. Kind of obsessed, to be honest. There's a certain feeling I get when reading your words, like an electric buzz pulsing through me. Maybe it's your no-nonsense phrasing, maybe it's the way you declare your offense at exposed female breasts. Your words carry a virility, a masculinity, a mixture of brotherly love and fatherly strictness that stirs me in the most unmentionable ways.

    We haven't met, so I've had to make do by imagining what you look like: the muscles of your broad, dominant hands wrapped around the spine of the Holy Bible (Good News edition, right?); the flash of milky white calf peeping out above your socks and sandals; the Herculean arch of your shoulders stretching the very fibers of your bluish-grey polyester safari suit. I dream of you crawling into your nylon mosquito netting after a long day at Church, or on the road, or at the police station, wearing nothing but a sensible XXL t-shirt and tighty whities. God, Ricky, can't you see what you're doing to me?

    Rick (can I call you Rick?), I know these forbidden desires present some practical problems. What will the members of the Church think? Won't they miss you when you fail to show up on Sunday mornings, or any other day of the week, as I detain you with my selfish, carnal, insatiable needs? Who will play the electric keyboard in the Church band? And I feel conflicted about the harm our love will do to Mrs. Doofus. I can picture her now, in her best flowered frock, waiting anxiously in the parking lot, holding hands with your two pasty children, their thick plastic glasses fogging up from the humidity, their white socks drooping disconsolately.

    But, like you Ricky (I've dropped using Rick, because Ricky better fits your boyish derring-do), I am a man of faith--I know we can make this work. And I am determined. OK, so you haven't replied to my private messages, but that's ok. I know the internet can be tricky. I stopped by 17 Chiang Mai churches last Sunday hoping to locate you, but to no avail. Seventeen down, 44 more to go. I got some funny looks from the Koreans, and a few offers from women in bonnetts, but oh how they don't know my heart, and my singular pursuit of the Ricky of my dreams. I even swung by Richy-Rich Land on the ring road, on a lark, but the trail went colder than Uriah the Hittite's love muscle.

    Well, Ricky, I suppose we could go on chatting like this all evening. But I suppose you've got things to do. Maybe chopping wood with an axe, then measuring it in cubits. And soon it will get dark, and I wouldn't want your flock to get the wrong idea about a man of the Book staying online after sunset. For my part, I'll be plotting tomorrow's search on Google Maps (Bake and Bite? The Duke's? Butter is Better? Sayuri?) Sweet dreams, my Ricky (Martin!), my Prince of Piece, my Man-nonite, my Hunkite!


    I don't know whether to laugh or be concerned at your post. However I will pray for you and your family tonight.

    God Bless

    Oh Ricky, the idea of you on your knees, for any purpose, gets me going again.

    You have a place reserved in hell i'm sure.

  4. I find it highly offensive. If I see it happen I will promptly be calling the Royal Thai Police and lodging a formal complaint. I carry my point and shoot with me at all time, and would not hesitate to take photographic evidence to present to the police.

    Ricky, I feel a little bit embarrassed posting this on a public forum, but here it goes. Ever since you joined ThaiVisa, I've been reading your posts--in fact I've been following them. Kind of obsessed, to be honest. There's a certain feeling I get when reading your words, like an electric buzz pulsing through me. Maybe it's your no-nonsense phrasing, maybe it's the way you declare your offense at exposed female breasts. Your words carry a virility, a masculinity, a mixture of brotherly love and fatherly strictness that stirs me in the most unmentionable ways.

    We haven't met, so I've had to make do by imagining what you look like: the muscles of your broad, dominant hands wrapped around the spine of the Holy Bible (Good News edition, right?); the flash of milky white calf peeping out above your socks and sandals; the Herculean arch of your shoulders stretching the very fibers of your bluish-grey polyester safari suit. I dream of you crawling into your nylon mosquito netting after a long day at Church, or on the road, or at the police station, wearing nothing but a sensible XXL t-shirt and tighty whities. God, Ricky, can't you see what you're doing to me?

    Rick (can I call you Rick?), I know these forbidden desires present some practical problems. What will the members of the Church think? Won't they miss you when you fail to show up on Sunday mornings, or any other day of the week, as I detain you with my selfish, carnal, insatiable needs? Who will play the electric keyboard in the Church band? And I feel conflicted about the harm our love will do to Mrs. Doofus. I can picture her now, in her best flowered frock, waiting anxiously in the parking lot, holding hands with your two pasty children, their thick plastic glasses fogging up from the humidity, their white socks drooping disconsolately.

    But, like you Ricky (I've dropped using Rick, because Ricky better fits your boyish derring-do), I am a man of faith--I know we can make this work. And I am determined. OK, so you haven't replied to my private messages, but that's ok. I know the internet can be tricky. I stopped by 17 Chiang Mai churches last Sunday hoping to locate you, but to no avail. Seventeen down, 44 more to go. I got some funny looks from the Koreans, and a few offers from women in bonnetts, but oh how they don't know my heart, and my singular pursuit of the Ricky of my dreams. I even swung by Richy-Rich Land on the ring road, on a lark, but the trail went colder than Uriah the Hittite's love muscle.

