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Jim Jum

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Everything posted by Jim Jum

  1. The author of this article does not understand much about chemistry ("..It plays a role in converting bad enzymes from alcohol into harmless fatty acids and carbon dioxide.." .. Based to the source used by the author of the article in question, (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257164028_The_influence_of_durian_Durio_zibethinus_Murray_cv_Monthong_on_conditioned_taste_aversion_to_ethanol), it seems possible durian really might have a negative (dangerous?, lethal?) effect when consumed with alcohol. But same applies to cabbage. Still it can be assumed the same applies to some other fruits and vegetables. With cabbage the peak level of alcohol and acetaldehyde overlapped, so it might be more difficult for the alcohol consumer to notice the negative effect when consuming cabbage. That might be the/one reason why durian is the notorious one.
  2. A huge number of scientific sources tell about the dangers of several covid infections. The discussion becomes heavy if every sentence has to be justified with a source that most people don't even read. However, here are a few I glanced at this morning. This applies especially to school children who spend their days in a crowded, poorly ventilated space. https://impact.economist.com/perspectives/health/incomplete-picture-understanding-burden-long-covid (direct link to the report: https://impact.economist.com/perspectives/sites/default/files/download/ei264_-_an_incomplete_picture_understanding_the_burden_of_long_covid_v8.pdf) https://www.modernatx.com/media-center/all-media/blogs/long-covid-awareness-day-2024 https://www.imperial.nhs.uk/about-us/news/covid-may-have-small-but-lasting-effects-on-cognition-and-memory https://www.statista.com/statistics/1388245/uk-sick-leave-figures/ https://libguides.mskcc.org/CovidImpacts/Immune
  3. I noticed there are links to studies already in this thread. Did you check them? If I offer you links to studies, you probably won't even read them. That is the problem. Data is available for everyone.
  4. Why not study scientific studies then? (You might also notice that Long Covid existed before vaccines.)
  5. By using common sense based on scientific facts. Cleaning the air would be a good start. HEPAs to schools. Respirators to hospitals. Testing, sharing correct information about being infected. It's not even expensive. Sickness absences would decrease. Good for the economy.
  6. There are hundreds of scientific studies on this. New studies almost every week. The problem is that people don't want to believe the facts. https://www.zotero.org/groups/5006109/covidstudies/library
  7. At least 10% percent of infections leads to long covid. The economic burden of covid will be huge. Thanks to the continuous covid infections, the children of this generation will become the sickest and stupidest generation of all.
  8. Because it has been much hotter than usually in April?
  9. Well, I made my analysis between the historical averages and April 2024 data. If I understand the graph correctly: - there's only one day in whole April 2024 when the daily maximum has not been higher than the historical average. - on the last six days of April 2024 the daily maximum has been 5-7 degrees hotter than average. The phenomenon seems quite similar regarding the lowest temperatures. Correct me if I am wrong. (https://weatherspark.com/h/m/149107/2024/4/Historical-Weather-in-April-2024-at-Khon-Kaen-Airport-Thailand#Figures-Temperature - "Khon Kaen Airport Temperature History April 2024").
  10. At least in Isaan, the weather in April has been unusual. Above average almost whole month. According to data it can be described as a heat wave (https://weatherspark.com/h/m/149107/2024/4/Historical-Weather-in-April-2024-at-Khon-Kaen-Airport-Thailand#Figures-Temperature - "Khon Kaen Airport Temperature History April 2024" for example). No April rain almost whole of Thailand, not only in Isaan.
  11. In Finland we have the bum-gun in (almost) every WC. Only it's done cheaper: Connected to the same water pipe that goes to the water tap of hand basin. You have to open the water tap first. So we built the toilet bowl and hand basin close to each other. Otherwise it's similar.
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