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Posts posted by coolerking

  1. Me too, if you are not happy here. Why the hel_l are you still here?

    Me? I love it and I am not going anywhere.

    There are some people who don't have many choices. They hate to be here but can't go anywhere else

    because of several reasons.

    I need to know what those reasons are.

  2. I am interested, but then I am interested in pollution everywhere.

    This is a happy-go-lucky news report that sugar coat's the bigger problems.

    Nice to see it in the news though, good find.

  3. what about bats? do bats eat sausages? they fly about at night?

    I didn't mention bats, I said birds, and in any event bats, although mistakenly called 'flying rodents' or 'flying rats" are in fact mammals, that mostly east insects, fruits and flower nectar. I doubt a bat would eat a sausage.

    They might do if it was one of those little cocktail sausages. Has anyone actually seen a bat turn down a sausage that was offered to it?

  4. note2: I built a 2,000 m2, 2-story, electronics factory in Korat in 1997 for a total cost of 9,000 baht/m2

    Thanks Excaliber.

    Finally an answer I can use to some thing, anybody else that can help?

    So a quote for a smaller building, in a different area, 13 years ago is helpful?

    OK I had a one bed, en suite, single storey bungalow built in Kanchanaburi, about 16m2, in 2001. cost me 70,000 baht all in.

    Hope this helps.

  5. The thing is makeahouse, it just seems a bit lazy on your part to ask everyone else to do the legwork for you. If you are serious about building what seems quite a sizeable project, surely you would want to know all the details of what the materials are costing you not just ask on a web forum?

    Hey if you like I'll get me and my boys over to knock you up a factory no problem, let me see...three stories...19x25...10m tall...Let's call it a round 74 million baht. Have it finished by the end of June, we'll start next Tuesday OK?

  6. ็Having been told on numerous occasions, by several different people, "You don't understand, this is not your country, you only read the western news and they don't tell the real story, it is not your business".

    I am now enjoying my apparent right to not give a monkey's and watch the country tear it's self in two.

    As someone else has already said, nothing we can do about it because nobody really cares what we think. Ahh the cold Leo has arrived, cheers.

  7. Unfortunately there are no plants that just sit in their pots and produce enough repellent to keep the 'skeeters' at bay efficiently. They require to be damaged or crushed to release the oils that give off the smell they hate.

    That said some people swear by lemongrass, rosemary, citronella geraniums, citronella grass, bay, cederwood, camphor. Try some of them, it can't hurt if you wanted some plants anyway.

    Failing that sneak out the back door when they aren't looking.

  8. I have never understood why blokes go to the bar to watch the football wearing a football shirt. What exactly is it they are trying to prove? Is it some sort of statement they are trying to make?

    What really pisses me off is when they are wearing my teams colours and behaving like <deleted> :D I've had a long held belief that most of them have rarely, if ever been to a match to watch their team :)

    Yes the statement would be "I support this team"

    Anyone behaving like a <deleted> pisses me off, regardless of what they decide to wear.

  9. Football Shirts are for Children, Children who still have dreams of playing Football one day for the Club who's Shirt their wearing because Children can dream of that..

    Any grown Man wearing one outside of playing Football should be hung, drawn & quartered & if they have one with a name & number on the back, they should be castrated also..

    Why ??

    If i need to explain it, then the same shoudl happen to you.

    Having said that though, any Man i see in a Football Shirt i would class as extremely non offensive but wouldnt' dream of getting into a conversation about Football with him because there is an extremely strong likelihood that he is a complete & utter Lemon..

    Guess you are not a football fan then? I am sorry but I really don't understand the reasoning behind this, even if it does end up costing me the wedding tackle could you please explain.

    I would like to point out that I do not own a football shirt but only because I can't get my teams shirt here.

  10. "I need to vacate Pattaya during the Songran period from the 16th April returning on the 20th when the carnage and mayem has ended."

    Just thought I would mention that Koh Chang has it's own brand of Songkran mayhem, especially on White Sands Beach. Nothing like the Pattaya carnage but if you are looking to escape it maybe stay out of White Sands.

