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Everything posted by Knocker33

  1. Did mine after 2 months. I'm still here at the moment with no problems
  2. Avoid eating and talking. Are they actually tacking the pi$$ here? Stop a Thai eating and talking. Yeah right
  3. Is hecounting down an an hour early as as I thought everyone turns into a pumpkin after 23.00 hrs .
  4. Opening too soon . What do you recommend. Wait 10 years. Sick of all this doom and gloom get on with your life . Take off your tin hats and stop hiding under your beds
  5. Not enough to learn English. Where I live
  6. I thought it was Job to do. Do do do Fai Talia Jone. But you maybe right
  7. Next year will be the year of the booster shots. For Thai people
  8. Call the. Call center. They speak very good English and tell them you want to make an official complaint. I did this a couple of years ago . And it worked .Had 4 officials turn up to look at the problem. It got sorted eventually.
  9. I had the same nonsense. Two days before my flight nothing. Tried contacting the numbers given . No answer. Emailed the urgent mail address. Nothing. Ended up calling the Thai Embassy in the UK and it was sorted in 20 seconds. Very stressful and I don't get stressed.
  10. Don't worry just give the peasants another 50 holidays a year and they won't care we are a bunch of @&+()s
  11. I had the same problem . Tried the contact numbers. No one answers. Emailed urgent assistance .NO reply . Ended up calling the Thai Embassy in my country and it was sorted in minutes. So much for being easy.
  12. Just focusing on the main tourist areas while the rest of Thailand is forgotten. All about the money yet again
  13. How do you know he has not paid any NI.? He could have paid in 30 years then moved to Thailand for all you know. Migrants have paid nothing..
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