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Everything posted by Knocker33

  1. Just flew into the UK . Had trouble with scanning my passport.Had to go to booth . The border control guy asked why I had all this cr@p stapled into my passport. Told me to take it out as the staples were probably interfering with the chip
  2. But they have not removed the need to quarantine. So why keep publicising it .It is fake news.
  3. You would think they would be worried about the loss of face putting out cr#p apps all the time. But no it's just the norm here. Absolute shambles. Saw a expat on YouTube saying how his 10 year old nephew is designing better apps than this
  4. Probably to keep the peasants down and uneducated. So they don't question anything they are told
  5. Why oh why didn't they kill each other. That would have been a result
  6. TAT new logo "Amazing Temperance Thailand" If you want to be treated like a responsible adult . Please go elsewhere
  7. Well if they are not ready now they never will be. How many apps ect have we been through here
  8. They are going milk this Chinese virus for as long as they can . PCR tests, quarantine hotels ect.
  9. They still think everyone want to rush back to Thailand. Including international stars. Not going to happen. Too many other places to choose where you can at least go to a bar.
  10. They do t seem to be keeping to the 30 baht cap where I live. Bio is 30.5 at the moment.
  11. The greatest beer run ever. Bit ironic in a country with no bars open for months and months and months.
  12. Yes but there is not much money to grabbed from that. They just don't want to let go of that cash cow
  13. So you need a PCR test before you leave the country you are travelling from. Triple jabbed and they still want another PCR and quarantine. <deleted>. They still can't let go of that little cash cow
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