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Everything posted by kcpattaya

  1. Since when airliners hire trolley dollies under 155 cms?
  2. This administration, led by the beloved Uncle Tuu, always TALK before they THINK. This whole Ganja thingy is slowly but surely turning into a disaster...
  3. Don Quixote springs to mind - I don't know why
  4. Being a property developer is not that easy. Become "filthy rich" like Alexander Svetakov is an achievement. Let him enjoy it! Bravo!
  5. Two options: 1 - Most likely: Wallet was empty and had no valuable or useful items. 2 - Phuket cabbies make enough ripping off tourists. Don't need the small change left in a found wallet.
  6. Huh? Yet, another clear statement by this admin. Confused.com
  7. Not even the government has a clue how to handle it... Let alone any tourist that comes to Thailand. I expect major flaws.
  8. What a nonsense! ...They survive perhaps 30 seconds longer before any rip current will drag them down
  9. Aquaplaning doesn't happen unless you're speeding.
  10. Only God knows what these pharmaceutical companies spritz into our bodies. ONE thing is for sure: None of them argue if "additional (booster-) shots" are required on annual basis"... Source of the Corona Virus at the "wet market"??? No frecking way! That I am SURE of!
  11. I seriously wonder if these guys ever think before they talk?
  12. Heartbreaking, these young fellas... One dead, another one possibly mutilated for life... Only God (and the driver) know what really happened there. Lap Nai or not: This is tragedy.
  13. The average copper salary is some THB 20 k. They must have a good saving AC.
  14. Well deserved. Super heroes. Thailand? Thanks for watching.
  15. Obviously, the REAL coppers don't want anyone to mess around in their territory...
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