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  1. Diligently working! Right, that’ll be a first 🙄
  2. According to Oxford English Dictionary (the definitive!), spelling with a ‘y’ is the more normal spelling
  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 “the unwavering arm of the law”!! That’ll be the same ‘unwavering arm’ that never receives brown envelopes and never ever accepts 500 baht!
  4. More sanctimonious drivel. On the face of it, the more logical assumption would be that something hit him sideways on and smashed his leg, but of course that wouldn’t suit your agenda
  5. Certainly 3-4 years ago there were substantial exports of rats from Cambodia to Vietnam, and I mean urban rats not the rice paddy variety. You would see guys with head torches hunting them at night in PP. Maybe things have changed
  6. More xenophobic garbage from an apologist for a complete scumbag like Robinson
  7. Who mentioned Poland? But let’s get rid of the Russians while we’re about it
  8. Good job we’ve got the obligatory ‘pointer’, otherwise we’d never have spotted the window
  9. …and no manners, consideration for others or ability to drive, whether sober or drunk
  10. That’s right, we don’t know anything other than what is reported in the article. And the article tells us that the knife was reportedly the American’s. It definitely doesn’t say the Australian was drunk, only that both men had been drinking in the same establishment. The article also makes no mention of which man was the aggressor. The Australian man is dead, so why would you make a totally insensitive and judgmental comment like ‘drunken arrogance got the both of them’?
  11. Oh dear, another Brit-basher 🙄 At least get your facts right instead of conflating colonialism (the state) and the East India Company (private commerce). The British government had no stake in the East India company until the (very) late 18th century (when it bailed the company out - ‘too big to fail’), and ‘India’ (which of course didn’t exist in any real sense before the EIC’s predations) certainly wasn’t a British colony (British government control) until after the first Indian War of Independence (‘the mutiny’) in 1857. It remained a colony until 1947, so that’s 90 years of British ‘terrorism’. That’s not, of course, to justify British colonialism (a product of its time - the Brits were just more successful at it than the competition!). Are you an American by any chance?
  12. That whooshing sound was ‘the point’ utterly escaping you (again!). The point being made by the OP is that ‘the brother’ is not really a brother at all, but actually a boyfriend!
  13. The point is that you have consistently and totally missed the point (the fact that your bigoted head is so far up your own fundament perhaps a factor!). The article was about the FCO warning British citizens to comply with Thai immigration regulations, not some sort of (superfluous) generalised warning about complying with Thai criminal law. No matter how much you might have liked it to have been be the latter, the point is that it simply wasn’t! An earlier poster quoted, apropos of your posts, the Mark Twain aphorism ‘Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.' Mark was right and you are the individual he was referring to!
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