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Everything posted by PEE TEE

  1. I can understand the seat belt laws and it will certainly stop some fatalities. I will not stop the number of accidents from incompetent drivers. many people think the fines go into the police pockets i don't think this is the case maybe I'm wrong ?
  2. Class A drug Alcohol to blame and a crazy drunk scumbag
  3. That is Terrible Rip to those who perished . heart goes out to their loved ones. hope the survivors get back to normal
  4. Press a button to report crime. It will only work after the coins are inserted
  5. .Done a runner from the hospital appointment for sure he had to make money selling drugs (my opinion)
  6. How can it be decimalizes when you put limits on the THC percentage. Either is all legal or its not who would know ? what form is escapable compressed weed resin oil ? according to what i see anything goes at this present time. As for medical use that's been going for ages maybe not Thailand but other country's for MS etc. Not THC but another chemical from the plant reduces epileptic fits
  7. I think he was the guy who bought an ice cream from a beach vendor. then complained it was 3 times dearer than 7/11,
  8. Thai applies to ALL foreigners they should change to title and delete tourist
  9. Will you get a policy to guarantee payment if needed . if so why cant the long stay people get a cover for 3600b per year
  10. Serf inflicted drunk as a skunk who knows what he did to get a thumping
  11. A beautiful photo of a resort in koh samui. they want it to be a premium resort . so would you like to see the photos of all the rubbish on the back roads and the potholes what never seem to be repaired .... only before someone important arrives . the beach at chawing needs to cleaned of the plastics bottles that people leave .and the boxing promotion vans with very loud speakers ,even louder the annoying boat going along the beach with even louder speakers playing middle eastern music with has nought to do with Thai boxing.so if you do not want it to Cheap then sort out the Cheap appearance not put super photos to mislead the tourist
  12. or the Thai pink id card
  13. They will get more tourist if they legalize E cigarettes' (say no more )
  14. Macro will be interesting my mask dropped below my nose within seconds the staff were on to me to cover properly .
  15. No need to prepare for drunken aggressive Thais we all know its against their religion. they are all pacifists. Its only getting ready for the foreign quality visitors. who are the only ones who make problems (never Thais ) 555
  16. Just wonder how many cyclist get killed per day world wide ? I have riding in Thailand now for 22 years with no problems (touch wood )
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