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Posts posted by Trikyle

  1. And to answer 4). No, i dont need to practice my English. Lol. Generous offer ,but maybe a few beers in bangkok and traffic war stories over hot wings would be a better way to ... communicate. 


    Please... just wink to let me know that there should be no worries on the transfer.. i would appreciate it and whoever the admin is.. can close the topic... and may u never hear from me again... lol.??. Thank you gents

  2. Sorry. I wasnt clear. Im thai by birth and blood but grew up in nyc. Im American . I came back and retired here. The information i seek is not known by friends or family here. I had hope this forum of expats may be able to advise. My apologizes if i seem like a troll, but i assure you... im quite different. If admin feels that is is a troll and this a troll 

    post ... then please delete and i will seek answers elsewhere. Thank you.

  3. Hi everyone, 

     First off, I like to thank everyone for thier invaluable assistance and advice on this forum. it has heped me tremendously over the years. I apologize if this has been covered but i need advice on buying a second hand scooter in bangkok that has not been registered( owner has no work permit). I have inspected it and I believe its in the condition he describes it. No tampering whatsover. 

     We agreed on a price and he will ride it to my house and right after we will both go to the store where he originally bought it and the store will do the paperwork to transfer it and get new plates in my name.  He explained to me that they know him . He a Loas national. I am a thai national with all thai paperwork (id and thabien bhan). Does this sound ok? I ask here because you guys are much more knowledgeable and have more experience than my friends and family. Does anyone think there will be a problem with the transfer of the scooter in my name and having it registered in Bangkok in my name. HOw much should the transfer cost? Is there anything I should be looking out for? Am I missing anything?

     Thank you guys for all your help. It is being read and research and it is invaluable.

     The bike is 9 months old. It does not require an inspection from DLT.

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