    No problems there as Koh Chang celebrates Songran for three days 13/14/15th and is the reason i'm going on the 16th when its finished.

    My bad, missed that bit. Have fun

  11. I had totally forgotten about Songkran until I saw this, I remember now it is such a terrible event a whole three days of the year when I cannot go about my daily business in the normal manner and have to adapt a bit to what is happening in whatever manner I deem fit. I am already a right quandary trying to decide whether to:

    1) Stock up on beers, food, pizza delivery numbers, phone credit and videos then sit it out.

    2) Mount an industrial water cannon, of the likes seen on the top of airport fire engines, on the roof of the house and pick off passers bye at will.

    3) Buy a pathetic water pistol for 39 baht and wander around with a bottle of Sang Som watching the worlds biggest wet t-shirt competition.

    4) Acquire a 200L water barrel and fill it with a 50/50 mix of ice and water, stand on the road and attempt to assassinate passers bye with my ninja bucket.

    5) Sit at home on the internet and complain to anyone who I think is interested about how terrible it is, whilst counting the daily death toll.

    6) Leave the country for a few days.

    7) Join in for the fun on day one, a few of hours day two, stay at home on day three...I've had enough now.

  12. "I need to vacate Pattaya during the Songran period from the 16th April returning on the 20th when the carnage and mayem has ended."

    Just thought I would mention that Koh Chang has it's own brand of Songkran mayhem, especially on White Sands Beach. Nothing like the Pattaya carnage but if you are looking to escape it maybe stay out of White Sands.

  13. Just curious if you were speaking Thai to the staff that "Had no clue"? Or some form of English or another language?

    Oh yes very much so it was 100% Thai and not from me either, to be fair to them just as we were walking out one of the staff did try her hardest but we ended up with a brochure for two pack industrial steam pipe paint in 25L drums. Would have done the job I guess but not really what I was after. The hardware store knew instantly what we were looking for.

  14. Berger make a concrete/roof/masonry acrylic paint called Synotex. The sort of stuff they use to paint tennis courts, available in lots of colours (inc grey) very hard wearing and waterproof. Just painted the concrete area out the back of my place. 1 us gallon can easily covers 30 sq m. Cost 500bht a can got it from my local hardware shop (Homepro...didn't have a clue what we were talking about)

  15. 1. Always find ways to mention how long you've been in Thailand for, the more the better.


    2. Actively seek white skin chicks to impress the Thais. Equally, regard all dark skin chicks as ugly, scoff at them and call them whores.


    3. Take great pride in that fact that your wife is not an ex-prostitute.


    4. Prance around like a big shot because you have a normal / semi-decent job / business in Thailand by western standards.


    5. Make sure to play down your Thai language skills in a way that comes across as humble but fluent, even if you can't speak shit compared to time spent.


    6. Be sure to use your most impressive memorized Thai phrases as often as possible with complete disregard for context.


    7. Make as many chicks as uncomfortable as possible with your poorly pronounced pidgin Thai that is only understood by other up standing expats that you smugly speak (bad) Thai with. Combine this with your overbearing body language that you still thinks flys here after all this time.


    8. Apply the Thai sadika system to the expat / tourist community - look down on all who backpack, TELF etc. whilst prostrating before your wealthier, longer in Thailand expat mates.

    Partial Fail

    9. Whenever someone informs you of a purchase, be sure to tell them that they could have got a better deal if they had your expertise.

    Epic Fail

    10. Most important, be condescending, cynical and patronizingly accepting of Thailand and the Thais. Like you understand everything but are way above it all.


    ...I'll get my coat

  16. Granted there was a bit of overkill on the hand waving but having been to several GD gigs over the years it felt a little bit like they had to cater for their audience.

    Getting into political statements about the current American (and the recently departed) administration would most likely have been met with a sea of blank faces and silence. Probably best to stick to the wheyyyyy hoooooo!

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