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Posts posted by Brit_Doggie

  1. Millions of gas users within thailand and your concerned about leaks and not concerned with being runover by a motorbike taxi,gas is heavier than air so if concerned cook from upstairs lol.

  2. After seeing numerous hungry dogs on the street,who approach people who are eating and beg for food,i being compassionate i decided to treat them with food, within a flash as if from nowhere this thai lady approached and said i will do mister,ok i thought and handed over 2 kilo of dog biscuits to her she then proceeded to feed the hungry crowd that encircled her.

    I hasten to add that the dogs are from different clans along the street and are only street cred and in no way vicious except to certain street beggers who sometimes appear.

    My ? is why or for what reason would a thai do this but not buy some food herself.

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  3. Have my gf's father as a ex rtp whom i have never met but he has helped myself my gf and 1 of my thai friends who was arrested and jailed for hiring a underage girl who was offering sexual services,that was a hard one getting her off the hook,although it did cost several hundred thousand in guarantees,so it's good to be related i guess.

  4. Wow that's very good news,shall be partaking in the competition when it does arrive.

    umm retract my entry pls just read low-alcohol fruit-based cocktail beverage, Syder Bay.

  5. Quite easy to check on the result sheet as the winning numbers are from low to high thus can be checked within 10 seconds or so,no rocket science in thailand,what i don't like is the commision they charge for claiming a winning ticket.

  6. Yes indeed they can and do this on a regular basis where i am situated,but never me because i am normally sat outside enjoying a beer as one has to,1 time i was working inside omg did they ? me but thanks to my lady who rushed to my aid she turned the situation around and the outcome turned into whether the goods on sale were copy copy umm best be silent here lol,but i do make a point now of greeting the kind gentlemens visit now and when i see 2 cars pull up laden with police i hastily go warn my indian friends who somehow dissapear into the night,idk how they manage it with no back door lol.

  7. Well i walked 30 metres to the bathroom today did some weight training with my coffee cup and my cigarettes,then later afternoon i did some gardening with my spoon err i mean ate my meal,later tonight i will be doing some heavy lifting with bottles of leo,wow i'm exhausted already but i think i can manage it.burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

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