This administration, led by the beloved Uncle Tuu, always TALK before they THINK.
This whole Ganja thingy is slowly but surely turning into a disaster...
Two options:
1 - Most likely: Wallet was empty and had no valuable or useful items.
2 - Phuket cabbies make enough ripping off tourists. Don't need the small change left in a found wallet.
Only God knows what these pharmaceutical companies spritz into our bodies.
ONE thing is for sure: None of them argue if "additional (booster-) shots" are required on annual basis"... Source of the Corona Virus at the "wet market"??? No frecking way! That I am SURE of!
Heartbreaking, these young fellas...
One dead, another one possibly mutilated for life...
Only God (and the driver) know what really happened there.
Lap Nai or not: This is tragedy.