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Posts posted by Shawn0000

  1. I was threatened by another member today with a defamation charge, I had mistakenly replied to the wrong poster, and I wrote something about them that therefor was not true.  When challenged on this I explained that is was a mistake, posted what I had thought I was replying to and appologized for the mistake, however they responded with a confirmation that they will actually be prosecuting.  I was wondering what other members think, do they have a case for defamation of their TV alias that was within minutes appologized for and explained for the mistake that it was?

  2. On 3/7/2017 at 5:53 PM, fruitman said:

    Why are ALL lights in my new house connected the wrong way?? They are constant under current while in the west the current goes through the switch....not the null-wire like in Thailand. And my house is built 5 years ago by a huge developer.


    The Thai just do something and if no good they say mai pen lai.




    There are also countries in the West who do it that way, you can't get a big shock off it anyway.

  3. 1 hour ago, The Dark Lord said:

    This has been both educational as well as highly entertaining however it does lead naturally on to the next question on which I eagerly await both the knowledge as well as the humour of my fellow posters. 


    Why hey do we Brits "Take a dump" ?  The french (for example) do not "prend une merde" (apologies for spelling) 


    when we do a "Number Two" we are taking nothing but the expression infers otherwise. 


    This enigma has whiled away many a quiet quiet hour and as I enter the autumnal period of my e instance on this planet I would like the answer before I depart for the next big adventure.


    OK guys, over to you!


    You can't have given it that much thought, we also say take an exam, take a swim etc, nothing unique to dumping, take can also mean undertake.  And I think 'prendre une merde' is actually used in French.

  4. 4 hours ago, hobz said:

    It's the same issue with bedroom doors, for some reason they are always opened inwards in thailand. Nobody seems to know why... I heard something about bad luck from my gf, but she doesn't know the details..


    "I heard something about bad luck from my gf"


    Was it, 1000 years of bad luck to you if you don't stop talking drivel about bathroom doors to me?


  5. 9 minutes ago, harrry said:

    Well no but if I agreed based on a promise and a promise proved to be a lie would it be rape.  There surely could be no consent based on a lie


    What are you on about then, what promise, what agreement?  One of them is presumably sex, what is the other?

  6. 59 minutes ago, harrry said:

    But what is rape....male or otherwise.  Does the consent have to be real...or can it be based on false promises.   If the promises made are false is it rape or not



    Are you asking if it is ok to rape someone who previously promised you sex?

  7. 2 hours ago, Savilesghost said:

    Given the poster had publically stated on other threads he is gay, one assumes he is asking about male or male rape 


    Why would one assume that?

  8. 14 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    I couldn't agree more, inviting a few peasants, as he calls them, in your village for a meal raises your status and popularity no end for a small outlay. I have found that they are willing to share what they have with you even if it is only time or advice but often it is work. I had no idea about laying water pipes in the garden or building a fish tank from concrete, all i did was ask for advice but they ended up doing everything for me without expecting payment.


    Exactly, I have no end of people willing to help me and I have needed quite a lot, not that I am incapable of working, just things are quite different here and I don't always have the tool or knowledge needed, and they have always been surprised and all smiles if I want to buy them just a beer afterwards, never has anyone asked for anything for helping me out.  But then I am not calling anyone a peasant, I guess you reap what you sow.

  9. 6 minutes ago, gemguy said:

    Many of them will try...women more so than men, especially if you invite them out then many (but not all of them of course ) will show up with at least 1 friend on a first date.

    Many of them do not have money enough to be eating at a nice restaurant so getting a freebie meal out of a Farang is always a way to save a little money.

    Of course many do have more than enough money...but..... the attitude is:

    The man pays anyhow, if he asked the girl out ...so they bring along some friends to test the man to see how generous he is with his money.

    That is how I more or less came to think about it when I ended up in the company of more than one girl that came with the girl that I asked out.

    Or I would say let's go have coffee and talk and if they said let's go eat then I would say I am not hungry or I ate already but you go and eat and meet me again in 1 hour...OK........like that.

    That way you test them to see if they are hoping to get a free meal when you are meeting for a first date and if they do meet you again in 1 hour it tells you something about them.

    Now...if you meet them and you pay for a meal and pay for the girls friends also and later on, say that same night or in a relative short period of time, say one week, the girl is in your bed with you while you did not invite her rather she invited herself, in a manner of speaking, then the meal or meals paid for are considered worthwhile paying for as they "paid off"...is one way of thinking about it...lol



    I feel like I have just had a lesson in dating from a 15 year old.

  10. 2 hours ago, samsensam said:


    in my experience the lower class, less educated the girl the higher the likelihood she'll ty it on. i usually date professional women, often thai chinese, and they always offer to pay or share. we usually share or she pays this time, i pay next time.


    i have on occasion met girls from the lower class and something i have noticed they do is order far too much food. when they cant eat it all they are unable to accept responsibility for ordering so much by saying they ordered it for me - despite the fact they were sitting there when i ordered for myself. i hate this wastefulness and would rather give money to a beggar than waste it on an ignorant greedy girl.


    You get a reasonable impression of the class of the farang by how much they have bothered to learn of Thai culture and how much of their own culture they insist on imposing, ordering food for just yourself being outside of Thai dining etiquette.

  11. 1 hour ago, Thaiwrath said:


    You seem to think you are right on everything; sorry to disappoint you, but you are normally wrong, as again in this case.

    It must be the Irish blood 'to be sure !'


    You are projecting.


    Did you think to follow your own advice and try Google?   


    And who is Irish, what on earth was that little one about?

  12. 22 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:


    Not assumptions at all.

    In my time here I employed dozens of girls, who had some form of relationship with a tom at some stage in their life.

    Many confided in me about their experience, and once they managed to get away from the relationship {which is not easy due to the threats of violence), almost all of them said they would never get involved with one again.

    You can also find info on Google, he's your friend.


    What has any of that got to do with your original two claims?  I just had a look on Google and it would seem that I am more accurate.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:


    The Tom is not lesbian, she gets no sexual gratification from any sexual encounter with the dee, apart from being in complete control.

    The dee has no desire to touch the tom sexually. 


    Those are some crazy assumptions!  You recon the Tom gets no gratification from playing with a beautiful girl?  And you recon the dee has no desire to touch just because the Tom is too hung up about her female body to let her? 


  14. 7 minutes ago, fruitman said:

    I see Tom couple's everywhere and also some friends of my wife are. Well most Tom's can't get a bf i'm sure, just look at them. And the dee's have been disappointed by men i guess.


    BKK has many of them, i rarely see couple's of gay men on the street/malls.




    Wow, a homosexuality denier, that's modern!

  15. 8 minutes ago, fruitman said:


    I also have a Tom couple as neighbours.


    There waterpump made terrible noise for months in row untill it drove me really crazy and went to them. I told them it drives me crazy to hear that loud noise all day and since then never heard it again.


    Why did they wait so long to fix it since it was an easy fix?


    A Toms with broken water pumps thread?  Really?

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