    Well, Ricky, I suppose we could go on chatting like this all evening. But I suppose you've got things to do. Maybe chopping wood with an axe, then measuring it in cubits. And soon it will get dark, and I wouldn't want your flock to get the wrong idea about a man of the Book staying online after sunset. For my part, I'll be plotting tomorrow's search on Google Maps (Bake and Bite? The Duke's? Butter is Better? Sayuri?) Sweet dreams, my Ricky (Martin!), my Prince of Piece, my Man-nonite, my Hunkite!


    I don't know whether to laugh or be concerned at your post. However I will pray for you and your family tonight.

    God Bless

  5. Sorry, didn't know you had god on your side.

    Have you ever, ever, seen a BIB chase after a traffic violator? They just set up blocks and wait for you to come to them.

    But maybe you can change all that. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Thanks so much for your support

  6. I have spoken to the US Consulate this morning and they said it is not a matter that would offer assistance to, except if a US citizen was seriously inured of killed and required consular assistance. They said traffic enforcement is the responsibility of the Thai Police. I am going to the police station today near Waorawat market and attempting to make an appointment to see the chief.

    For those that have offered support thank you. Together we can make Chiang Mai a safer place for all us American expats.

    nutter hope he deports you Certinally wont be missed.

    That certainly won't happen. Our Church group has previously had many positive interactions with the Royal Thai Police both in Chiang Mai and Bangkok. We are going to suggest that we partner with them in a proactive sense to provide evidence of traffic violations, mainly red light jumpers/runners at busy intersections.

  7. I have spoken to the US Consulate this morning and they said it is not a matter that would offer assistance to, except if a US citizen was seriously inured of killed and required consular assistance. They said traffic enforcement is the responsibility of the Thai Police. I am going to the police station today near Waorawat market and attempting to make an appointment to see the chief.

    For those that have offered support thank you. Together we can make Chiang Mai a safer place for all us American expats.

  8. @SoiBiker and @Mark123456 I appreciate that we have a differing of opinion, but breast feeding in public in view of other is both disgusting and immoral. Our Church in Chiang Mai has very strong views on this, and if we saw this in public we would take great offence and if need be report to the Royal Thai Police

  9. OP as i already said mind your own business.

    Seeing your comments it appears that you think you are better than Thais.

    You are not, what the hell has the US embassy got to do with how Thais drive?

    Nothing thats what, absolutely nothing.

    Time to get stronger medication, before you mess up your health.

    Wanting to interfere, butt out.

    Thank you, but we will have to agree to disagree. I certainly do not thing I am better than Thai's, the wife is Thai.

    I am concerned with the dangerous driving in Thailand. Do you know that Thailand has the second highest road toll in the world.

    I will photo document all instances I see and report to the Royal Thai Police.

    Also as an American we should be protected by our Government. I am raising the problems with road violations with the Consulate/embassy currently.

    So are you suggesting that the American government should send police over to ensure the safety of all citizens, are you for real?

    I suggest you keep your eyes open whilst out on the streets and learn that the whole world is not a safe place

    I take it you are not American.

    We have the right to be protected in other countries.

  10. @SoiBiker, No of course I am not, but a feeding mother is not unlike someone who needs to urinate. A bathroom is never far away, or would you suggest someone who needs to urinate just do in public.

    Would you like to eat your lunch in the toilet?

    Why would you make someone feed their child in one?

    We needs to agree to disagree I think. I am not after an argument here, just some Christian decency. There is absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with breastfeeding a child in a bathroom.

  11. OP as i already said mind your own business.

    Seeing your comments it appears that you think you are better than Thais.

    You are not, what the hell has the US embassy got to do with how Thais drive?

    Nothing thats what, absolutely nothing.

    Time to get stronger medication, before you mess up your health.

    Wanting to interfere, butt out.

    Thank you, but we will have to agree to disagree. I certainly do not thing I am better than Thai's, the wife is Thai.

    I am concerned with the dangerous driving in Thailand. Do you know that Thailand has the second highest road toll in the world.

    I will photo document all instances I see and report to the Royal Thai Police.

    Also as an American we should be protected by our Government. I am raising the problems with road violations with the Consulate/embassy currently.

  12. Worgeordie, I appreciate your feedback sir, but each to their own. I do find this to be highly offensive, as would all the members of our Church. I will be photo documenting it if I have the opportunity and reporting it to the Royal Thai Police.

    What do your scriptures say about breastfeeding? Did Jesus or his disciples discuss it? Better still, did God Almighty himself have anything to say? Are you on a mission from God? Lots of questions, I know, but it is an importantant topic.

    I am not an a mission from God at all. We believe that breast feeding is a something that should be done in private and behind closed doors. To expose a woman's bosom in public goes against our teachings and normality. This lady doing what she does in public is being disrespectful to God and the teachings of our church, and we will see that she is held accountable.

  13. Another recent arrival ready to terraform Thailand. Next chapter will have something to do about seasonal burning.

    What do you mean "seasonal burning"

    Once per year the Thais burn Christians on a stake. You should have learned about that Iin your church's cultural assimilation program.

    That is totally uncalled for and disrespecting my religion.

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